Please help: We need your prayers! ~ PLEASE: If you’re - TopicsExpress


Please help: We need your prayers! ~ PLEASE: If you’re praying for me/us, please “Like”, “Comment”, and/or “Share” to let us know you care. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support. Your help is truly appreciated. It means a lot to me, as well as my parents and family. Please communicate with your leaders, so we can unite and reconcile this matter, biblically, in order to glorify Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, as well as be a living testimony to our community. As we know: God is in control. It’s all in the Lord’s hands. Dear Timber Crest Baptist Church family & friends: Please pray for me, as well as the youth. (Note: The TCBC youth need you more than you know.) Please request Pastor McCash and the deacons to: 1) furnish/provide a documented list of the allegations they accuse me of committing; 2) specify the acts they opine constitute gross misconduct; and 3) provide an opportunity for us (Pastor McCash, the deacons, the congregation, and I) to discuss the matter, at an appropriate setting. Cry for help: Oh, Lord, please help. Please, Timber Crest, family: Help! :( ...I cry help, but who will help??? :( May the Lord give you strength to seek the truth, rather than be silent, by requesting Pastor McCash and the deacons to provide the three (3) simple requests: 1) allegations; 2) alleged gross misconduct; and 3) appropriate discussion. Church Member Responsibility: God’s children are to love their leaders enough to discipline them, because their leaders are accountable for their lives and doctrinal teaching (1 Timothy 4:16). Spiritual teachers also have a greater judgment (James 3:1). Dear Pastor McCash, deacons, and staff: I am not your enemy: I am your brother, in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. We’re supposed to work together, as family. Therefore, please: Be a witness to fellow Christians, as well as non-believers, by reconciling this matter in a Christ-like manner. Please: 1) furnish/provide a documented list of the allegations you and some of the deacons accuse me of committing; 2) specify the acts you and some of the deacons opine constitute gross misconduct; and 3) provide an opportunity for us (you, the deacons, the congregation, and I) to discuss the matter, at an appropriate setting. Summary of the meeting of January 7, 2015: • On January 7, 2015, I attended a meeting with Pastor McCash and some of the deacons. • Pastor McCash presented me the following two options: 1) Resign; or 2) If you don’t resign, you will be fired. • I was perplexed and asked for an explanation. • Pastor McCash presented allegations (constituting gross misconduct) against me to the deacons, as fact - without allowing for discussion, nor an investigation. • I denied each allegation passionately and adamantly. • I requested Pastor McCash and the deacons to provide me a documented list of the allegations, so they could be appropriately addressed in order to allow me to present a case; however, my request was denied. • Pastor McCash excommunicated me to the degree it will be considered trespassing if I enter the church premises, because I refused to meet his demand that I not tell others about the matter. Pastor McCash’s notification of January 7, 2015: On January 12, 2015, Pastor McCash told me the following statement will be included in the next business letter: “Ryan Stevens has committed gross misconduct.” I am hurt and need your help: The pastor and deacons’ actions are unbiblical (corrupt/dishonest/ungodly) and hurtful/harmful, as they failed to appropriately resolve the matter, according to the Bible). :( The allegations have hurt me, tremendously, and have defamed my reputation. :’( Moreover, it appears the allegations have ruined the opportunity you gave me, as the TCBC Youth Minister, to witness and positively influence the youth, their parents, and others toward growing their relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s unfortunate I am no longer welcome to be part of the TCBC family. :( I love you & miss y’all sooo much! :’( I truly care about you, especially the youth. …Please help me, church family. I’ve been praying, but I need your help. (Note: I cannot hold the pastor and deacons accountable, alone; therefore, please be a Christian team family by praying and taking appropriate action.) Allegations: Allegation No. 1: Pastor McCash said when he asked me, “Did Baylor notify you of the job position?” that I answered, “Yes” (while yelling at me and calling me a liar). False: I answered “No.” In fact, I emphasized, “Baylor had nothing to do with it.” (Note: I also text Pastor McCash my answer. Pastor McCash previously told me he saved his text messages; so I pleaded the deacons to review the text message (his cellphone was present during the meeting); however, none of the deacons took the initiative to request him to present the evidence.) Allegation No. 2: I exceeded the youth fund amount by approximately $200.00. False: I have proof (evidence) of a hand written document from Mrs. Money that specifies the remaining balance in the amount of $1,774.20, which was not exceeded. The only reimbursement I received regarded the Skate World event expenses in the amount of $120.00: resulting in an annual remaining balance of $1,654.20. (Note: Pastor McCash and some of the deacons refused to reimburse me for other relevant expenses, including Bible study material, because I did not complete an order form.) Allegation No. 3: I told the youth to attend another church. False: I did not tell the youth to attend another church. (Note: I have served wholeheartedly toward encouraging healthy spiritual growth, including increasing the number of youth; not advising them to attend another church. In general: I encourage youth to attend a biblical church (a Bible believing church) that fully supports the youth ministry – for the spiritual wellbeing.) Allegation No. 4: I missed weekly meetings to have lunch with other pastors/ministers (former TCBC youth ministers, Charles Outlaw and Richard Hollingsworth). False: I have not missed meetings to have lunch with other pastors/ministers (former TCBC youth ministers, Charles Outlaw and Richard Hollingsworth). (Note: The only meeting I did not attend was on January 6, 2015, which Pastor McCash notified me (via text) that they were going to begin the meeting without me, rather than wait for me, and that he would fill me in. Although our