People really underestimate how difficult it is for many women to - TopicsExpress


People really underestimate how difficult it is for many women to feel beautiful and accepted in hijab. Even some of the most hijab loving wearers I know have moments where they feel incredibly ugly and isolated. Yes, any person should be known for who they are and should be accepted for their individuality, their personality, their bright ideas and their actions well beyond how they choose to dress. Obviously, beauty should not be determined by our outer looks or outfits; beauty emanates from within. But lets be real: our society constantly tells us a woman is all about her looks. And women who wear hijab are not necessarily exempt from that pressure. It bothers me when people make fun of a certain style of hijab a woman struggles with or maybe a woman in hijab who wears a little too massive application of makeup. Many women in our society, regardless of religious or non religious association, already feel ugly and go through plastic surgery and eating disorders to fix themselves. Women who wear hijab are not exempt. Its sometimes even more of a struggle. So please, when you see a woman who covers herself, support her. Applaud her for the beauty in her strength to be unique; the beauty in her ability to stand out even when she doesnt want to, the beauty in her struggle to maintain a guideline from God despite her often personal desire to do otherwise had He not commanded it. You dont have to be her. You dont have to agree with her. You dont have to understand her. But what you can do is acknowledge and appreciate her commitment to something greater than her.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:48:25 +0000

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