People ask me What IS the fuzz? The Fuzz is simply fascia of a - TopicsExpress


People ask me What IS the fuzz? The Fuzz is simply fascia of a particular type. Some insist to me that what I show is an artifact of death and embalming. This is true only to the extent that fixatives dry tissues. When dry tissues are pulled apart, the once wet membranous fascia, which I call filmy fascia, which provides for gliding, sliding, relative motion of related tissues, looks like what we Americans call cotton candy. If you dont pull the tissues apart, they dont look like cotton candy, but they are still there, dead or alive, fixed or not. So some fuzz is just filmy fasciae placed in tension through dissection in a manner that reveals the chaotic collagenous network that enables the tissue to distend, accommodating the relative motion of the tissues that sandwich it. If you swipe your finger through the cotton candy, it breaks and seems to disappear. Its still there though. The broken ends have just recoiled. It is not our object to make good fuzz go away in our bodies so that our tissues are no longer connected the way they are supposed to be. Dont bust the fuzz!! Most of it belongs exactly where we find it. What we want to do is move and hydrate the fuzz so that we can enjoy healthy sliding and gliding and relative motion of our tissues. By hydrate I dont mean drink gallons of water your body doesnt need, but rather prime the pumps of your body through movement to circulate your fluids to the farthest extent of your tissues. If we dont move and hydrate, tissues that are meant to slide and glide will instead function to bind. Fuzz obeys the physiological signals we send through our stillness or activity. In places like the viscera, adhesions (bad fuzz) manifest as connections between organ surfaces that limit the normal relative motion of the tissues. This is easily discovered in dissection. But because other places related through fuzz are supposed to be connected that way, we have to depend upon a given persons tissue motion to get clues as to what may be too connected, and introduce touch and movement accordingly, not to eliminate, eradicate, or bust the fuzz, but to restore its innate elasticity. As an advocate of movement for health and pleasure, Ill probably be talking about this til I can no longer move my fingers over the keyboard :) Enjoy!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 18:51:22 +0000

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