Post 6. The rain lets up so we walk across the street to the Li - TopicsExpress


Post 6. The rain lets up so we walk across the street to the Li river and Paint 2 paintings. both 24x30s..As I was painting my 2nd painting lunch came and we had to stop to eat. The guides are very , very adamant about us eating. everything has to stop and and you must eat. the Lady Guides will have it no other way!!! lol...I get back and start painting only to be interrupted again by one of the locals leading her cows and child down the river bank. it was a little iffy for a minute whether the paint gear would survive but it did. lol ...The river itself is so noisy with hundreds of tour boats going up and down. it is amazing to see...I painted one that stopped at the bank to go have lunch. I finished in the nick of time before they returned...The noise level was so extreme on the river and then all of a sudden the river boats and noise stopped...then there were military folks and sharp dressed men walking up and down the bank with telephones to there ears. I wondered what was going on then someone said a high ranking politician was on one of the was security..After the excitement I finished up and we were herded onto a bus to drive to a local restaurant. This restaurant was more hometown local cuisine. it was kinda seedy but hey I was hungry!! It was a block building that looked kinda like a pool hall without the pool tables and a giant picture of Moa looking over the table. Dogs kept wondering in and out. The food was great though. most of it anyway. I was eating some chicken soup and a chicken head bobbed up. hey, they dont waste food....The next morning we drive to a top of the line hotel. it was beautiful. It started raining again so we all said to heck with it and painted in the rain. We drew a crowd. the Chinese people were fascinated by the paintings and talked with us often. Im glad we had are one of the paintings I did on the Li river of the Boats and the one I did in the rain. I also through in the local with her cows in the midst of all the painting gear and some other pics...
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 22:16:10 +0000

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