Please do take the time to read Delilahs heart-wrenching staff bio - TopicsExpress


Please do take the time to read Delilahs heart-wrenching staff bio below, and if you can help this confused girl, adopt or foster her, and save her life! A staff member writes: Delilah is hard to ignore. Big, beautiful, bold in one moment, bashful the next, she is a looker as well as a personality. In her kennel she can go from 0 to 60 mph in seconds: quiet and still, soft and trembling with anticipation, vocal and insistent. A stranger is greeted with a low growl, a friend with a wide grin. It doesnt take long to win Delilahs trust, but it does take time to get her head through that leash loop. Its a crazy dance as she bobs and weaves and jumps and paws the air. But then all of her attention is concentrated on making it out the door. Delilah is puppylike as she flops through the hall, all loose skin and long limbs. Once comfortable with her handler, she is friendly and affectionate in an endearing, clumsy way. Delilah is a bundle of unfocused energy. She doesnt quite know what to do with herself and tries (unsuccessfully of course) to move in ten different directions at once. Shes on your lap, in your face, over here, over there. Delilah will make you feel special, as though shes been waiting her whole life to meet you. Her clear brown eyes are affectingly human, her mouth downturned, giving her a faraway, doleful expression. But these same eyes light up and soften with affection, this same mouth opens to reveal a beautiful smile when she sees your familiar face. Delilah is a tender, loving dog with a delicate constitution. Though enthusiastic and inquiring, she can startle easily and so responds best to a slow approach at her invitation. She is manageable on a walk, but would definitely benefit from some leash training and impulse control. Luckily Delilah is a food junky and will gravitate to treats of any kind, no matter the value. She is not a fussy dog and is clearly grateful for all the attention she gets. Delilah is also a fan of other dogs it seems; she jauntily walks past, or stops and greets with playful body language and a few words. You can bet that if Delilah were in high school she would be one of the popular kids, maybe even a cheerleader. She has the looks, the body, and the charm. Delilah is the entire package, a bit rough around the edges but with all the necessary components to make an excellent family pet for an experienced home. She will need proper exercise and stimulation to channel her boundless verve. Delilah is ready, willing, and able to learn. In fact, she cant wait. In the right hands, Delilah will not disappoint. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=747362585276623&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=3&permPage=1
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:30:08 +0000

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