Perhaps the most liberating moment of a persons life is when they - TopicsExpress


Perhaps the most liberating moment of a persons life is when they realize their self-loathing is not a result of what happened to them but rather a product of their thoughts. Some of us, berate ourselves because we wobble somewhat, we dont remember everything, we arent as attractive as we think we once were, we might have some food on our chin when we eat, we have to ask What? over and over when were out in a crowd....SO, of course, we dont go out and when we do, we sit in a corner and become a wall flower.. Feel free RIGHT HERE to fill in the blanks about what else you beat yourself up about: ...........................................! Think about it, if you were a friend of someone who had a person in their life treating them the same way some of us treat ourselves, you would have told them to kick da bum to the curb a long time ago. We all talk about living with the new normal or as I call it the now normal. Please, please, PLEASE, always remember this: With all youve been through, you CANNOT BE HURT by the way people view you. Many of those same people are actually only a reflection of the way you view yourself. Hutchs Funnies: A little boy knocks at the door and tells the owner that something of his had found its way into her garage, and he wanted it back. The homeowner opened the garage and noticed two additions; a baseball and broken window sporting a baseball-sized hole. “How do you suppose this ball got in here?” she asked the child. Taking one look at the ball, one look at the window, and one look at the homeowner, the little boy exclaimed, “Wow lady! I must have thrown it right through that hole!” :D 1. Remember, Vestibular Exercise/DANCE for your Balance. 2. Remember, Regular Exercise for your Health. 3. Remember, Portion Control for your Life. Tip: Turkey Bacon It sure sounds healthier, doesnt it? It is slightly lower in fat and calories than regular bacon, but it has upwards of 180 milligrams of bloating sodium per slice. The problem is that turkey bacon falls in the category of processed meats, which are high in sodium and other food additives which may have health risks. Thats why health professionals recommend limiting processed meats like sausage, bacon, and hot dogs in your diet, even when they are marketed as leaner or more natural. As with other foods, check the label to see what youre getting. Hope your today is fill with approval of yourself.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:56:51 +0000

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