meetings usually commence around 2:30 P.M., the time varied. (In fact, the previous 3 or 4 meetings were cancelled in which I was not always notified.) I was having lunch with one of the youth, James O’Neal, at Whataburger, a few miles from the church. …We met at 1:30 P.M.) Allegation No. 5: I rudely demanded an audio copy of the business meeting from the secretary. False: I, kindly, told Mrs. Ferry that it was imperative I receive a copy of the audio recording of the business meeting, because I forgot the names of the committees that the mediator specified for me to contact prior to the next business meeting (I told her I may be able to wait about a week and that if there was an associated fee for the copies, I would submit payment. However, she said they reuse the tapes and that the church does not charge for copies, but she was resistant to notify me when she would provide me a copy.) Further, she implied she did not want me to discuss my request for a raise with the committees. She also asked me if my home church provided me financial support, since I was working as a youth minister, which I answered, “No.” Additionally, she notified me I was not a TCBC member (I told her I thought I was, but she said I never went before the church for membership; so, I told her if I wasn’t one already, I would become a member). (Note: The secretary did not provide me the titles and contact information of the committees, which I request in November; so, I was unfamiliar with the names.) Allegation No. 6: I accused the secretary of having a secrete agenda. False: I did not accuse Mrs. Ferry of having a “secrete agenda.” Those were her words; not mine. (Note: Mrs. Ferry asked, “What, you’re accusing me of having a secrete agenda?” I answered, “No.” She said, “I’m done. I’m done!” Explanation: When she informed me she recorded the previous business meeting and showed me a pocket sized recorder, I said, “I didn’t know you recorded it”, and tried to be funny by saying, “You know, California laws require people to notify others before recording things behind closed doors.” We/I joke about the differences of CA and TX, since I’m from CA, and how difficult it is to do things in CA because of all of the laws/legislation. She teases me all the time and we have laughed about it ever since I have attended TCBC. I apologized for hurting her feelings and she accepted; however, she made allegations against me the following day, according to Pastor McCash.) Allegation No. 7: I told others I was promised $500.00 per week, rather than $500.00 per month. False: I did not tell people I was promised $500.00 per week, rather than $500.00 per month. (Note: Although Pastor McCash notified me of the salary during the Youth Search Committee (YSC) meeting; I had hoped the salary would be about $500.00 per week, rather than $500.00 per month (the annual salary decreased from $19,200 to $6,000, resulting in a $13,000.00 difference, despite the church’s expectation of a “slight increase” in tithes/donations, according to Mr. Herring, during the business meeting of December 21, 2014, while the staff’s salary increased by 10%). I testified to being notified of my salary amount during the YSC meeting, while at the business meeting, which was audio recorded, and expressed how the salary was also abruptly and inappropriately forced upon me, during the Youth Search Committee meeting (two of the committee members were youth, which also made me uncomfortable to discuss the salary).) Allegation No. 8: I offended a deacon when I asked for a raise. True: Mr. Herring adamantly opined it was wrong for me to ask for a raise. Mr. Herring, I’m sorry for upsetting you. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask the church for a raise, since it is extremely difficult to live with my weekly net paycheck of $99.56. (Note: I can barely afford food and can only afford a poor living condition. In fact, the rooms are terrible (i.e., dirty/filthy; likely, rodent infested; risky environment)). :( Please forgive me for asking; I’m sorry. …I just thought you – a godly man – would support me, according to the Bible, especially as I am giving everything I am able to the church and youth. I love y’all dearly. For the Scripture says: Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain, and, the worker is worthy of his wages. 1 Timothy 5:17-18 HCSB Commentary: “Faithful church leaders should be supported and appreciated. Too often they are targets for criticism because the congregation has unrealistic expectations. How do you treat your church leaders? Do you enjoy finding fault, or do you show your appreciation? Do they receive enough financial support to allow them to live without worry and to provide for the needs of their families? Jesus and Paul emphasized the importance of supporting those who lead and teach us (see Galatians 6:6 and the notes of Luke 10:7 and 1 Corinthians 9:4). Our ministers deserve to know that we are giving to them cheerfully, gratefully, and generously.)” Letting my request be known to God (Philippians 4:6), and my church family: Please ask Pastor McCash and the deacons to present a document of the allegations (constituting gross misconduct) before the church. You, as well as my parents and family, deserve to know the truth, rather than it continue to be hidden from you. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV 31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word,[a] you really are My disciples. 32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 HCSB It is imperative you (God’s children) work, together, as a team in order to glorify Christ, while encouraging healthy growth, rather than remaining silent and allowing corruption to arise within the church. The church, including the youth, needs you! …and so do I, brothers and sisters. :( I want to continue glorifying God as the Youth Minister: to positively influence the youth (i.e., reaching the lost and encouraging the saved), as well as their parents and others. However, I cannot do it without you; I need your help, Timber Crest, family. Please help reconcile matters by taking appropriate action (let’s get out of our comfort zones): Communicate with your leaders and make an eternal difference that glorifies Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. P.S. Your help is truly appreciated. In Christ’s love, Ryan Your brother in Christ
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:21:16 +0000

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