Please Help Me! Share This With Anyone who will help! For - TopicsExpress


Please Help Me! Share This With Anyone who will help! For additional information visit my website (under events) or inbox me your email address. ******** Greetings Everyone, WHATZ DA COUNT On Sickle Cell Trait Prevention is proud to announce that we are spearheading a movement called Lets Do Something . The purpose of this movement is to engage and mobilize the sickle cell community by targeting those individuals living with sickle cell disease, the trait, parents, caregivers, and concerned citizens (who cannot attend National Sickle Cell Advocacy Day on April 3, 2014, in Washington, DC) on Capitol Hill. So we strongly urge you to use social media to our advantage. Unfortunately, in 2009 the Sickle Cell Treatment Act (SCTA) was not reinstated and we need this act to be reinstated! This movement represents the voice of the people who live with sickle cell disease and the trait, day in and day out. The goal is to have thousands upon thousands of people all over the United States take part in the Social Media Takeover on April 3, 2014. So, we need everyone to make yourselves knowledgeable about the Sickle Cell Treatment Act by going to that gives lots of good information so that you can become familiar with what the SCTA is all about as we take a stand together as a community with one purpose in mind, reinstating the SCTA. On April 3, 2014 reach out to your local, county, state, and congressional elected officials all day long and be very brief in this first phase by letting your elected officials know the SCTA needs to be reinstated and provide them with facts about SCD, all day long. Go to your elected officials Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages and like their social media pages then post, tweet, and Instagram. We not only want you (someone living with the disease) to do something, please mobilize everyone you know including your church, professional organizations, civic organizations, Greek organizations, motorcycle and car clubs, social and savings clubs; whatever organization you are tied to and urge them to help by doing the same things you are doing. We must do something now together with one voice, one goal, and one purpose in mind! There are five phases to this movement, the first of which focuses on April 3, 2014 (National SC Advocacy Day) when we bombard our elected officials collectively. The goal is to educate them about SCD and the importance of reinstating the SCTA on all levels (city, county, state, and congressional) with social media; Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. In this first phase we are asking that you use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to encourage your elected officials on all levels to support the Sickle Cell Treatment Act and post facts about Sickle Cell Disease. We are not sharing our stories just yet, we want to inform the elected officials with facts about SCD and let them know briefly that we need their support regarding the SCTA. On April 3, 2014 throughout the day we will have people from Sickle Cell Warriors giving us updates from Washington DC, on SCWarrior Tweet. In the second phase, we will have two educational webinars that will educate the Sickle Cell Community about the SCTA. If you are interested in taking part in the webinar or listening to the recording sessions please contact Tina Kay at [email protected]. For more detailed information regarding the SCTA please visit the following websites: This web site provides information on the Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Program. This is the HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration on Maternal and Child Health. We have included a check list (on the following page) that will aid you and others in our mission on April 3, 2014. Also, you will find talking points to aid you as you speak with people, kind of a cheat sheet of sorts. It will take everyone in the sickle cell community doing something to make our mission of having the SCTA reinstated. You can make such a big impact by following the instructions we have provided. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact: Farron Dozier, SFC (RET) aka (IAMWDC) at email: wdconscd@gmail Twitter and Instagram @iamwdc FaceBook facebook/WDCRADIO Kamilah Bailey at bailey_k09@yahoo Tina Kay by Twitter: tkay2006, Facebook: Tina Kay, Instagram: tkay2006, [email protected], Watch out for the You Tube video that can be found on any of our Facebook pages. https://youtube/watch?v=0-nOymr8koA We Need Your Help....Even If You Cannot Make It to Advocacy Day 2014 in Washington, DC!! How You Ask... Log on to and locate your House Representatives in your local community. Find your Senator here: Log On to Facebook and Like Their Page - Share information about how important the Re-Authorization of the Sickle Cell Treatment Act is on their page. On to Twitter and Follow Them - #SickleCellTA for Sickle Cell Treatment Act. I searched and this hashtag (#) is not being used at all. Lets blow it up! Contact your local elected officials, county officials, state elected officials, Churches, NAACP, Pan-Hellenic African American Grad Chapters, Sororities & Fraternities and ask them to join in the fight to Re-Authorize the Sickle Cell Treatment Act, by doing all of the above mentioned items with you. On April 3, 2014 we will tweet these people all day long: elected officials and the 20 celebrities throughout the day with no limit on the number of times you send out tweets Once Advocacy Day is over, we will release more information about Phase Two of this movement, Lets Do Something. The more we communicate and inundate our elected representatives with information, the more we make Sickle Cell a topic they cannot ignore. This campaign using social media makes us relevant and shows the world that the Sickle Cell Treatment Act must be reinstated!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 06:06:24 +0000

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