Please vote to not invite Condi Rice who to this day continues to - TopicsExpress


Please vote to not invite Condi Rice who to this day continues to defend her lying for Bush-Cheney that launched a devastating war that killed hundreds of thousands abut destroyed the country of Iraq and who also defends her leadership of the White House Principals who planned and ordered waterboarding and other forms of highly illegal tortures. I just posted the folllowing comment: The Universitys academic freedom type excuse for not apologizing for their mistake and disinviting Rice is a total fabrication given how these Northrop events are run. They are not debates or even meaningful discussions in any sense of the word but simply controlled to allow the person at the podium to sway the audience. When Condi spoke at Beth El Synagogue a couple years ago, she strongly shilled for war on Iran, nearly as much as she did for Bush-Cheneys devastating war on Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands of people and left Iraq in shambles, spreading sectarian hatred throughout the mid-east. Condi would probably not even accept to engage in a real Oxford style debate with anyone who knows something about her prior involvement in war crimes, not even if she was paid a million dollars! Shouldnt Mr. Collins have asked that question, whether, instead of being honored at a podium, Rice could be invited to a real debate or discussion on these serious issues?! There are plenty of high level attorneys and even former military officials who could be invited to discuss with her who know of her unethical and illegal actions, not only in helping contrive an illegal war on Iraq but also she convened the White House Principals who designed and ordered various illegal torture upon detainees. Unfortunately NPR and other media constantly promote this American Exceptionalism which means, after all, that the laws apply only to other countries, all others EXCEPT the U.S.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:19:00 +0000

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