Pls take time to read & pray.. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the - TopicsExpress


Pls take time to read & pray.. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, * be our Advocate. Amen. “This prayer has been given for the redemption of the world. This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world. Pray this prayer in all that you do.” (From the message of December 31, 1951) * The original form of the prayer from Amsterdam concludes with the phrase, “May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate”. In 1951 the diocesan bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam gave ecclesiastical permission to print the prayer. Since then it has received many imprimaturs. After the local bishop consulted with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in regard to the prayer, the Congregation approved the text of the prayer but with the directive to change the original phrase “who once was Mary” to “the Blessed Virgin Mary”, due to possible misunderstanding (October 30, 2006). DAY 1. Come to the Lady of All Nations Lord Jesus Christ… In this time Mary wants to be the Lady, the Mother of All Nations and so she comes to us, standing upon the globe as our Advocate. She received this title from the Lord Jesus Christ. At his departure He gave his Mother to the nations as the Lady of All Nations by saying, “Woman, this is your son; son, this is your Mother.” She has been sent in this time by the Father and the Son to bring anew the Holy Spirit among the nations and to unite them as one community. As the Bride of the Lord, the Queen of the King, she will through her intercession save the world and crush the head of the snake. The Lady of All Nations may and shall grant Grace, Redemption and Peace to all who beseech her under this title. Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: May you be brought among all nations, as the Lady, the Mother of All Nations. Response Unite the peoples of this world and bring them together as one community. Response Open the hearts of all people that the Holy Spirit may come over the world. Response From the message of April 6, 1952: “The Lady of All Nations will stand above the community. She was Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. She now wishes to be the Lady of All Nations. No matter who or what you are, come to the Lady of All Nations.” From the message of December 8, 1952: “Realize why I come as the Lady of All Nations. I come in order to bring all nations together in the Spirit, in the true, Holy Spirit. People, learn to find the Holy Spirit. Strive after righteousness, truth and love. Do not reject your brothers. Teach them to know the true Spirit. The Lady of All Nations promises to help the world if it acknowledges this title, if it invokes her under this title.” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, humanity has been entrusted to you. Christ, wanting to be our brother gave you to us as our Mother. Before you we place our prayers, our anguish and sorrow, our hope and joy. Grant us the grace of soul and body which you are permitted to give to us all, no matter who or what we are. Hear our prayers and be our Advocate. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 2. Pray this prayer in all that you do Lord Jesus Christ… The Lady of All Nations has given her short and powerful prayer so that all nations may pray for the true and Holy Spirit. She wishes this simple prayer to be spread among all peoples and to be prayed every day in order to call down the true Spirit upon the world. She says, “This prayer has been given for the redemption of the world. This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world. Pray this prayer in all that you do.” In this way, the fruit, the Spirit, will come into the hearts of all people, and they will be formed into one community through this simple prayer. The nations of this time shall know that they are under the protection of the Lady of All Nations and call upon her as their Advocate. She will save the world through her prayer. “You do not know how great and how important this prayer is before God. He will hear his Mother, as she wants to be your Advocate.” Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: May all nations pray for the true and Holy Spirit. Response May the Holy Spirit preserve us from degeneration, disaster and war. Response May the Spirit of love and truth fill the hearts of all people. Response From the message of February 11, 1951: And now suddenly I am standing before a large cross. The Lady says to me, “Let everyone come back to the cross; only then can there be peace and tranquility”. Then I see the Lady become even more beautiful than she already was. The light that always surrounds her becomes much brighter and brilliant, such that I can hardly bear to look into it. She now raises and joins her hands, which she otherwise always holds down. Her face becomes so heavenly, so sublime; one simply cannot express it in words. Her figure grows even more translucent and so beautiful that I look at it in rapture. Then the Lady says, “Pray before the cross: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, * be our Advocate. Amen.” The Lady says this prayer so beautifully and impressively; no one in the world could do it as she did. She stresses the word ‘now’ in ‘send now Your Spirit’ and ‘all’ in ‘Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations’. She also pronounces the word ‘Amen’ so beautifully and solemnly. While still standing in front of the cross, I pray it, repeating the words the Lady recited to me. It is as if the words are imprinted in my mind. I now see them written in large letters. After she has given the prayer, the Lady says, “Child, this prayer is so simple and short that everyone can say it in one’s own language, before one’s own crucifix; and those who have no crucifix say it to themselves. Say what I recited to you, and the Son will answer it.” