*Please read this statement to the end! Monday, Nov. 10, 2014. - TopicsExpress


*Please read this statement to the end! Monday, Nov. 10, 2014. Noon hour, rural Kent County, New Brunswick, Canada. Today, I was out on the main highway, which in this area would be Highway 126, where I could easily see 10-15 miles in the distance, due to the lay of the land. I got to see the chemical dome forming, moving in from the distance, closing in from all sides. Basically, nothing in these pictures is cloud. This is all chemical: barium, strontium, titanium, lithium, lead, iron, potassium, sulfur dioxide and more, thanks to the United Nations Agenda 21 of depopulation of the planet by 90% or more. Be it known, then, that we have nothing to fear from terrorists from afar: we are being systematically slaughtered by our own government, NATO, the UN, geoengineers, commercial airlines, the military, and all those who are complicit in this, the worst crime ever perpetrated in human history. Check these pictures out and ask yourselves how come nothing is being said in the media about this? Oh, yes, I just remembered, the media moguls are shareholders in the chemical companies, you know, Dow, Monsanto, the people who brought us Agent Orange, Roundup and other killer chemicals! And for what its worth, the Weather Network still says mainly sunny for this area. Needless to say, the Weather Network is in on the genocide, and a slew of us know only too well. On a related note: the front page of the Moncton Times & Transcript, today, told of a Riverview, NB couple diagnosed with cancers three days apart. Jeff and Jill MacDonald are quite young, having three small children at home. Jeff has inoperable rectal cancer, which has spread to the lymph nodes and liver, while Jill has bone cancer in her tibia. Oh yes, this is related to the spraying, and we need to consider the implications of that as it pertains to us all at this time!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:10:11 +0000

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