People are trying to do something really bad for themselves and - TopicsExpress


People are trying to do something really bad for themselves and for the world, they are trying to invert the polarity of music. When all started, everything was new and people used to produce good things and make a living. Now with the globalisation of facebook and other social networks, they are doing the opposite. They are breaking the rules (but for the worse), they are producing crap music because they know the influence of social networks in how people react towards music. It could be the worse track ever, but if you have a name, there will always be people to say, this is the best track ever So basically the good music is found by music lovers and the trash is found by everybody else but not music fans. And they know people love to talk trash about the others, its human nature. People love reality shows. Music fans dont see brands or names or styles, they care about quality. What big labels are doing these days is actually using their friendly way of dealing with the fans to degenerate the quality of music. Every single year they say This is the year of trance, trance will come to its roots. But every year, like the economic situation in many countries, everything is going worse. To give an example of how this is, basically in trance, for the ones that are starting, they need support, then if by any reason they find out that many of the big guys they respect and admire for so long have sold out, they will start changing their style to adapt and then music is gone. If they go the other away around, and keep themselves in the green area, they lose support, then eventually in a bad day they break good relations with some guy that has connections and start telling everyone to blacklist producer a b or c with no reason and then things end (or not). When i used to have a band, we would go to a place to play and we used to play our songs, not songs from someone else, and the only support we had, were the fans that went to see us. With trance the story is different, people care about how high you are in dj mag, how many songs you have signed to label X, how many times you have support from mister x and y. Why? Well, for me, after some years, it changed my way of thinking. After so many years i made my record label, with my interpretation of music and what it should be (at least for me) i share the music with the people i admire and i think they do the same for the music i produce and thats how i want to go on. In 5 days the starting of a new scene for me, my label will release its first ep and things will change. :)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:17:37 +0000

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