People think just because USA basically let MEXICO go to the - TopicsExpress


People think just because USA basically let MEXICO go to the repechage mexico is not good enough to do it by itself but let me remain yall that mexico has go 14 times without no countrys help, this is not a big deal , Mexico is thankful to the USA because they prefer mexico instead of panama but it doesnt mean yall (USA) has the right to say who is the daddy now or talk shit because yall know mexico has helped yall out too , so the drama about it isnt necessary yo like for real .... also how hondurians talk shit about how mexico lost almost every game , I admit it Mexico didnt had a good year but this is not a reason to talk shit like yall are the kings of soccer in this case USA will be , but let me refresh your main MEXICO has go to the mundial 14 TIMES and hondurians 2 with this one 3 so there is not reason to talk shit !!!! Im disappointed , where is the humility yall say yall have !!!! Nun , hondurians just be happy and thankful and stop actings like some idiots haters !!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 21:31:03 +0000

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