Pls sign petition created by Argentina fans of Michael Jackson - - TopicsExpress


Pls sign petition created by Argentina fans of Michael Jackson - We must stand in solidarity so that we can make a change .. English Translation -Why is it important The bullying in journalism contributes to the growing cultural problem of bullying. We argue that as Sunday magazine for family, Viva has the obligation to your readers to publish accurate and culturally relevant content by professional journalists do not cause damage to the readers, especially the young and impressionable readers who are at an age vulnerable to the growing problem of bullying. We, the public, denounce the role model of bullying youth through publications that reach our homes. Without a retraction and apology from the offending parties, we call for a boycott and a record of complaints against Viva, publication of Clarín. Viva and Clarín violated their ethical responsibility to readers by posting amoral, false, salacious and derogatory information in the Sunday supplement, 1999 edition, June 22, 2014 in Clarín. entitled: 5 YEAR WITHOUT MICHAEL JACKSON THE KING STILL ALIVE. The article on Michael Jackson written by Paul Schanton was particularly offensive because it was filled with tabloid-regurgitated and faked material imitating the bullying that Jackson received throughout his life and continues embarrassingly out of the sanctity of the grave. The public trusts that the publications will tell you the truth. Article by Viva Schanton, and somehow approved by the editor Ricardo Kirshbaum was a regurgitation of false and scandalous tabloid caricatures of Jackson built over decades by tabloid journalists who benefited from the increased circulation of his newspaper by cannibalization of a living human being and sensitive artist. Now, as then, the media drool over the scandal did not show the mans innocence, artificial finely charges and the lack of evidence provided by a tax district notorious for imaginary and inflated charges to reach minorities in their opulent - white-Santa Barbara, California jurisdiction. Jackson was acquitted by a jury who actually heard the evidence exposed frames extortion for profit as documented in the court records and easily accessible. No better than its predecessors tabloid, Clarín and its supplement Viva, recently demonstrated through Paul Schanton and approved by the editor Ricardo Kirschbaum, the same bullying that led to the decline and eventual death of a man who was considered a global treasure and is still revered by millions. If Kirschbaum Schanton or editor would have bothered to investigate court records or the new published after his death by people who really knew biographical material, would have provided accurate information and passed on Jackson to an uninformed public and similarly indoctrinated. Instead, they chose to defame someone whos been dead for five years, ignoble task. Schanton and Viva called him Jacko, a name historically racist roots and Jackson himself was an insult. Reference to the nose and the body without investigating the report of the forensic autopsy again easily accessible ago. Degrade someone by their appearance is a common tactic of bullying. Viva just copied the tabloids and dehumanize its tradition of public figures for profit. Jackson was found not guilty, and was a consummate humanitarian and philanthropist, a forgotten story by conventional current journalists indoctrinated that are now coming to light. Viva and Schanton contaminated artist with a cheap lens and biased review of caricature and vilification of Jackson built as time passed to keep it as a lucrative commodity and make your bullying more palatable for public consumption. Music and lyrics by famous Jackson encouraged to heal the world, save the children, to unite to solve the serious environmental and social problems of the world today those words that show not only that he was right, they are an oracle of truth. If the content and writing of Clarín and its supplement Viva, coming out in a day dedicated to the family, is so inaccurate, poor and poorly researched why the public will believe another thing printed by this newspaper and their journalists? How do consumers to try to dissuade our children from bullying when a publication which came to our homes shows clearly how to publicly humiliate and intimidate? It is in bad taste practice of vilifying the tabloid style to a dead man, as then, is loved by millions, and with complete disregard for their children, which the article also dehumanized by questioning his paternity and essentially calling them sons of specimen. Thats an insult to the many childless couples who adopt or have children with the help of science. We, the public demand a retraction and an apology from the general manager of the newspaper Clarín Mr. Hector Aranda, and the magazine Viva, especially the so-called journalist and editor Pablo Ricardo Schanton Kirshbbaum. We expect a public apology with an explanation and a commitment to ethical and truthful articles published by the parent company Grupo Clarin SA, Stones C1140ABK 1743 Buenos Aires, Argentina on Tel: 54 11 4309-7500
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:15:37 +0000

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