Plato versus Science For Plato, there’s a perfect, intelligible - TopicsExpress


Plato versus Science For Plato, there’s a perfect, intelligible domain of Form, providing an absolute, infallible standard of knowledge, and accessed by reason alone, and never by the senses. Plato saw the sensible domain as illusory, and unreliable, a place of mere opinion and belief, and no sure knowledge. Science takes the exact reverse attitude. It denies that there’s any transcendent domain of rational, intellectual truth, and instead says that the sensible world is where the “truth” resides. Except it can’t define this truth. All it does is match mathematical guesses to sensory, experimental observations. All of science’s claims must be falsifiable (hence can’t be true since truth cannot be falsified), and all of its claims are expected to be verifiable with regard to the senses (hence can’t be true since the truth is in no need of sensory verification, having existed before there were any senses). In other words, science is the perfect subject for Sophists who believe that the world of the senses, rather than the mathematical world of reason and intellect, is the world of “truth”, yet this “truth” can never be definitively verified and always remains falsifiable, hence has no connection whatsoever with the infallible, absolute, eternal Truth. Sophists are empiricists and materialists, and are ruled by their senses, not by reason and intellect. Reason is pressed into the service of the senses, an absurd act since the senses are inherently irrational (they’re all about Content rather than Form). Reason is thus perverted and corrupted, and produces nothing but beliefs, opinions, conjectures, hypotheses and interpretations that can never be proved. There is no absolute standard of knowledge for Sophists. Man is the measure of all things, but man is inherently fallible, unreliable and deluded. Philosophers are those who agree with Plato that the Truth must be unarguable, absolute, immutable, definitive and eternal – everything to which science is opposed, and which it regards as “abstract”, metaphysical and “empty”. For Philosophers, transcendent reason, not the human senses, reveal the Truth to us. Philosophers are rationalists, idealists and intellectuals. For a Philosopher, reason and intellect are primary. They constitute our “organs of Truth” – but only if we apply them properly. For a Sophist, the senses and our experiences are primary. These are privileged over reason and intellect. Sophists aren’t interested in absolute Truth, in eternal, infallible knowledge. What they want is what works for them right now. They are instrumentalists and pragmatists. They want sensory “truth” – with a small “t”, not intellectual “Truth” with a capital “T”. These are two wholly different worldviews. Sophists (scientists) are happy with provisional, contingent, arbitrary truth that can be “verified” with regard to the senses. A Philosopher would never regard the human senses as having any connection at all with Absolute Truth and Knowledge. The senses are, by definition, not rational organs, so how can they lead us to the rational Truth of the rational world? Self-evidently, only Reason itself can lead us there. Philosophers are mathematicians rather than scientists, and find science childish, ugly and plebeian – an ever-changing, provisional set of guesses matched to sensory observations. If you can’t see how radically different Sophists and Philosophers are, you’re a Sophist! People such as Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking are pure Sophists, with no regard for Truth, only for what “makes sense to them”. They are ruled by “common sense” (mob sense), and their senses. For them, “seeing is believing”, and if it can’t be seen it can’t be believed, and can’t exist. If the world is rational, which it is, it’s made of reason, and reason is mental and mathematical (grounded in mathematical monadic minds). If the world is sensory, it’s made of matter, and matter isn’t rational and analytic (unlike monads). Matter, it can never be stressed enough, has absolutely no provable existence. Everything we know about existence is mental (i.e. mediated by mind), and there is no reason whatsoever to conjecture that there’s a non-mental reality out there. Cartesian dualism asserts that there’s mind (unextended) and matter (extended). In fact, there are only immaterial, unextended Fourier frequency domains (minds) and the extended Fourier spacetime domains they are capable of projecting via Fourier mathematics. There is no matter independent of mind, hence scientific materialism is inherently false. Science is the systematic misinterpretation of Fourier mathematics, with the senses being privileged over reason and intellect. Sophists are obsessed with sensory “evidence”. Philosophers are obsessed with intellectual, rational proof. Evidence and proof are radically different things. There can