Please share this horoscope from healthytreefrog if you enjoy it. - TopicsExpress


Please share this horoscope from healthytreefrog if you enjoy it. Thanks! September 2014 HOROSCOPE ARIES: Consider yourself an adventurer – one who is in the extended phase of preparation for the journey ahead. This is not a geographical journey that is in view, so much as one toward a new experience of consciousness – based essentially on your relationship to the world, apart from your own specific identity. You are currently in the border lands, carrying much uncertainty about the trip. Part of you wishes to remain in your ´anima´ (feminine nature). Another way of describing this might be that mother stuff is holding you down. You need to travel light but unconscious fears have been percolating. This coming to the surface of old fears is linked to a sense of self rooted in old emotional complexes. But now these concerns about self are to be shed. ´Who am I?´ does not matter these days, Aries. Instead, your values are catching up with your energy. ´Who are these interesting folk all around me?´ is the new mantra. You are about to cross a bridge into a new cosmos – one where you are no longer striving to be who you are, but rather striving to lose who you were, in order to become who you will be. You will utilise the values of hard work to propel you into a state of greater equilibrium, such that you will not just understand but embody that ¨I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together¨. TAURUS: ¨Earth calling creativity, come in creativity¨. You can be a person afflicted with a highly individualistic view that creativity is a solitary process, an intellectual fire storm of principles and notions, catalysed on the mental level, in the realm of ideas and ideals. But your intellectual construct of ´how life is´ has recently taken a severe blow.Until of late, you have been unable to see how your grounded connections, your embodied reality, your human interactions, have been the seat of your greatest potential in creative areas. You have been unable to find yourself because obscured by IDEAS about yourself. But now, your actual connections are furnishing you with creative raw materials. The whole point that you must now grasp is that of the value of diligence and graft. This is NOT your former obsessive thinking, which was a pseudo-creative phenomenon, but actual application with resources that are tangible. An emotional shift is required – one from doubt tofaith. But that adjustment is easy when you actually look around you, rather than obeying your old mental-level fears. And this we can succinctly describe as ¨the path of your wholeness¨. GEMINI: You are on a voyage to the centre of you. The sword of your intellect has divided your conscious lens upon the world. Divided within and carrying a residual anxiety, you have nonetheless been able to pride yourself upon seeing every side of the story. But now, there is a seismic move toward centredness; integration. Yet more than a mere subjective journey, the question here for you is the vexed one of how your peers are a part of WHO YOU ARE and how you transfigure yourself. Out of a disruption on the personality level you are now called into a new fluidity – you are not your mind and your are not even your distinct sense of self. It´s likely you are deeply uncertain about who exactly constitute your tribe. I suggest that rather than focusing upon where you will locate them, instead you devote yourself to issues beyond your intellect. Instead, use said intellect to transcend your personal sphere and explore/engage with the structures of society. The very best way to unearth your wholeness right now is to develop your vision of the society you´d really like to inhabit, then set about thinking how you could help bring that vision about in three dimensions and finally, work toward it. CANCER: I see you as very much having been in the role of Earth mother in the recent phases of your life. It feels to me that such was actually your best bet for preserving a sacred space for yourself. It feels like you have been too long in the grip of fears about branching out, being direct/assertive about what you require; perhaps because of a deep-seated guilt. Perhaps you, the nurturer, have felt bad if you ever even attempted to attend to yourself – that is indeed ancient legacy material. Imagine instead, you become dynamic, you action your own plans – what WOULD that feel like? Perhaps FEELING selfish is easier than actually stepping out! Still, a period of self-reliance is upon you. This phase sees you pushing back against the view that you must be a servant to others´ needs in a very public/visible fashion. You are NOT public property and you do not owe the world a living. It is time to spread your wings and prioritise YOUR plans, rather than pay homage to limits you have always perceived as being imposed from the outside. You may feel like an alien for a while, until you get comfortable with your right to independent existence. Roll with it. LEO: There has been a tumultuous energy churning away within you. You sense that it is time to reach toward the higher vibration of your Leonine nature. How desperately you have attempted to remain within your former limits – oh how you have longed to stuff down those gremlins that bite and snap at your ankles. You are called, naturally, to be a leader. Yet, you cannot arrive there while your old ego dramas and unresolved needs beset you. An initiation beckons, an evolutionary gateway draws you like a star´s inexorable gravity. You have a body my friend.. and it is your greatest asset right about now. If inside of your head there happened to be an elaborate map, the point would not be to admire the intricacy of said map. No, the point would be to travel within the world of beings and objects. That´s where the wonder is! It´s not exactly that you haven´t lived, it´s that you have not lived from a surrendered viewpoint. Ask yourself again what it would mean to be free. No longer let the old questions define you. Find yourself all around you. Start with your neighbours. VIRGO: Dear Virgo, you have reached a space of ´dynamic equilibrium´. A tug-of-war in your psyche has been been resolved and all is really quite pleasant in the garden.Things have become still enough for you to be able to establish some clarity of perception. So, what do you see? In the realm of your personal relationships it looks very much like you are witnessing a transformation – an opening up into something new, novel lines of open and fluid communication, after a period of upheaval THAT REFLECTED YOUR OWN TURMOIL. A partner has been undergoing a process of deep change. Finally, it would appear that your significant relationships are lightening up – and that this lightness is the start of