People now a days need to grow up so what if people have best - TopicsExpress


People now a days need to grow up so what if people have best friends of the other gender and tell them they love them and say their hot in a hot or =not thing:L and so what if there friends with their ex dose it really matter its their life not yours their living it not you so f*ck off out of their business and next time you threaten my best friend and my sister why dont you talk to me about it first and take it up with me because when you my family you have me to deal with and so what if were not blood sisters she is the best sister I have ever had ! Also my best friends spend time with me so what it doesnt mean that we are twins or whatever now so what if we both dont like you you should be grateful for us we have helped you allot and we have delt with your mistakes and how you left our bestfriend but you dont see it you just decided to me a d%*khead we are only looking after our best friend yeah you have done so much to hurt her before we couldnt ever trust you again be grateful that she dose also we were the ones that said give him a second chance so dude grow the f*ck up yeah so what if she cant talk to you 24/7 she has a life outside your relationship so come back when your mature enough to deal with her friends we can deal with you ...xD ahaha also people commenting swear words on my photo of me and my daddy your really disrespectful so pack it in yeah ?Anyway Rant over people have a nice night sleep tonight xxxx
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:31:07 +0000

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