Philosophers urge support for jailed Pussy Riot protester In a - TopicsExpress


Philosophers urge support for jailed Pussy Riot protester In a letter addressed from her prison cell to the philosopher Slavoj Žižek, Nadia Tolokonnikova criticises the complacency of western governments towards Vladimir Putins repressive and freedom-destroying policies. In particular, she writes in Philosophie magazine (November 2013): The boycott of the Olympic Games at Sochi, in 2014, would be perceived as an ethical gesture. As called for by Philosophie magazine, we, European intellectuals, call on our governments and all of Europe to break with their attitude of culpable tolerance and put pressure on the government of Vladimir Putin to immediately release Nadia Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina. Russia is a constitutional republic and permanent member of the UN security council. It has signed the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. With the Olympic Games approaching this February, it is time to give them a reminder. Elisabeth Badinter, Pascal Bruckner, Alain Finkielkraut, Marcel Gauchet, André Glucksmann, Agnès Heller, Axel Honneth, Claude Lanzmann, Edgar Morin, Antonio Negri, Hartmut Rosa, Fernando Savater, Richard Sennett, Bernard Stiegler, Gianni Vattimo, Slavoj Žižek theguardian/music/2013/nov/22/philosophers-support-pussy-riot-protester
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 18:41:11 +0000

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