Persians & Arabs in the light of history Of late, I am highly - TopicsExpress


Persians & Arabs in the light of history Of late, I am highly elated to have criticized the Arab society by finding ample faults which by far is the ground reality ,one must understand the capacity and ability of the Arab civilization who possessed knowledge ,art,language,wealth, religion and resources and despite all of these are still undeveloped and backward in terms of intellualism and public opinion which relies on the freedom of speech ; I know it’s very hard to raise voice when there is a dictator around you installed by the United states and London who are solely responsible for the total mess in the middle east, the Britain is responsible for creating the state of Israel and same in the Saudi Arabia , there was a famous British spy called Lawrence of Arabia who was the cartographer of the old middle east sent by the England who created a dictator machine all the area. Yesterday, I was reading a book from Bertrand Russell a British philosopher who have written a book about the impact of science on the society , on the first page he explains how the Arab ancient people were the first to discover and invent lot of useful things for the world however he then further states that those theories and achievements remained elementary due to lot of reasons and the moral corruption when Prophet Mohammad saw passed away , and there is another book written by Allama Tajani , the converted scholars who states in his book `` Be with the righteous people’’ says that If Imam Ali A.S would have been given the Khalifa after the holy prophet , the situation of the muslims could have been better today and the caos among muslims is all because of that and he further adds that Imam Ali A.S had offered an exagesis of complete quran and tried to give to the first Khalifa so that the teaching of Islam will remain in order however all of the three khalifas refused to take that book and it is said in the reliable sources that quran is with the twelth Imam. The only civilization whom prophet has praised in reliable hadith are the Persians , no other race is praised by the holy prophet Mohammad saw(Book 031, Number 6178: Abu Huraira reported: We were sitting in the company of Allahs Apostle (may peace be upon him) that Sura al-Jumua was revealed to him and when he recited (these words): Others from amongst them who have not yet joined them, a person amongst them (those who were sitting there) said: Allahs Messenger! But Allahs Apostle (may peace be upon him) made no reply, until he questioned him once, twice or thrice. And there was amongst us Salman the Persian. The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) placed his hand on Salman and then said: Even if faith were near the Pleiades, a man from amongst these would surely find it) I have quoted this hadith from the Ahl sunnah who has all the hatred against the Iran or if I would have quoted from shia book ,shia arabs will say its just a praise and since being a shia sentiment involve that’s why we have this hadith so even we understand the validty and role of iran in establishing the religion of Islam is the key and no scholar from shia or other school of thoughts will differ on this .so it signifies here that being an arab is not enough as per the Islam however those who are ready to sacrifice for the religion of Islam will only deserve the praise , there is another hadith from the eighth Imam which says (the eighth Shia Imam, Imam Reza is quoted in Usul al-Kafi: This belief Islam was revealed to the Arabs, but the Ajam (Persians) will treasure it. So one must understand the fact that persians had already established the religion of Islam religiously and the Ahlal bait had their vision very clear about persians that this race will go a long way and will utilize and spread the religion of Islam as it should be in the whole world. As we know the Persians are often described as Barbarians by the western civilization or the history literature which was composed by the Greeks and Romans have visualized Persians as bad however no one can deny this country and race is the only one who has sustained their land from last 2000 years and had not conquered any country without necessity and due to that it had protected its every inch of land not even a single inch.even from last 200 years ,the Persians have been silent and being a peace loving people. Now let me further write about the middle east who is always in the shadow of gloomy clouds and its been years now since since the wind of change appeared in the middle east and despite all the struggle and protests by the sincere people has brought nothing concrete or I may add the worst situation in Iraq, Egypt,Libya etc No matter how hard you try to change the middle east it is never easy because it has oil resources and all the eyes are on the middle east and there are people who are desperate to change the overall view of the people in the middle east however the race lacks courage and determination to carry out the will to change, I remember once the great poet of Palestine Mahmoud Darwish was asked what is the reason and what troubles the middle east most , he said here people are suffering from Paralysis in terms of people required of democracy where the country guarantees equal rightes for the people’s welfare and when you have those courageous people who are willing to take risk against the dictator , first there is no permission for anyone in the middle east to gather or hold a public opinion and therefore that same party works underground and then are called terrorists in the media , it’s ironic and the biggest tragedy on the innocent arab people who are suffering from ages now. Conclusion: The Arabs are responsible for the position they are in today and its not the crime or a fault of a common person however a curse or bad luck of being born in a country whose entire moment is watched and controlled by the dictator who suppress its own people , controlling them rather representing them in the world and as we know the middle east is all we have and it should get back on its feet sooner or later because there is lot at stake and lot of hopes relies on their shoulders. Firstly the people should support the Islamic government and should dismantle the idea of living a luxurious life Secondly the people should create a selfless government which should consider the aspirations of all the people who live there. Thirdly , Arabs should not be afraid of dying of hunger or any calamity , in the beginning it will be hard for them to live an ordinary life however the future for further generations will be fruitful , the modern day revolution should be based on moral ethics of Islam rather than foreign interference because all arab spring is a bunch of lies and the media covers it in a different way. Fourthly ,The Arabs should take Iran as example and no country or any race has overthrown such a big empire among muslim countries (The accursed Shah) who was the profound and powerful man and a largest ally of Israel,Usa,England etc , Fifthly , Seeking help from Iran to establish or commence a pure Islamic states which is a successful story of Iran in the world , it was said that this revolution will not survive but it did and will , no country in the world has courage to face the brutal sanctions of United nations , but Iran has succeeded in resisting these sanctions. Lastly, All the muslims in the world are equal and have the common feeling for Arabs to change their attitude and daily life so that we have an established muslim empire whom we are proud of , I hope my article will not be viewed as racism or my brutality toward the Arab but nothing matters to me when it comes to preaching the society whose man of honor has given life to the entire world so why the same race is been pushed towards the wall.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 23:42:36 +0000

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