Philippians 2:1-4 Easy-to-Read Version--Think about what we have - TopicsExpress


Philippians 2:1-4 Easy-to-Read Version--Think about what we have in Christ: the encouragement he has brought us, the comfort of his love, our sharing in his Spirit, and the mercy and kindness he has shown us. If you enjoy these blessings, 2 then do what will make my joy complete: Agree with each other, and show your love for each other. Be united in your goals and in the way you think. 3 In whatever you do, don’t let selfishness or pride be your guide. Be humble, and honor others more than yourselves. 4 Don’t be interested only in your own life, but care about the lives of others too.///--In a culture that worships money, believers in Jesus Christ are in danger of doing the same. Some use their money to control their family, or they may threaten to stop giving to their church if they don’t get their way.How unlike Jesus! He had power over disease, and He used it to heal the sick. He had power over the sea, and He used it to remove fear. He had power to create, and He fed thousands. He had power over sin, and He forgave sinners. He had power over His own life, yet He willingly gave up His life to save all who would call upon Him .Jesus possessed all power, but He used it to serve others. He was called “Lord” by the disciples in the Upper Room, yet He was the only servant there. He washed their feet! When Peter protested, Jesus answered, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me” Instead of using money or anything else for selfish means, use it to serve others. That’s the right use of power.and Remember, The more we serve Christ, the less we will serve self.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 12:26:05 +0000

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