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, lead us to your Son, so that He will send his Spirit and renew the face of the earth. May the Holy Spirit enkindle the fire of love in the hearts of all nations. Be our Advocate, that God will hear our prayers. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 3. This image will go from country to country, from town to town Lord Jesus Christ… The Lady draws special attention to the way she appears. She explains its meaning and asks that an image be made of it. She, who once was Mary, comes now as the Lady of All Nations, putting her feet firmly on the earth, for her mission concerns the whole world. She stands before the cross, surrounded by light. Her head, hands and feet are as of a human being, as of the Son of Man. The body, however, is as of the Spirit, for the Son came through the will of the Father. The girdle she wears is as the loincloth of the Son. From her hands come forth three rays, the rays of Grace, Redemption and Peace. She promises that all who pray before her image and beseech her as the Lady of All Nations will be granted grace for body and soul, according to the will of the Son. This image is destined for all nations and will go “from country to country, from town to town.” Around this image, her throne, the Lady will bring the nations together. Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: Unite all nations through your image and prayer. Response To all who come to you, grant grace for body and soul. Response At your hands may the nations receive redemption and peace. Response From the message of May 31, 1951: “Pay close attention now and describe what I let you see. I am standing on the globe. Around the globe, child, you thought you were seeing clouds. But now look carefully at what I will let you see.” Now I see the clouds changing into living sheep. From left and right around the globe a flock of sheep comes forth on both sides, as if from out of the depths. Here and there I see some black sheep among them. Lambs lie down at the foot of the globe. Sheep come walking along, some grazing. But most have their heads upturned, as if gazing intently at the Lady and the cross. It is a beautiful and peaceful sight. Then the Lady says to me, “This image of the flock of sheep represents the nations of the whole world, who will not find rest until they lie down and in tranquility look up at the cross, the center of this world.” “Now look at my hands and describe what you see.” Now it is as if there, in the middle of her hands, had been a wound. From there, from each hand, three rays of light are coming forth, shining upon the sheep. The Lady smiles and says, “These are three rays, the rays of Grace, Redemption and Peace. Through the grace of my Lord and Master, and out of love for humanity, the Father sent to the world his only Son as Redeemer. Now both of them want to send the Holy, the true Spirit, who alone can be peace. Hence: Grace, Redemption, Peace.” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, gather all nations around your throne, that they may find unity and tranquility under the cross. May the grace of the Father illumine the world. Open the hearts of peoples to the redeeming love of your Son, and grant them the peace of the Holy Spirit. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 4. As Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, I stand before the cross Lord Jesus Christ… The prayer and image of the Lady of All Nations are the preparation for and the illustration of the final and greatest Marian dogma, the dogma of Mary Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. It is unique that Mary herself, as the Lady and Mother of All Nations, speaks openly about this dogma and asks the Holy Father to proclaim it. It will be the crowning of Mary, the fulfillment of the last glorious mystery. From the beginning, the Lady explains, she was chosen by God and destined to be the Coredemptrix. As the Immaculate Conception, she was to be the Handmaid of the Lord. Through the will of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit she became the Mother of the Son of Man. She preceded her Son, followed Him and became united with Him in the sacrifice of the cross. Both spiritually and physically she suffered with Him for the redemption of humanity, and humanity was entrusted to her. She remained with the Apostles upon whom the Holy Spirit was to descend and now as well she wants to bring the Holy Spirit upon all nations. The Lady asks all to work and ask for this dogma. When this dogma has been proclaimed, it will be the beginning of a new era for humanity, and the Lady will grant true peace to the world. Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: May the Holy Father proclaim the dogma of Mary Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Response May your crowning bring true peace to the world. Response May the fulfillment of the last glorious mystery unite heaven and earth. Response From the message of July 2, 1951: “Now look carefully and listen. The following is an explanation of the new dogma. As Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate I stand on the globe before the cross of the Redeemer. By the will of the Father, the Redeemer came to the world. For this, the Father used the Lady. Thus the Redeemer received from the Lady only—now I am stressing the word ‘only’—the flesh and blood, that is to say, the body. From my Lord and Master the Redeemer received his Divinity. In this way the Lady became the Coredemptrix. I have said: this time is our time. This means that the Father and the Son wants to send the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate throughout the whole world in this time.” From the message of May 10, 1953 “I have come today to bring a special message. Ask the Holy Father to pray the prayer, which Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, under the title ‘the Lady of All Nations’, has given to the world, and to lead the nations in praying it. Tell him: Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, teach your peoples this simple yet profound prayer. It is Mary, the Lady of All Nations, who asks this of you. You are the shepherd of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tend your sheep. Know well, great threats are hanging over the Church, are hanging over the world. Now the moment has come for you to speak of Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, under the title ‘the Lady of All Nations’. You know that Mary wishes to come as the Lady of All Nations. She is now asking that the people may hear this title from you, the Holy Father. Through this prayer the Lady will save the world. I repeat this promise once more.” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, you were chosen among all women to bring the Son of Man into the world. You went before humanity in faith, the humble Handmaid of the Lord, and did not hesitate to do God’s will. You shared with Him the suffering of the cross for the redemption of all peoples. As the Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of All Grace, grant redemption and peace to all. To you, our Advocate, we take recourse. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 5. First back to Him, only then will there be true peace Lord Jesus Christ… Mary does not come for herself, but as the Lady of All Nations she has come to bring humanity to Christ. He is the one she wants to bring back into the world. He is the way, leading to the Light. Not until the world returns to Him, who is love and truth, will there be peace on earth. He has taken upon Himself the cross of the world, for the sake of humanity’s redemption. Again the cross must be brought into the world. The Lady of All Nations calls upon all people to take up the cross and to follow Him in love, truth and justice. Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: Help us to carry our own cross and to follow Christ. Response Bring your Son into the world again, that true peace may come over the earth. Response May you as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate unite humanity with Christ. Response From the message of March 29, 1946: Once again I see the Lady standing before me. She has a Child on her arm. He has a halo around his head and He is radiating light on all sides. It is as if the Lady comes down and now I see her standing on a globe. The Lady says, “Him”—and she points at the Child— “I want to bring into that world again.” But as she says this, she shakes her head again and again. I look at that Child, and as I look that Child changes into a cross. All at once the cross falls to the ground before me and breaks ear the Lady call, “Bring Him back into that world!” And she points at the fragmented cross. Now suddenly I see the cross complete again, planted in the midst of the world. The Lady says, “First back to Him, only then will there be true peace.” She stresses the word ‘true’. Then words appear around the Lady in a curve. I have to read aloud, “Truth”. This is in the middle. Then I read on the left “Justice”, and on the right “Love of Neighbor”. Prayer: Lady of All Nations, you showed us the way we all have to go: the way of the cross. Give us the strength and the courage to follow Christ in love. Lead the world back to your Son, so that truth and justice will live in the hearts of all nations and peace will reign on earth. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 6. Go to the Holy Spirit in this time Lord Jesus Christ… The Father and Son have sent the Lady of All Nations to bring unity among all the nations. She announces a new era, in which the fullness of the Holy Spirit will come, symbolized by a white Dove sending its rays over the world: “He is the light. He is the power by which the Lady was overshadowed. He proceeded from the Father and the Son. He pervaded the Lady of All Nations with his power. Thus she can and she may distribute grace to you.” The nations of this time are under the protection of the Lady of All Nations. She showed humanity the way to Christ and is now permitted, as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, to bring the Holy Spirit over the world. Thus she makes the request: “You shall pray my prayer which I gave to the world. Every day and every moment you shall think of the prayer which the Lady of All Nations gave to this world in this time.” Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: Protect youth in this time of great changes. Response Through your prayer may the children of this world learn to find the way to God. Response May all experience God’s mercy and learn to be grateful. Response From the message of May 31, 1955: “Nations, your Mother knows life, your Mother knows sorrow, your Mother knows the cross. Everything you go through in this life is a passage that your Mother, the Lady of All Nations, went before you. She went this road before you.” The Lady pauses again for a moment and then says slowly, “But she went up to the Father; she returned to her Son. Nations, you also go up to the Father by your way of the cross; you also go up to the Son by your way of the cross. The Holy Spirit will help you. Invoke Him in this time. I cannot say this enough to the world: go to the Holy Spirit in this time!” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, we put our trust in you, for you, our Mother, have never forsaken your children. Come to the aid of all who have gone astray, and bring them back again. May all who are in need find grace and solace with you. Through your intercession may the nations find peace and may the kingdom of God come among us. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 7. Be broad-minded, be mild Lord Jesus Christ… The Lady of All Nations warns the nations of the world that they are on the brink of self- destruction. The wrong spirit is leading humanity away from God and the nations no longer acknowledge their Creator. As long as love and justice are missing, degeneration, disaster and war will bring misery upon the world. The Lady warns Christians of the seriousness of the time, “Join hands. Plant the cross in the midst of the world. You are all responsible for your task that you have to accomplish in this time. Do not let yourselves be led to the wrong spirit.” A fierce spiritual fight will engulf the world and hard times are ahead for Christianity and the Church of Rome. There is a spirit out to undermine her, but the Lady promises, “Victory is Ours.” Christians should strive for unity and encounter the world with the cross in their hands. The Church should reach out to all, and the Lady calls upon the Church to be broad-minded and mild, for only so can the world be won for Christ. Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: Let the modern world with its modern technology not forget the simple cross. Response Unite Christians and bring them back into one community. Response Teach us to bring the love of Christ into this world. Response From the message of October 5, 1952: “Be apostles among one another. For you are all one. Each of you must see to being an apostle. Be of one mind among one another. How can the community, the Church, be large and one if you are divided among one another? Be warned, and try to be honest and good to one another. No, the Lady is not reproaching you, but she has come, as a good mother, to warn the apostles of the Church about false prophets, about the wrong spirit. Everyone pray the prayer which I have given. The Lady of All Nations has been sent specifically in this time in order to conquer spiritual decline, degeneration. You who are in spiritual need, come to the Lady of All Nations and she will help. Next I tell the apostles of this time: be broadminded, be mild. Be good to people. Condemn and judge just as the Lord Jesus Christ did. Understand your time, understand the fight. Be aware that the spirit is fighting. This is the time of the spirit. The fight is hard and difficult, but the true Spirit will triumph, provided that all of you cooperate.” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, teach us to love each other and to act as your Son, who went before us as God and as man. Teach us to judge and condemn as He did, and not to reject our brothers. May the Church be a community of love where the peoples of this world see Christ’s face reflected. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 8. The first and greatest commandment Lord Jesus Christ… Again and again the Lady of All Nations emphasizes that love alone can save the world. The Lady says: “The first and greatest commandment for humanity is love. One who possesses love will honor one’s Lord and Master in his creation, that is to say, see the greatness of his creation, including the sacrifice. One who possesses love will do unto others all which one would want done unto oneself. Love is the first and the greatest commandment which Christ gave.” The Lady calls upon the Church of Rome to bring the love of the Lord Jesus Christ into this modern, degenerated world. The Church must fulfill this commandment to the utmost. Only after much strife and misery will the world return to the Church. Thus the Lady of All Nations says to the Church: “Be broad-minded and act in love alone. Love can save this wretched world. Bring all peoples back to their Creator. Teach them how simple it is to see the Creator. People are to treat their neighbors as themselves. Simpler doctrine does not exist.” Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: May the world return to God and honor Him in his creation. Response May Christ live in the hearts of all people that they may become bearers of his love. Response May the Holy Spirit illumine the nations that they may see God’s greatness. Response From the message of February 11, 1951: “I am now coming to say that I want to save souls. All of you, cooperate in this great work for the world. If only every child of man would try to live up to this for oneself.” And then the Lady raises a finger and says, “Especially in the first and greatest commandment, love.” I now see this word written in large letters. “Let them begin with that”, the Lady says. Then I see a certain group of people; the Lady looks at them very compassionately and says, “And then the little ones of this world will say: how can we begin with that? For it is the great ones who do this to us.” The Lady says this very lovingly, as if she had great pity on the people around her. But then the Lady’s face changes, and she says very emphatically, “And then I say to the little ones: if you practice Love among yourselves in all its refinement, even the great ones will not have a chance.” Prayer: Lady of All Nations, teach the nations once again to ask for God’s mercy. Open the hearts of all people to God’s love, which embraces everyone and everything and wants to bring all people to life eternal and heavenly joy. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… DAY 9. The great Mystery of every day Lord Jesus Christ… In her last messages the Lady of All Nations points more and more to the sacraments, to the Eucharist, where the Lord Himself is present under the appearance of bread and wine. It is the daily Miracle, which the Lord Jesus Christ has granted to all nations, that they may experience it every day. The Lady says, “He gave you the great Mystery, the great Miracle of every day, every hour, every minute. He gave Himself. No, nations, not an idea. No, nations, listen to what He said, not an idea, but Himself, under the appearance of a little piece of bread, under the appearance of wine. This is how the Lord wants to come among you everyday. Take this, do this. He gives you the foretaste, the foretaste of eternal life.” In the final message the Lady of All Nations appears in heavenly glory, crowned as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. While standing in a blaze of light, she points at the dark and black world which she admonishes to do penance and make reparation to the Lord. Then in her place appear a chalice and host, out of which the Lord Himself comes forth in divine majesty. The Lady returns for the last time. In her final parting, as she slowly disappears, her words softly resound, “Farewell. See you in Heaven.” Let us pray: Response: Lady of All Nations, be our Advocate. We call upon you and ask you: Through your hands may the nations be brought to the daily Sacrifice. Response There may the nations experience the real presence of the Lord and receive the true Spirit. Response May all receive eternal life and enter into heavenly glory. Response From the message of May 31, 1959: Suddenly the Lady was gone. All was transformed and everything became a brilliant, dazzling holy Host. The holy Host seemed to be like white fire. In its center there was a little opening or hollow— I cannot describe it any better. Then all of a sudden the Host seemed to burst open and I saw a floating figure emerging from it, a Person, so mighty, so majestic—forgive me, I cannot convey the majesty and might which was emanating from this figure. It was too overwhelming! I hardly dared to look. I saw one Person, but all the while I kept thinking: and yet there are two. But when I looked, I saw only one. Still, it kept going through my head: and yet there are two. Then all at once an indescribable light came from out of their midst, and in it I saw, coming forth from their midst—I cannot express it otherwise— a Dove going down to the globe as fast as an arrow. Going ahead of that Dove was an indescribable light and, behind it, an enormous bunch of rays. What glory and what power were shining forth from it all: that floating Figure, majestic, mighty, grand; and then that light with the now brightly illuminated world. Then I heard, “Whoever eats and drinks Me acquires eternal life and receives the True Spirit.” Prayer: Lord of All Nations, You have sent your Mother, so that through her intercession the Holy Spirit may come over the world. May your love illumine the world and fill the hearts of all nations. Unite the nations around your table, that they may find eternal life in You. May the Lady of All Nations, the Coredemptrix and Mediatrix, be our Advocate. Our Father… Hail Mary…(3x) Glory be… Lord Jesus Christ… Our Father Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those, who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Glory be Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:32:04 +0000

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