Pioneer Alumni Trade Facilitation Expert & WTO Expert GEG- Global - TopicsExpress


Pioneer Alumni Trade Facilitation Expert & WTO Expert GEG- Global Economic Governance Programme Department of Politics and International Relations University of Oxford and University College Oxford United Kingdom & ICTSD-International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Geneva .Switzerland . Since the 22nd of Feburary,2010 : My Professional Educational Scholarly Academic Comments are been used for these Research Works: (1) GEG Trade Governance Project. (2) Global Economic Governance Programme . (Strengthening Multilateralism : A Mapping of Proposals on WTO Reforms. GEG- Global Economic Governance Programme Oxford UK , TOPIC: A great article in the New York Times today looks at the German Mittelstand ,the small and midsize business that accounts for 60 percent of German Jobs. GERMAN SMALL BUSINESS REFLECTS COUNTRYS STRENGTH . nytimes Despite the persistent economic challenges particularly high level global unemployment rate , a nearly opposite mood pervades Germany ,neither the economic crises in the rest of the eurozone ,nor the instability in the continent of Africa and the Middle East has dampened a deep-seated conviction among German Business leaders ,Trade Experts and Economists ,that two decades after the costly reintergration of East Germany,the country has established its position as a trade and economic juggernaut. Germanys export have contributed two-thirds of the countrys trade and economic growths,over the last decade and has driven its GDP per capita to increase faster than that of any other major Industrialised country and quietly Germany became the worlds fourth largest exporter. When it comes to boasting export,of course the need to maintain or even increase the size of the manufacturing sector ,has been an article of faith in major developed countries for decades ,Politicians and Voters alike believe that having companies that make something is key element of trade and economic success in part because manufacturing jobs have historically paid above average wages, For its part Germany embraced manufacturing and much of its economic and trade success is thanks to that decision. The Federal Republic of Germany credits both their Public and Private Sectors for their countrys success, Germanys Government particularly under Gerhard Schorder (SDP) who was Chancellor of Germany from 1998-2005 played an important role in the Countrys economic and trade success. Meanwhile, the introduction of the euro in 1999 quietly brought Germany another advantage ,It fused the country to others whose competitivness measured bt the cost of each unit of labor,had stagnated . Meanwhile Germanys competitiveness has increased by nearly 20 percent ,anout 80 percent of Germanys trade surplus comes from its trade with the rest of the European Union (EU). The eurozones weak economic performance and simmering sovereign debt crises in several peripheral eurozone countries have kept the value of the euro well below what the Deutsche Mark would be worth today if it still existed (according to some estimates if Germany abandoned the euro its currency would immedeatly appreciate by 30 to 40 percent) Whatever , it flaws the German model showed that a developed country can remain competitive even in a world where new trade and economic giants such as Brazil ,Russia ,India,China and South Africa (BRICS countries)are emergibg. Germany has succeeded in large part through its focus on specialized manufacturing and cottage industries ,Given the vast low labor cost and quickly rising productivity in the developing world empharzing on the top of the value-added chain is the surest way forward for advanced economies. As German example has shown superior products and at least some with significant brand recognition can buoy an entire economy. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) became the Chancellor of The Federal Republic of Germany since 2005 . She is currently encourageing Germanys growth by encourging and focusing on its green energy Industries ,such as the alternative energy sector , In typical German fashion .Its green energy companies,manufacture mainly niche products ,such as components for solar panels and machine tools ,for building parts for solar devices. Thanks to its new laws that aims at encouraging investments in green energy . Last year Germanys energy Industry received money running in to billion of dollars in new investment. In Germany even the Mittelstand (SME-small ,medium size enterprise )business owners are International in outlook. Germanys success as an exporter of niche manufactured good like Automobiles has not been unambgious ,but on balance ,German example shows that a combination of good private -sector performance and a sensible policy approach can encourage real growth even in places like the continent of Africa (ACP-EU-Trade/ECDPM . EPA- Economic Partnership Agreement. German drivers of economic growth are widely spread across the country.Only three of Germanys 100 largest companies are headquartered in Berlin. Germanys financial center ,for example is Frankfurt am Main ,where the most important Stock Exchange(IHK) is located . In addition to traditional economic regions ,new clusters have evolved in Eastern Germany in recent years. EUCATION. As a Professional Trade Facilitation Expert and WTO Expert (WTO- World Trade Organization) As a Consultant and Expert , As an Adviser ,I comment that ,the ways to leverage oppturinities are through the Success Story of Germany and for the Developing World Continue the emerging momentum Top priorities should include meeting up with the millennium development goal (MDGs) employment policy reform ,tackling energy ,poverty gap and Insecurity problems ,mobilizing urgently needed resources for food security challenges ,Investment in Agriculture are needed. OLAKPE,Davies Peter Member IRC-Information Resource Center. IRC Member Number:2071. United States Embassy Diplomatic Drive Abuja. FCT. Nigeria. West Africa. Since the Month of September,2013. OLAKPE DAVIES,Peter OLAKPE-DAVIES,Peter DAVIES ,Olakpe Peter Mr.Dr.Peter Oro Afode Olakpe < Mr. Dr. Peter Oro Afode Olakpe Davies > Mr.Olakpe-Davis Twitter: Mr.Dr.Olakpe Davies (@ Dr.Olakpe) Twitter: Mr.Peter Olakpe-Davies (@ Prinz 334102 NG) International Mobile Telephone: +234 (0) 806977500.(NG-Nigeria.West Africa) +234 (0) 8134392881. Email:peter [email protected] Peter olakpe davis@yahoo hessbrd260958@yahoo [email protected] Herr Peter Olakpe .Davies Verwert.Patent Historiker Frankfurt City Stadt Frankfurt am Main State of Hessen Germany Since the Year,2000. Herrn Peter Ogheneworo Olakpe .Davies. Identification Number:002165180. IHK. German Chamber of Commerce and Industry . Frankfurt/Main Stadt Frankfurt am Main. State of Hessen. Germany Since the Month of Janurary,2001. Olakpe ,Peter Matriculation Number:FOE/87/88/6097. Degree: B.A (Ed) History.91. Set: 1987-1991. Department: History. Faculty: Education Adminstration and Policy Studies. Delta State University (DELSU)Abraka. Delta State .Nigeria .West Africa. Adress : P,O.Box 11. Idheze-Ozoro. Delta State. Nigeria. West Africa. Adress: Idheze Villiage .Isoko Tribe . Isoko South Local Government Area. Delta State Nigeria .West Africa.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:58:31 +0000

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