Perhaps the most powerful and pervasive empire ever to exist on - TopicsExpress


Perhaps the most powerful and pervasive empire ever to exist on this Earth was the Roman Empire. It was untouchable. It was unconquerable. All roads, as they say, led to Rome. It had no rival militarily, economically, technologically or in any way imaginable. But the Roman Empire fell. It fell for a very simple reason. Either the people didnt believe the Empire would fall, or they didnt care enough to assure that it didnt. Europe as a whole has already failed. They failed because after World War II, they believed that evil had been vanquished. They failed because they felt that in the worst case scenario, America would protect them. They failed to understand that freedom, power, viability, are not guaranteed. They must be defended and protected. Today, Europe is swamped with tens of millions of immigrants from the Middle East, spreading Sharia law, terrorism, hate and destruction. They dont know what to do. They have no idea how to stem the tide. They have no idea because it is too late. Anti-Semitism is at its highest since World War II not just because of the remnants of the subhuman animals who continue to support the Nazi philosophy. They were always insignificant, controllable and essentially irrelevant. Anti-Semitism is a new form, spread by Moslem haters usurping the bankrupt ideas of the Nazi era. Most Europeans realized, the Moslems were just coming for Jews, so, who cared? Now, it is becoming clear that crusades are being reborn. Whereas before it was Christians imposing their beliefs on the Moslem world in the holy land, now it is Moslems swarming into Europe imposing their beliefs on the Christian world. The Christian world waited too long. They could have stemmed the tide when the victims were only Jews. Now, the victims are Christians, in Europe and throughout the Middle East. Now the victims are those who would protect freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of expression and ideas, the very foundation of European philosophy. The Charlie Hebdo massacre is to be laid at the feet not just of the Moslem terrorists, but those of the timid European leaders who apparently believe Chamberlain was historys greatest statesman. While Europe was obsessed with the fact that tiny Israel had the audacity to react to those who would destroy Israel, and fixated on whining about some insane notion of proportionality (imagine if it were determined that Normandy was not proportional to the Nazi threat), and grew positively ballistic over the idea that Israel would build homes in areas that were otherwise used by terrorists plotting to kill Israelis, Moslem fundamentalists were pouring into Europe intent on conquering by sheer numbers a continent that had forgotten how it became powerful, how it stayed relevant, It is too late for Europe. Thats a terribly defeatist attitude, but, as a pragmatic matter, quite accurate. It is not too late for America. It soon will be. But it is not yet. The question is not whether America will need to fight for those rights we believe are natural and guaranteed by a piece of paper -- even though Americas own President doesnt feel bound by this piece of paper. The question is whether America comes to understand that a piece of paper is only as powerful as people say it is. If this nation is overrun by those who believe that only Mohammed and Allah can grant rights and the Constitution was not written by either, the great experiment that was America will go the way of Europe and the Roman Empire. When the Roman Empire died, the world was plunged into more than a thousand years of darkness before the beginnings of Renaissance in one nation or another. The Ottoman Empire maintained that darkness throughout the Middle East. The Middle East is beginning to return to that age of darkness, rapidly entering through the aid of ISIS, Syria, Iran, and Turkey, which is supposed to be a member of NATO pledged to fight against the darkness that will be Europes final death knell. Europe is well on its way to twelfth century ignorance, poverty, oppression and enslavement. There is no leadership in America at the moment that will stand against this growing darkness. There is no leadership in America that will stand against the current executive branch of the federal government and take whatever steps are necessary, at whatever cost, to protect this country from the advent of evil that is consuming the rest of the world. Our borders for at least the next two years are no borders at all. We may or may not survive as a nation with our principles intact through the next two years. That all depends on whether there are Democrats in the House and Senate willing to join Republicans in placing this nation above party politics. As voters, the die is cast. There is little for us to do in the next two years but pray -- at least while we are permitted to pray to Someone other than Allah. The future of America will depend on what we do in two years. If enough American citizens decide to vote for a continuation of what this nation stands for, we may yet survive. If not, if so many voters vote again for someones race, or someones gender, or someones party label; if they refuse to acknowledge that someone of the other party is not trying to throw grandma off the cliff or take control of the birthing room, but simply trying to protect the voters and citizens right to maintain their beliefs, whatever they may be, then we will not. Its not complicated. It is only made so by ignorant pundits spewing a party line no more valid or intellectually supportable than the garbage vomited by the likes of Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews. If there is a candidate in the next election that sends a chill up Chris Matthews leg again, be assured that the candidate will send a chill down my spine. Hopefully, we have learned enough in the last six years that that chill will go down enough other peoples spines so that a majority of our population will think before they vote.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:37:35 +0000

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