Playing Politics in the workplace........... The worst thing a - TopicsExpress


Playing Politics in the workplace........... The worst thing a new employee can do is to try to play the project politics. There are almost always some politics going on: one team member doesn’t like the other team member, or everyone on the team dislike one ‘rotten apple’; the project manager dislikes his superior; the team leaders of two teams that supposed to work side-by- side can’t stand each other… the list can be continued forever. The warring parties in these cases are trying to recruit the newcomer and convert him or her to their cause. Inevitably, the newcomer is tempted to join the side he/she considers to be on a right side. And as a rule, the mistakes will be made, wrong things will be said, someone feelings will be hurt and the one who joined the team recently will find him(herself) to be in unenviable situation of ‘being in the middle’. Playing the project politics is the most assured way to destroy the reputation. Some reorganization can place the enemy that the newcomer had made in a position of superiority and make the life of that person in the organization unbearable. But it’s not only the matter of the career, or promotion, or simply comfort. It’s the matter of ethics. By refusing to take the side and by not contributing to the gossip-mongering and by maintain the high moral and ethical standards, the new employee can win the respect of the entire team. When the war (or the squabble) is over, it will be remembered that this new team member is someone who can be trusted in good and in bad times
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 08:20:00 +0000

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