Plan “B”…NEXT please! Ever since my San Diego Marathon did - TopicsExpress


Plan “B”…NEXT please! Ever since my San Diego Marathon did not go as planned, I have been shoving ideas around in my head – working and reworking my racing calendar, tweaking and modifying my plans…and thru this process, reality hit. Funny how you often don’t see the flaw in Plan “A” until you are forced to use Plan “B” – and then Plan “B” ends up being what should have been Plan “A”…Did you follow all of that? Let me explain my logic – I was hoping to run a Boston Qualifier in San Diego, if I had, I would have put myself in line to run the NYC marathon and the Boston Marathon within 5 months of each other, and 3 half marathons that I currently have on my calendar, sprinkled in for good measure. Under normal conditions (and maybe even these conditions, who knows???) that would not be an issue but, with surgery kicking off the training for NYC…I am not so sure my body would have liked the idea of hitting the ground running (literally) from the recovery room to a marathon, and then resting for a couple weeks only to be put on the top of the training cliff again and pushed off for Boston. In my heart I LOVE THE IDEA but, in my head it sounds like a pretty unwise idea. I would likely have been fine, had I qualified, and run both with excitement and gusto but, now not being in that situation seems like a bit of a relief. So, what am I now considering doing…something even dumber! Yep, you heard me…DUMBER! Once you have stopped laughing…read on…and laugh harder while shaking your head at my fool hardy ways. And, while doing so remember – I am a certified running coach, and even I know, I should know better! Here goes, I am considering upgrading my Long Beach Half Marathon entry into a Full Marathon Entry. No big deal right – WRONG – Long Beach is in OCTOBER – 4 weeks before NYC. It is 14 weeks after surgery! BUT, so you don’t think I have gone completely batty, there is a method to my madness – I just realized that if I BQ in October in qualifies me for Boston 2015, as the 2014 registration closes in September. In 2015, I will be 45 years old on race day…that changes my qualifying time by a full 10 minutes – I go from a 3:45 to a 3:55. I walked most of the second half of San Diego due to my medical issue and came in at 3:58. So, in my crazy runner brain – a 3:55 seems doable 14 weeks after surgery. Right? I know, I have been going around in circles in my head about this for 2 weeks now and this seems to be where my head keeps landing. It makes no sense and it may just be a passing thought once the surgery is over and recovery is underway but, ya know what it does for now – it gives me focus and purpose and grounds me in a possible goal. I will take that as the motivation to heal and plan, so that I can be strong for the start of training. Why not just try and BQ in NYC you ask, because I want to soak it up and enjoy every second, that is why. Sometimes Plan “B” and in some cases Plan “C” and “D” end up being the road God intended for us, either way the choice is nice. Run on Friends! Jackie, Fit Sparrow
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 06:19:33 +0000

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