be no sensory evidence at all for how reality is in itself. Evidence is all about phenomena (the world of appearances) and not noumena (the world of Truth, as things really are in themselves). Sophists are plebeians guided by appearances. Philosophers are patricians guided by what must rationally lie beyond appearances (what the appearances are appearance of). Sophists regard appearances as things-in-themselves, i.e. what you see is what you get, and there’s nothing unseen. If Sophists were ever to accept that there are real, non-sensory things beyond appearance (i.e. hidden variables; rational unobservables), their Sophistry would collapse. Their “knowledge” is not real knowledge, only illusory knowledge. Sophists worship physics, while Philosophers worship metaphysics (that which comes after physics). Physics is all about appearances, while metaphysics is all about what lies beneath and behind appearances. It is in fact ontological mathematics that underlies appearances, and thus physics. Physics works only because it’s defined by mathematics. However, it approaches mathematics in a synthetic, sensory, a posteriori manner rather than in the analytic, rational, a priori manner actually required. There are three view of reality: 1) Religion – no mathematics at all; Mythos, stories, narrative, prophets, priests, popes, holy texts, revelation, faith, beliefs, mystical intuitions. Driven by emotion. 2) Science – the mathematics of real numbers, of appearance; sensory mathematics; ad hoc, provisional, arbitrary, full of guesses that are forced to match experimental data. Driven by the senses. 3) Ontological mathematics – the mathematics of complex numbers, monads, sines and cosines, the generalised Euler Formula and Fourier analysis; analytic, a priori, rationalist, noumenal, intellectual. Driven by reason and intellect. The vast majority of people – Mythos humanity – are religious, and wholly deluded. A small number of people – Logos humanity – is split into two: scientists (physicists) and mathematicians (metaphysicists). Mythos humanity is dominated by feelings, Scientific Logos humanity is dominated by the senses, and Mathematical Logos humanity is ruled by reason. This is a rational world, not a world of the senses or feelings, so only the Mathematical Logos humans are right. They are the Philosophers, and they are engaged in a bitter war with the Sophists and the Believers. Mathematical Logos Humanity is Higher Humanity, and the future progress of the human race is entirely dependent on their success. Don’t side with the Sophists such as Harris and Dawkins. Join the Philosophers, the people of Truth, people such as Pythagoras, Plato, Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel and Gödel. ***** Science is defined by sensory experiments. Ontological mathematics is defined by the analytic study of Form and Content. Ontological mathematics can be done in the head. It requires no multi-billion-dollar Large Hadron Colliders. Humanity must overcome Faith (mainstream religion: emotions and mystical intuition) and Sophistry (science: the senses), and turn to Philosophy (ontological mathematics: reason and intellect). How else can you reach the Truth of a rational universe except through the exercise of reason?! Feelings won’t help, mysticism won’t help, and nor will the senses. Reason alone is the Way to the Truth. This is an intelligible world, not sensible, emotional or mystical. It’s critical for the Philosophers to defeat the scientific Sophists who have projected an entirely false model of reality. Scientists are too stupid to realise that science works only because of mathematics, which immediately raises the question of why science isn’t simply mathematics. Ontological mathematics is what allows physics to be converted into pure, analytic mathematics. Ontological mathematics is the study of energy, and energy is just analytic sinusoidal waves – sines and cosines. Who needs physics? Physics is in any case getting closer and closer to ontological mathematics. The inconceivably small, one-dimensional vibrating energy strings of M-theory are as close as a materialist can get to the notion of dimensionless sinusoidal energy waves. Pythagoras and Plato were the first great mathematicians, perfectly at home with the notion of an invisible, rational order of existence. Aristotle was the first empiricist scientist, determined to align “true reality” with the world of appearances, yet even he relied heavily on rationalist metaphysics. Leibniz adopted a scientific approach based on the metaphysics of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Neoplatonism and Descartes. He was the last rationalist scientist. Science, under the influence of Newton, has been empiricist ever since, and has rejected all metaphysics, to its extreme detriment.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:53:33 +0000

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