Playing through Dragon Age 2 made me really want to write a fanfic - TopicsExpress


Playing through Dragon Age 2 made me really want to write a fanfic alternate universe of my adventure. Hawke, the main character, just seems to shrug things off way too easily. For instance, Just before the beginning of the game, his father dies. End of the prologue, his brother/sister dies. End of Act 1, his other sibling either dies, joins the Grey Wardens, or is forced into the Circle of Magi/Templar. Towards the end of Act 2, his mother dies. Theres some scenes of regret/remorse but otherwise he seems to soldier on with no sign of mental scarring. By the beginning of Act 3 every member of your immediate family but you is gone from your life. So I wanted to write a sort of Journal of the Hawke, exploring the mental fracture of a man/woman who loses their entire family, but because of their compassion for the friends around them, they put on an outward appearance of charm and strength. A sort of psychological analysis of the quintessential sacrificial hero. 2nd playthrough I decided to change some things up with my Hawke. Hes a morally good guy, but any chance to increase his own power he takes (Accepting pacts with spirits, reading forbidden tomes, etc...) Ive played long enough with all the companions to get them as Friends with me. Next playthrough will probably be a Rogue that gets all Rivalries. Outside of the bland and repetitive dungeons, I gotta say I do enjoy the game. The characters have more.. well.. character to them, then the original. The personalities are more enjoyable and theres more sidebar conversations while exploring. I really do love the combat change. It feels more heroic and less mmo button push. The ability to change tactics to let you set up cross class combos without having to pause and switch between the characters to manually perform them is a super plus. My problem with the original was how often I spent Paused in combat to queue up the proper spells. I will say the final act, Act 3, is a bit of a letdown in that theres far less to do sidequest-wise then Act 1 or 2, and Act 2 feels bare if you did all the sidequests in Act 1 (Since 80% of the sidequests can be done in either, Act 2 has half as many Act-dependent ones, and Act 3 has even less than that. In its defense, it definitely adds to the feeling that this is the wrap-up Act, where you are focusing more on ending a built-up conflict so theres less time to explore. All in all I do enjoy DA2 more than many compatriots that played through them. But just like all Bioware IPs, the first is always the best in my heart.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:01:23 +0000

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