Plantain in the bin.... Wonderful, wonderful and awesome - TopicsExpress


Plantain in the bin.... Wonderful, wonderful and awesome comments I got to read yesterday and really brought out the thinking aloud in us .... Loool.. Yesterday, as I was preparing my kids something to eat after school, I accidentally dropped the watermellon I was peeling into my kitchens bin, normally I would have picked it anyway in which I did this occasion, gave it a rinse and ate it but as I was rinsing it the question I posted was minstered to me by my ever ready koko spirit and we got into a serious dialogue. Koko spirit... Why did you pick the watermellon from the bin? Abefe.... Because there is nothing wrong with it, moreso I have been brought up to save food and not just to waste it because I have an alternative Koko spirit.... But why food from the bin? Abefe... Because there is not wrong with it, it is my bin, I know what is in there so why cant I take that piece out and wash it and eat it Koko spirit.... Do you know that many will never do that Abefe... yes because they have in abundant.. And my Koko spirit continued..... Eating what you accidentally dropped in your bin is not a curse or a taboo but the society has made it to be one; what many refused to understand is that it is not only in lack we should be applying wisdom but also in abundant. Yes to a naked eye it can be forgotten but to those that that is there last hope for a meal for that day, will they not eat it like that? What about those that drink from streams where no adequate sanitation is provided, does it make them less important? Our society is full of people that are ready to discard anything and anyone at a slight mistake, they are not ready to look or think about the other side of the coin, they just want the quickest way out. Talking about wastage of food, some people that the society sees as been poor will even consider picking what they accidentally dropped in the bin as a taboo let alone those that have multitude. Lack does not always define our behaviour and most times makes out real attitude hidden from others to know... Many relationships could have been resolved but a slight argument over money for hair, transport etc made many to jump to the quickest conclusion that he/she is stingy or not considerate or selfish. We are so much full of ego and pride that we lack integrity and contentment in which as made been selfless a difficult pill to swallow... Discarding everything or anyone at the slight of a problem is a sign of insecurity in your own self; we panic at every event that seem not to go according to plan and this tends to make us to be more vulnerable.... If you cannot eat what has dropped in the bin in your own house I wonder what you put in your bin then.... How clean is your house toilet? If you drop your phone in it can you deep your hands in without gloves? Think of the next person before you waste your next meal, what you see as germ filled is another persons lovely meal... Peace...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:07:04 +0000

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