People in general are evil There is no creature as foul as man - TopicsExpress


People in general are evil There is no creature as foul as man Not even wolves devour their own Yet man takes no thought on killing its own not even the youngens are safe their destructive path Thus the concept of sin is accurate and ever so real The only thing that differs us from the Animals is that we have a free will to choose our own path for man has long since forgotten their primal instincts My movement is a movement thats struggles to reunite man with their primal instincts for we are the biggest predator to have ever walked this world our instinct to be able to adapt to every situation in order of our prime survival We wage war because the urge to kill is the remainder of our primal instincts we need to get reconnected with them so we wil triumph in every life sector and victory shall be ours over our opponents and we will stand up and wipe away all imperfections and abnormality and lifes natural selection will take charge for it is survival of the fittest and only the strong will survive Just imagine one day our banners shall be raised and our hymns sung by the young and old and our supporters shall chant our name and the youth will be united with the old in one great united movement and we together shall march on every street of every city and we shall be immortal for our reign shall last for ten thousand years for our perfect rule can not be overthrown since we wiped clean all imperfections leaving only room for the pure Untainted uncompromised politic in its purest form and my 2014 Social democratic manifesto shall be held sacred by my followers , My revolution is not a marxist revolution nor a Stalin /Leninist Revolution but a peoples revolution For and by the people like the Jacobins who overthrew the tyranny of the Ancient regime , a revolution as realised by strategic leaders such as Alexander the Great,Gaivs ivlvs Caesar (Julius Cesar) Ghengis Kha , Josip bros Tito Gamal Abdul Naser , Jadwaharlal Nehru, Generalisimo Kim il-Sung, Tennō meiji /Tennō Shōwa, Hochiminh, Supreme commander president for Life Soekarno, il Duce UNTAINTED PERFECTION
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:27:56 +0000

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