Political analyst I. Raimberdieva: Kyrgyzstan may become happy - TopicsExpress


Political analyst I. Raimberdieva: Kyrgyzstan may become happy country (photos) 03/20/2014 16:23 Bishkek (AKI) - 331.1318313566 Indira Raimberdieva, conflictologist political scientist, expert on the traditional culture of the Kyrgyz people, the head of Kyrgyz Ozogu. She believes that Kyrgyzstan could become a happy country, if subsequent experience of Bhutan. - Tell us about Bhutan. As you were there? - In Bhutan, I went to a conference on organic agriculture in mountain systems. I got there with the support of Christensen and accompanied Aidaraliev Iskender Ryskulbekovicha, president of the Federation of Organic Movement. But a trip to Bhutan has gone far beyond agriculture. First, I realized her dream - went into the country, which is known in the world for being able to combine spirituality with the development of the state. Bhutan has implemented the principles of spirituality in a very practical social system. Kyrgyzstan has much to learn from Bhutan. It is an amazing country. According to statistics, the first cars appeared in Bhutan only in the 60s, and now in this country for the experience in the field of organic farming and the experience of the state, the activity of which is based on spirituality, comes the whole world. Bhutan is famous for the fact that he was able to melt the fundamental principles of Buddhism in the so-called index of gross national happiness. They spent indexing very serious spiritual principles in normal social indices, that is, for example, they measure their happiness that they have clean environment, the fact that they are psychologically healthy people, that they have not lost a mother at work for days. They believe that the true welfare is not that the mother earns money, and that she spends time with her children and her children are mentally healthy. Economy should not prevail, she set aside a certain part of life, but there are other options, not purely economic happiness. Bhutan melted economically oriented development criteria spiritual society. Heres what we accidentally keep a clean environment - this is also part of our happiness ... - All shout that the industry has been destroyed and it turns out to preserve our environment. - Of course. - And how exactly spiritual principles work in the economy of Bhutan? - Bhutan has a Spiritual Council National Happiness, which are examined in all investment projects, any external initiatives and internal government policies. If projects or initiatives do not meet their principles of Gross National Happiness, then they do not pass. - Who is on this Council? - This is the monks who have ordained and high social status, it is also just people who enjoy a high reputation, as once our elders in the best sense of the word. But most importantly - all members of the Spiritual Council have no left interests. No matter what they do not claim - nor power, nor resources. The second aspect - education. Bhutan is very interesting to construct a system of education. After all, you know, in order to widely introduce organic farming requires a certain level of consciousness in society. In the countrys export-oriented agricultural production or in urbanized country, which produces a huge amount of agricultural products, there is benefit primarily ecology nobody cares. I asked the Bhutanese how they managed to instill in their society principles of organic agriculture. It turns out, starting with kindergarten and later in school children are brought up on a number of basic principles of Buddhism. This altruism, moderation, understanding that it is not necessary to have a lot to be happy, caring for the environment, the realization that the place where you live - a reflection of you, respect for elders and so on. By the way, you feel it all something very familiar? These are the elements and our traditional culture. From early childhood there instilled these principles, then there is a specific primary agricultural education in which they instill respect for labor and farmer profession. We have, for example, a farmer has long been undervalued profession. We are just now beginning to return the value of farming. When a son to me a few years ago said that he wants to be a shepherd, I internally started, and then thought, Whats wrong? All ancestors we were shepherds. And now I realize that this is a great happiness that my son chose this environmentally friendly profession. They grafted organic worldview and environmentally oriented knowledge. Theres a big honor to be a farmer. Because the majority of the population is engaged in agriculture. Very spiritual principles they apply in everyday ordinary life. Amazing people. His kindness and openness - is also one of the principles on which they base their development. And they are not closed people. In Bhutans capital Thimphu all speak English. - Hows the power of the state is carried out? - They have an emperor. It has a very high public profile. Senior emperor who introduced the principles of Gross National Happiness, died two years ago. His successor pursuing the same policy. Executive power - is the prime minister, the relevant ministries. Is there opposition. The government of the presence of women. Kisan Tzom that engaged us, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Brilliantly educated. Many Bhutanese have been educated in the West. But the base, the foundation laid personality since childhood. - And how we can implement this? - Yes, this is a crucial issue. Cheering Bhutan - this one, especially for those few days, I do not deeply studied the country, but clearly and obviously its a very spiritual