Planet of the Daleks: Episode Four This episode is absolutely - TopicsExpress


Planet of the Daleks: Episode Four This episode is absolutely dripping with atmosphere! Looking at this, I just have to think how good the story looks, and yet, theres only a couple of film sequences and the rest is in an artificial jungle in studio. And yet, it looks completely realistic, and absolutely mesmerising. I have to congratulate John Hurst the designer on this, who has done an absolutely fantastic job and made it look like Doctor Whos budget has increased ten-fold. I adore the lighting here, and the jungle really does come alive, and with this story, I suppose thats appropriate quite literally! Everything looks incredibly realistic, but my favourite piece of design has to be the plain of stones. The dark lighting is fantastic, and the background making a representation of the sky does look rather brilliant, and I love how vast the place is, and if you look at the ground, youll notice that all of it is covered in rocks and pebbles, so not for one second do you realise youre in a studio. And the same goes for the jungle, every section of floor is covered, and quite frankly it looks brilliant. The shadow of the creature that flies over the stones is rather lovely, and I actually think its much nicer that we dont see what it is, with the shadow making the already atmospheric lighting seem even more tense. I love the scenes when the crew are on guard, simply because the lights are turned right down, its incredibly dark, and therefore, bloody scary! The glowing eyes may seem a bit of a stretch too far for me, especially in that multitude, but, I have to admit that with the dark lighting those glowing red eyes look terrifying. So, I suppose it isnt all that bad. The reason Im saying all this? With all of the stuff in the script, for example, the plain of stones here and the ice volcanoes yesterday, coupled with a superb and evocative design, it has to make Spirodon one of the most well executed and lively planets weve seen in the show, and it certainly makes it memorable. The ventilator shaft escape sequence this episode is spectacular, and I cant compare it to anything else. Its completely ridiculous, but its so much fun to watch! The use of models coupled with live-action is achieved to a bloody brilliant effect, and, you really cannot tell the difference. I also like how its all taken so lightly until the Dalek is seen at the bottom of the shaft. Its so well directed, with the whole thing looking flawless and incredibly believable. And, lets be fair, the scene where the Doctor falls is superb. I have no idea how it was done, because its so well directed, and all of the performance of the Thals tugging on the ropes make everything look bloody realistic. Also, the fate of the Dalek with the rocks looks fantastic, I like the subtle use of smoke after the Dalek has been dispatched. Speaking of Dalek destruction, the effect of the bomb going off is brilliant, leaving just little bits of Dalek, and, the sound effects coupled with the white-out effect is suprisingly very effective. The tension here is lovely, and its also nice to see one Dalek carrying around the map, which is incredibly reminiscent of a Dalek in The Daleks. The sound effects this episode also sometimes make the scene just on theyre own, for example, the evocative wails and caws we hear in the background of the plain of stones, whilst it also makes it seem devilishly barren. The sound effects in the jungle are equally effective, and sometimes you forget theyre there in quiet moments, but, the fact that its kept up throughout, much like the drill in Inferno makes you totally believe the place is bustling with life. The sound effects do add a massive amount of atmosphere, and I think that sometimes theyre forgotten in just how much they can effect a scene in the show. This episode, for all of its fantastic action moments focusses on more tight character pieces, to last episodes action-extravaganza! When the Doctor re-unites with Jo is a fantastic moment, where Jo just decides to constantly burble along, and it almost seems like the Doctor and Jo are trying to out-talk each other. If theres any prize in the universe for the people who talk the most, the Doctor and Jo could get it! Its also incredibly touching, because theyre so happy to see each other, with them worrying about each other, it continues to show one of the best Doctor/companion relationships. And also, Jo does have the funniest line of the episode saying; Well, I got rescued by a bowl, which, quietly gave me a chuckle. Speaking of which, when the Doctor comments on wanting to take up hot-air ballooning, how come I think this would really suit Pertwees Doctor? Hell be sitting in a balloon with some fine wine and gorgonzola, enjoying the finer things in life completely. The characters of the Thals continue to be vastly developed, and we get some of the most well-written and touching scenes in the series. Not only is Dudley fantastic at building to crescendos this episode, but, he knows exactly when not to use music, and in these quiet moments today, it really benefits from it. We get the realisation of the relationship between Rebec and Taron, and, I really like the way that even though we know they care about each other, we dont exactly know what sort of relationship they have together. Is it a boyfriend/girlfriend affair, is it of a parental sort like I suggested last episode? Either way, the ambiguity makes it all the more effective. It also shows not only how much Taron cares for Rebec, but, I think its incredibly subtle how Nation suggests Rebec came for Taron, when its mentioned that there were plenty of other people trained and ready to come. Taron however is incredibly heartless, and I think it just goes to show the anti-war stance once more. Like the incredible scene where the Doctor tries to assure him, the violent activities that theyre going through is almost turning them into Daleks. Its a brilliant speech, Taron is trying to live up to everyones expectations, but hes worried about Rebec. Its almost as if hes trying to couch his emotions, be like a machine, almost Dalek like so that he can defeat the Daleks. Because thats what theyre doing, theyre going to commit mass murder, it practically is turning Taron into a Dalek. Nation is pulling a similar trick to The Daleks Master Plan, The Power of the Daleks and The Evil of the Daleks, three of the best Dalek stories, whats the most scary thing about them is how the Daleks effect others and what the Daleks can do to the human mind. Its rather shockingly done, but Pertwee delivers his later speech with such gusto, that it just makes me love him as a Doctor even more. Its also great to see the conclusion of Vabers story, and now, he finally goes for it and gets into a fight with Taron! It seems like Vaber actually is the Thal/Dalek crossover, because hes mindset is so bent on destruction, and then he goes and severely insults Taron through Rebec! I think Taron fighting back to Vaber is incredibly tribal, its a tribal instict, almost like a way of standing his ground to take his woman. This mission has turned everyone here into barbaric animals like the jungles that surround them. It could seem like a power struggle, with Vaber thinking that he can do a better job, but, he presents himself in such a vulger way, he just wants to get on with it and blow shit up. The cliffhanger really makes me wonder what Nation wants us to think. Vabers about to be taken to the Daleks. So? Vaber is an obnoxious pig of a character, are we supposed to care? I presume its the long term effects of this that are deadly, creating more of a thoughtful ending, but, because Roy Skeltons Spirodon voice is so spine-chilling, as a final line; Take him to the Daleks will make anyone tune in next week. But, I have to wonder, do all the Spirodons sound like that, or is that actually Wester? I dont really know, but either way, it doesnt matter. We also get the introduction of Latep this episode, and, when Jo tries to shake his hand, its incredibly sweet. Its almost a love at first sight thing, I think Latep might not be exactly enfatuated at this moment, but I think he might just be a little bit shy. And to end on, I really like those pebbles that fall down nearby the bombs, it makes the place seem fluid and natural, but what are the chances of a whopping rock hitting Jo on the head eh? I have to admit, perhaps credibility is stretched a bit with that. But then again, I suppose it all makes sense, Spirodon really is an interesting planet, it almost seems like anything can happen! And in a story which is packed full of action, it suits perfectly. You really cant complain.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:53:36 +0000

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