People are making a big deal over the website not - TopicsExpress


People are making a big deal over the website not working well as if that is specifically Pres. Obamas fault. Others are saying that glitches and hacking can happen to any website, etc. To me, the problem is not that the website isnt working, per se, but rather that any for-profit company that knew that they were building a website that would draw tens of thousands of visitors a day would build it sufficient to the task or someone would get fired. There would be accountability. In IT we call such an RGE (Resume Generating Event). But in the government, this is just another problem to be solved. Pres. Obamas very eloquent We will get to the bottom of this - we will find those responsible speech (which I think he keeps in his jacket pocket because he uses it so often) omitted the we will find those responsible this time. The biggest reason to hate Obama-Dont-Care (or the Un-affordable Healthcare Act - whatever pejorative you are using) is the lack of accountability in federally run programs, like the Post Office, the IRS, the NSA, the Veterans Administration, the EPA, and on and on. Who hasnt heard horror stories of people having to hire lawyers and sue to get their Social Security benefits? Recently one poor guy had to hire a lawyer to prove he wasnt dead so he could get his benefits - and lost! Who hasnt heard of the EPA stealing peoples land because of some reason that turned out to be completely wrong? Who hasnt heard the ATF burning children alive in Waco, TX because they accidentally grabbed and used the wrong tear gas? There is the feeling on the left that if the government runs a thing, they will make it fair and equitable and thats just proven over and over and over and over to be false. The website not working is a tragedy that is indicative of the base problem. Yes, someday those website are going to be working and the left will say, there, we fixed the problem. No. You didnt. You successfully treated a symptom; the disease is still killing the patient.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:38:04 +0000

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