country, and certain principles of spirituality is at the highest governmental level. This is a unique experience for us. If you reflect on the question of how we in Kyrgyzstan you can do it, its probably safe to say that it is quite possible. Bhutan was relatively closed, not strongly integrated into the world community. The country is completely surrounded by mountains, and good communication is only with India. Perhaps it played a big role. They are, as it were suspended and their spirituality with their life and life are the same as they were. But as an experiment, as she gave germ lab very pure product - spiritually oriented management model. Their closeness, in my opinion, has avoided the temptations, like, jeans, chewing gum, popcorn, they did not have such a process. They all wear the same clothes, about the same housing. Everything is very modest. And it is not by force, not imposed roughly as equality. Just people are happy with what they have. - And what is their level of well-being? - The level of well-being and development of low by Western standards. But the question is not whether they are of a particular level of development reached by these outdated standards, the question is how they made a big jump. We are interested in this technology is the jump. Standards of economic development - it is such a controversial thing. What we call a conventional level of development of the country, has a lot of side effects, ranging from social, environmental, up to the individual psychological problems. Bhutan, under my assumptions, or has been closed, or unable to resist these temptations because of their spirituality. We have another case. If born in Kyrgyzstan such spiritually oriented model, it will be very interesting. Unlike Bhutan we were nomads and fell under the influence of different types, ranging from Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union and ending Western influence. That is, we have lost everything, went through everything, had been ill all temptations of viruses of all kinds of isms and the western and eastern, we vaccinated. This is a very big plus for us. This is our advantage. We need to regain what we once had. Now the question is, on what basis do it. Religion we do not hire. We are not a religious country, and no religious system we can not justify such a model. - And what? By what signs to look for? - Need a spiritual medium that can cover without violence, without pressure, without imposing, without any kinks, a large number of the population. And this is our traditional culture. It does not produce a great response and contradictions in society. Traditional culture can be a good base for spirituality. Religion - very individual sphere, then let the man himself individually chooses which system he wants to be. It so happened that Bhutan - very Buddhist, plus monahoorientrovannaya country, so there such an experience. We can work it is based on traditional culture. - Agriculture we do organic. Although forced. If it is put at the center of development, it can also become the basis for a new spirituality? - Absolutely. I do not agrarian, but I realized at this conference that a persons spirituality is necessarily reflected in relation to the land, on the manner in which a person earns. In many countries of the world for more than 50 percent of its agricultural products exported in the same time they have such a deficit in the country, and the remaining 50 percent they import cheap but insalubrious products. We have the same thing happening in the relationship with China. Cool products we export and import them deliberately harmful. If you look at the registry, then this is essentially the same types of products. Why export organic products if they are not enough by yourself? - Material gain. - Yes. And this is the next important point of the system that currently exists in the world, which only cashing large traders. Now the system of relations between countries is that the economy is ruled by the hegemony of the large states, and a system of duping small peoples and countries. If the people of the Spirit, he also refers to the fact that he grows on his land, and to what he eats. In spiritual environment said: We are what we eat. I once coordinated a few scientists in our Academy of Sciences. They verified the content of pesticides in agricultural products. My hair stood on end when I saw that we eat. - What do you think, what steps do you need to Kyrgyzstan to become happy? - I wonder which of us went to Bhutan? And after pondering whether they traveled about the country, about how to pick it up? It seems everyone is screaming about spirituality, traditional culture, but why we can not get up from his knees and get on some level. During this trip we speculated with many Aidaraliev Iskender, what can be done in this direction, and concluded that, first, of course, need a conceptualization of our spiritual experience. Secondly, it is Diverting such experience into the language of modern knowledge. Bhutanese with the help of experts from abroad and its Institute for National Happiness translated these spiritual principles in specific areas - politics, agriculture, education, social services. We also have to start. I have already talked about their spiritual advice. They have a huge role played by people with a spiritual experience and recognized competence. Only spiritual people are capable of impartial leadership, they do not need anything in return, they have no selfish motives and ambitions. The presence of such people in society determines the ability of society to reach a new level. These are people who are not interested in the resources of the authorities having