Please read if you want a good laugh Yesterday me and dad went - TopicsExpress


Please read if you want a good laugh Yesterday me and dad went to Dewey lake to fish at the boat dock we got there around 7:30 and it was about 8:30 or 9:00 dad brings in a snapping turtle well I didnt like that then we caught a couple blue gill and dad caught a bass next we moved to another spot to fish well when I was in the van getting something he pulls in a croppy so before we knew it a catfish was biting on his bait so he starts reeling it in and when he pulled the fish to the bank we seen that it was an albino catfish I got excited over that so the catfish didnt bite but the croppy did we caught 8 croppy so then things started slowing down when these boys left that was fishing beside us they gave us their chicken liver so dad puts chicken liver on some hooks he threw them out into the water next dad went to another area at the boat dock to fish we were about 50 feet away from the rest of the Poes so he throws his Poe in the water trying to catch a bass or something next thing we knew dads Poe with the chicken liver on it starts scooting across the concrete dad tried to run down there in enough time to keep it from going in the water well that didnt happen so it went in the water at the end of the boat dock the water was shallow in that area dad jumped in the lake and started swimming to get his fishing Poe back so he comes out of the lake with the fishing Poe in his hand he is soaking wet he took off his boots and the water poured out and I laughed so much I cried that happend about 4:00 AM things started slowing down we got a couple bites here and there the time had finally came the Poe started moving and I got it I set the hook in the fishs mouth and I reeled it in and that thing fought but I finally got it to the bank without any help at all and I seen it was a catfish well that made me happy because it was my first catfish that happend about 6:00 then we threw our Poe out again hoping for another catfish a few minute later the Poe went across the concrete and I picked it up and starting reeling it in I had to fight with it to get to the bank but when I did it was a spotted black and white catfish we didnt catch anything else after that by the time we left and everything it was about 7:30 I counted up how many fish we caught and it came to 15 fish not counting the turtle we caught 8 croppy, a bass, 4 catfish, and 2 bluegill I spent all night at the lake with my dad I really had fun with him because I love fishing we have went fishing Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday morning but I forgot to Mention that I got scared to death because of humongous spider and coyotes but other than that my night was great
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:27:36 +0000

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