People often make up their own minds for what to think of others - TopicsExpress


People often make up their own minds for what to think of others regardless of no first hand experience. People will often rely on third party takes on others regardless of no first hand experience gathered by any party... I guess the easy way to say it is, people will make up their minds about others, with prejudice.. Then eventually reality rears itself up and later its discovered that the person prejudged is proving to be more or other than the prejudiced minds could have ever imagined on their own, because they were beneath that kind of experience/knowledge and deluded in a sense of their own minds superior experience and judgement... And after seeing the truth of their own prejudice, rather than criticize and find fault in prejudice, the prejudiced often will criticize and fault the one they have misperceived, accusing the prejudged of hiding the truth and misleading the prejudiced into prejudice...All the while, the prejudiced made the leap all by themselves with not concern for the prejudgeds input... Reality and the truth arent made to conform to our minds rules and ration, minds are like a cheap and undersized plate still filthy with rancid crud from many a past meal wasted or hastily devoured..Rancid crud, just waiting to start an epidemic of disease, mental... The mind is the one that owes its rules and ration to surrender upon truth/reality... And it may take multiple turns to settle on something functional.. Prejudice is hard to avoid just like mistakes and failure in any endeavor of the mind and body.. The best i can do is let my mind learn by its trial and error and keep the mind under trial and prosecution rather than keep others person under trial and prosecution under the flimsy constructs of the mind... There is a big leap between fantasy and acting out drastically on the belief in a construct of the mind... Too many problems started on the arena of the mind, are taken to war on the arena of persons body, for torment and destruction... No matter how many people we destroy in physical form, the problems that occur only in the mind will persist wherever that mind exists. And persists only until the battle is waged in the mind,upon the mind ,by the mind and for the benefit of the mind.. Thats the secret behind why after a long history of genocide, eliminating so called bad people to weed out the so called problem and sterilize humanity of the issues, new versions of the so called problem are born every day even out of the so called good stock and the innocence of babes just born.. The minds constructs are the source of the problem even as it tries to solve it all as if the problem comes from outside itself.. How we perceive others makes all the difference.. Its hard to perceive others without equal perceptibility and self experience by which to compare.. Often we wont be able to see others for what they are until we ourselves become that to even know what that is.. Its common that people not believe in things until it happens to them in person... Color blindness is a real perception oddity and yet many will never get the chance to see that type of color redefinition.. Same thing with psychic phenomenon existing but many will never get the chance to see that kind of cognitive redefinition.. Many refuse to even consider it possible because it would bring up feelings of mental deficiency and envy of the gifted and thereby trump the comfort zone of self security in self affirmed superior judgement.. How does any one know what Bigfoot looks like to know he does or does not exists? To give him an identity in our minds based on any idea or artifact form, admits that he does exist, and all by the same mentality in which we determine what each other exist as... Some times we observe more information and artifacts about bigfoot or space aliens than we do of each other among the fellowship of humanity, yet we decide that big foot or space alien does or does not exist, but those fellow humans we know nothing about, exist as this or that in our minds and its justified to go ahead and act towards them according to what we concluded about their existence... May as well put drink and food out every night in hopes that bigfoot or space alien will stop by, it will be no more absurd than the many false conclusions we draw among each other that we see every day yet walk by as if non existent.. The mind will be and it will do what it does.. Its a big leap from what we come to in our minds and what we come to in how we act upon others for what we chose to believe... Even in the supposed empirical courts of justice among the supposed most learned of men of law and civility, innocent people are put to death and murderers are set free to further spree... Some wait up in dark places with guns ready to shoot to kill if bigfoot or alien should show up, because they have judged them in absentia to be vicious killers to be shot on site.. Thats a big leap to make over some thing never met or even determined to be real. But people do worse to real existing in plain sight-people.. The mind is web of perceptibility and mis-perceptibility.. Even the choices we make and act upon from our minds, for proper resolution of this confounding matter of the feeble mind, are still subject to the pitfalls of the feeble human mind... The mind being its own judge and juror and sheriff and prison camp.. and we wonder why it never learns the real lesson? Truth ,experience and reality wait by with all the time in the world and a rock hard stomach for whatever mess we cook up in their name.. In the end, it will be our end, not the end of truth, experience and reality.. It will be the end of our minds and choice and space to triumph or fail any more.. And that will be just, that will be right and true... And every one wants to think the truth is on their side, and yet all the while the truth remains dancing in the middle no matter how creatively we try to reshape the circle... And i wonder why i awe at the wisest of minds as it sits open and most awed by the empty grasp of the infallible UNKNOWN... Swatting at imaginary flies i said of him, and he said if only you could see the unknown, you would know i am buzzing with swarms of unknowns.. He was wondering the whole while, why i sat arrogant in the false comfort that i was not also buzzing with swarms of unknown... Perception, experience for the mind.. If only we could see what we do not know, the way of the precognition.. To see before we know.. And if to see is in any way; to know, then maybe we can know before knowing, in the way of precognition... Destined to grow into the mind it takes to overcome the current minds torpor within reality...
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:05:59 +0000

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