Pont Valley Network meeting 26/5/14 No apologies received. - TopicsExpress


Pont Valley Network meeting 26/5/14 No apologies received. 1. Projects Ponds – stage 1 funding appn to Co D Foundation approved. Members discussed design of ponds site. DM gave short history of site for the benefit of new members. Mr Hope explained the site is designated as heathland and details may be viewed via Magic Mapping which shows DEFRA designations. Orienteering – Letter to go to all local schools, preferably via personal approach. Various members volunteered to approach certain schools. DM will ask NATO if they wish to launch the orienteering course on our activity day on 21st June. NOTT – PVN members will attend the pre-inquiry meeting on 2nd June. Start time to be queried. Mr Hope has offered to scrutinise UK Coals ecology report. Members note it is unlikely that an SSSI designation could be achieved before the inquiry. DM is hopeful we can achieve a designation of a geological site. Mr Hope felt works may not affect the water table feeding Pikewell Burn due to where the water course emerges. Members discussed a second flier, for example, to include offers of transport to inquiry. Consett Magazine and village-based newsletters were mentioned as other publicity methods. 2. Activity day. Various aspects were discussed, including stalls and activities to be offered and the name for the day. It was agreed S Bell would do posters; Dawn to arrange to borrow games from school; David will organise a display of local photographs; CR/BB/JS will meet to sort out PVNs Project displays and to decide on refreshments; CR to publicise via usual channels. A meeting on 16th June will finalise details. 3. Walk. J Hope, DM and Robert to decide on and plan walk on Sun 22nd June. 4. AOB. Mandy raised the issue of copyrighting our materials, eg: banner. This will be looked into.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 06:27:50 +0000

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