Post Really Nice Things About People On Facebook Day! Round 2: - TopicsExpress


Post Really Nice Things About People On Facebook Day! Round 2: The BROT4 Jordan Joe Althoff: youre my crazy friend that seems to know me almost TOO well; when I make a random comment you always seem to know just what Im talking about. When I make snappy comments about characters that I hate (which are usually the characters you love) you just roll your eyes and go with it. I love that you can say WOW, you are your own level of stupid and I can say you would be the worst detective in the world and somehow we mean that lovingly (that probably sounds really abusive to anyone else reading this...). I can call you almost in tears and cry about how I wrote something angsty and gave myself SNK feels and you just laugh it off and show up with a Dr. Pepper. I love that ever time whats-his-face calls, I play the Careless Whisper sax solo and you have to run out of the room so he doesnt hear it and get the wrong idea. Most of the time, I dont even have to explain myself--you just assume that this was thought out on some level and made sense to me, so you just shrug and go along. We fight a lot and drive each other crazy, but we also have waaaay too much fun together, which balanced out the crazy quite well I think ;) Nicole Muhlestein Tepsak Brown: its weird to think that in September, I had no idea who you were and we just awkwardly talked about Naruto things because we didnt know what common ground we had. That quickly escalated to running around Smiths to film buying balloons and making chocolate jokes and laughing hysterically every time the word half comes up. I love how when I have a terrible day at school and work I can show up at the apartment and my day goes from I hate my life to Nicoles here!! Fun times ahead! I love how I can tell you about what I think about health problems and BYU and cosplay and you understand it, you dont just smile and nod. Running around the mall and Walmart and filming crazy stuff like Gangster!Nagisa in the parking lot MAKES MY DAY, it makes my crazy life seem a lot brighter. Im always amazed at the things you draw and make--your photos seem so much more ALIVE than everyone elses (almost magical) and it always seems like you can do just about ANYTHING. I am happy beyond words that youre my friend, Nicole. You are AMAZING. Paige Warren: All I knew about you for the longest time was that you were going to cosplay Blake. When you DID, I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY (I was a little starstruck, not gonna lie). And then when I found out you and Nicole were really good friends, I was ecstatic! Now we get to run around in Free! cosplay and bake crazy cakes and have balloon fights--and its SO MUCH FUN!! You buy me chocolate and you make the best-timed Red vs. Blue and RWBY references. I am SO glad were rooming together next year and Im so excited! Youre such an amazing seamstress and cosplayer (and youre so freaking cute!), your artwork is amazing, and youre so genuinely NICE. I cant wait to get to know you even better next school year and have even more fun times!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:38:04 +0000

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