a whole new pattern/cycle – one carrying less gravitas than ever you can remember and, perhaps more importantly, more fun in your relating than you ever thought possible! You have waited a long, long time for such a development. Know that this is a sustainable turning point – no mere flash in the pan. LIBRA: You just cannot get organised right now, can you Libra? Something wishes to be born within you. An energy seeks to earth within your being, yet you cannot quite access this. Instead, you are once again mired in the uncertainty of your relationships. You are emotionally invested in a relationship scenario wherein you are attempting to free yourself up from the patterns of the past, so that you can move forward. You feel like you want to be decisive yet as always, are afflicted with worries about making the wrong call. But this is a distraction. You are attempting to organise your unconscious; but please note, this is a forlorn hope. If you desire a foundation for structure that resolves your schism, you have to begin to trust both yourself and the people around you. Stop putting things in boxes and simply allow things to be as they are. Let me clarify what this means. Do not agonise and analyse – rather observe. When you take a step toward someone, watch what they do. And, when they take a step toward you, ask yourself what you feel and why – then act accordingly. SCORPIO: You are being driven by a need to break free, to take your energy and drive it out into the world productively. You must align with your tribe in order to achieve this, Scorpio. How do you feel about this restless energy? Is your first impulse to doubt yourself? Do you question whether what you feel is valid? You absolutely must travel light as you deal with details of every day life. Getting bogged down in ´shoulds´ and ´what ifs´ is the very opposite of what is required, which is faith in your own creative process. Bear in mind that your doubts may appear to be about your ability to manifest something tangible in the world – but that is an illusion. Transformative reality ALWAYS invokes the principle that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I suggest that you do not focus upon what you are called to create but upon identifying those partners who can help materialise the larger vision. Watch how locating these folks actually frees you and then sit back… and marvel! SAGITTARIUS: It´s tough feeling constrained when you are having to consider issues around how you express your talent in the world. The desire you clearly demonstrate now is to manifest all your creative brilliance in three dimensions – and to make this the same thing as your livelihood. You long for the unbridled joy of bringing your ideas through from the numinous realm and into this dimension. Communicating the essence of this journey is challenging for you. You have NO IDEA how to plan this journey, or remotely understand it. However, what you DO see is a certain amount of chaos and destruction ¨out there¨. Let this panoramic vision of what needs addressing fuel and guide your creative synthesising. You are a manufacturer of solutions right now. Allow every impulse/experience to steer you squarely into your creative self. This is sensory stuff, Sagittarius – not remotely conceptual. Shoot from the hip. Follow the energy and allow your higher self to have free reign. CAPRICORN: Bring a cosmopolitan band of collaborators into your home space. Make the place where you call home, a place of welcome for every sort of diverse, educational and expansive contact point imaginable. Right about now, every type of abundance seems to be magically drawn toward you, as if some type of cosmic portal to an alternate universe travels with you wherever you go. You can afford to be passive and receptive. You are currently bathing in the glow of the midday Sun. This is as good as it gets, folks! Sure, it may not FEEL that way when certain taken-for-granted aspects of your every day life and work continue to face seemingly continuous upheaval. Simply understand that this energy you feel that seems to be striking at the heart of your daily work, is deep preparation for all the changes that you will be confronting soon enough. Don´t let a focus on specific life pressures and demands derail you seeing just what the universe is doing here. You are being given a first class ticket into your fulfilled future – a future where your life finally begins to feel like poetry in motion. AQUARIUS: For now,you need to protect and conserve. No doubt in time your abundance will come like a deluge, as a reward for all your hard work, but for now, CONSERVE. Do not be reckless with your energy. This, for you, is the chrysalis phase. You are in a place preceding a spectacular re-birth. Don´t worry about structure and order. It will be inherent to the new frame your enter into, once your moment arrives to take a bow. What I am saying is ¨Do not waste your energy going down blind alleys or down avenues deemed valid/good by other people¨. You are nonetheless called upon to develop your keen intelligence toward the quick grasp of essentials. Imagine yourself on a reconnaissance mission. You are not expected to map the whole terrain now. Simply acquire the basic contours/blueprint you will be working with. Above all, DO NOT allow the indecision and inefficiency you see in others to derail you or rob you of peace, or put you under an undue sense of pressure. Your process is outworking in exactly the right way, in the right timescale. Have faith in that fact. PISCES: Your partners are not mere ideas. I´m saying that just in case you´d lost sight of that small detail. They inhabit bodies and busy lives. They have finite and restricted functions. They are mortal. Nor should you expect anything else. The values/standards you apply to all your relationships is currently up for scrutiny. You have been a hermit have you not, of late? You have licked your wounds and retreated within. Well now, it is time for you to open up again to the light. The light you feel within yourself is the light that you must see ´out there´ in others. Have you only been seeing their darkness? Have you allowed that sense of darkness to deplete your faith in life and people? No more! You are called upon to transcend – to transform yourself. No longer the idealist turned cynic, you are called upon to emerge into a new relationship to your peers – connections based upon all the good which you experience in there, amid the numerous flaws. You know that the time is long gone where you could afford to allow your own sense of wellbeing to be based upon the perceived flaws of others. Make peace with the darkness that is in ALL of us.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 20:34:44 +0000

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