Peter Kassig has become the latest victim of ISILs beheadings, but - TopicsExpress


Peter Kassig has become the latest victim of ISILs beheadings, but his was different. ISILs usual MO includes a scripted statement read by the victim and then an image of him kneeling before the executioner. This time the camera zeroes in on a severed head between the executioners feet which they claimed to be Kassigs. At the end of each beheading video ISIL also tends to show the next hostage up for execution, but this time no one was shown. Kassig was a former Army Ranger but after his time in service he became a committed humanitarian worker. Kassig founded a nonprofit group, Special Emergency Response and Assistance, to provide aid to displaced Syrians on both sides of the border. He was headed to eastern Syria to deliver supplies he purchased with American donations when he was captured in October 2013. There are still many kept in hostage such as British journalist John Cantile, an American woman whose case has not been publicized at the request of her family, and Rev. Paolo DallOglio, an Italian Jesuit priest and peace activist in Syria among others. So continue to keep all of these people in your prayers as the war on terrorism continues to be fought. msn/en-us/news/world/islamic-state-shows-another-beheading-video-but-this-one-is-different/ar-BBe9PVW?ocid=ansLATimes11
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 23:40:34 +0000

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