a great spiritual practice. They sit on the sidelines and are working on all the important issues for the country, without any desire for power and positions. - Who started in Bhutan this whole process? - For the concept of gross national happiness was their emperor. - Speaking of the role of personality in history ... - It was just his personal initiative. He was an enlightened emperor, who bowed his head to the monks, that is, it was manageable cohort spiritual country, he knew what spirituality and spiritual authorities admitted, he lived in a country where this was and is a spiritual elite. As a result, they have built this model. In his memory, every Bhutanese now considers it his duty to live according to the principles of Gross National Happiness. We are actively conceptualizing question, now so many people are studying doing it, working on aspects. But the level of culture to the level of social systems it does not come out. This process must necessarily force soon. In Bhutan, the 10 principles of happiness. Similarly, from our traditional culture must be pulled fundamental principles refiner them in a very applied concepts and intersperse them in our social system - in politics, in the economy. As we can - it is an open question. - Whether we create a body that will have no power, no access to resources, but will simply think about the country. - The body of Bhutan plays a key role. I suspect that the idea came from the emperor. Then he called the people who can answer for it, and worked with them the whole mechanism. With the institution of the spiritual elite have, of course, difficult. In a narrower sense, it is an institution aksakals not mess not interested in power and money. We have people who took our reality and that just namyz Uchun want to do something for the country. While real idea to collect manually, piece of people who will not receive the money, will not have any privileges and are recognized by public authorities. - Now each party starts yelling that she collects such people. - It is. But the fundamental principle - people should not be tainted and does not want to be in deeds. You know what else was important in Bhutan, Buddhism - is an individual system of spiritual perfection, because it is not a global collective idea. This is particularly the people who meditate every day and perform other spiritual practices. Therefore, they have people with purified ego and very serious spiritual potential. In our case, Im not talking about the paranormal mystical prophets, Im talking about a very practical normal people who have harnessed reason and purified ego. These are people who largely realized and at the same time want to do something. These are people on another level of consciousness, without aspiring ambition and material interests. Otherwise we can not get out. How many years I have been watching the environment in which are seething about the traditional culture. Conglomerates, initiatives, organizations emerge, disappear and reappear one after another. One reason - not normally motivated people. Shouts of spirituality and talk about it - it is not a practical spirituality. In the social environment of those who offer their patriotic services, there are different categories of people. Some put spirituality as a subject of its activities, they scream about spirituality, they talk a lot about it, but ultimately one motivation - to get something from this spirituality dividends - to get somewhere, to achieve something, but in the end just self-actualization, another group - people who work on them, are very difficult path of spirituality, personal growth. Work on yourself - its scary heavy thing. When you have a family, to earn, to spin in life, and while youre trying to be ethical, moral, ethical, pure man, do you believe that there are higher standards and the ultimate goal of human existence. There are people who live a normal life, someone at the market, someone in the office. But they live morally. Because society is not now a powerful social force in this direction, each of them contributes to the development of the country. The simplest cleaner, if it is properly educate their children, if she lives right, does not yell at each fence that wants to save Kyrgyzstan, but save yourself, your child, your family, builds around himself a perfect human environment - these are the best heroes in a simple life. There are professionals who do not get rich on bribes, live with a clear conscience and in their places benefit, the third category - kasiettu adamdar, and such, indeed, we have. They had not gone into the jungle of dubious mystical works, but have spirituality and they know that everything in this life is the answer. There are patriots who do not differ superduhovnostyu, but carry a strong social altruism. I have such friends, they built the pain of their motherland. Perhaps they also potential. The time has come when we have to somehow prosherstit Kyrgyzstan in search of these people cry and throw all who have something to offer the country, but they know that in return they will receive nothing. Such people can become authorities, which will support all the people, and therefore those who come to power and should serve the people. The question of spiritual authority in our country is very serious. Happiness can be achieved, but one ingredient for today is not enough - a conglomerate of patriots who have no selfish motivations. That such people can still help the country. I emphasize again - it is not those who are yelling at all angles of spirituality.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:13:52 +0000

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