Posted By: Rabi Shankar Sen It’s been eight years since an - TopicsExpress


Posted By: Rabi Shankar Sen It’s been eight years since an establishment was created. Today, staring at the computer screen, typing on my keyboard, I cant answer about what EBRP have done right or what we have done wrong in the long journey we have traveled together. But, one thing is certain; we have changed the scenario of club support in Indian football. I really am thankful to all the senior and junior members of Real POWER. If I try to name each and everyone of them, it will be an endless list. Hence, my thanks goes to all those people who has believed in EBRP from the first day of its creation and has shown their support in each and every step that EBRP has taken and has shared every fun and every sorrow like brothers and sisters in arms. I really am extremely lucky that I have had the honor to be a part of an organization alongside you all. My name is Rabi Shankar Sen. It was 2006, the day was 15th November. I opened an online community in the then famous social networking portal, Orkut. After brainstorming my head with tons of names, I finally decided what the community was going to be called. EAST BENGAL the REAL POWER, defining the true power in Indian football. Jyotirban Biswas was the first member of the group. Slowly with time, the group expanded. People from all strata of the society came and joined. The place became an Adda Khana of all the East Bengal fanatics across the globe. This went on for a while and everything was going smoothly. Members are happy with the way things were progressing. But then, one single day, Aniruddha Ghosh and Abhirup Ghosh, two of the founder members of Real POWER declared that it was finally time for the community to step out from the virtual world and emerge in reality. I still remember that day, 25th February 2007. We met at City Center 1 in front of the Tata Indicom showroom. We did not know each other, but such was the magic of being an East Bengal supporter that it seemed that we knew each other for a long long time. And it was from then on that EAST BENGAL the Real POWER started, the magic still continues... From then on, EBRP has done everything together. We have enjoyed when we have won, we have shared our sorrow when we have lost. But, we have never stopped supporting our club. It was the 2008-09 season. After 84 years in the history of East Bengal club, we did not win any trophy that season. It was the most devastating time for the club. It was during this phase when each and every member of EBRP stood behind the players and supported them under every circumstances. Starting with cheering from the gallery to visiting each and every player and motivating them, we did our part so that the players always felt to be a part of a wonderful community and that they had a cause to fight for us. But, things have never been so easy or sweet as it sounds today. Two of our members, Suparno Chakraborty and Nabarun Mahalanobis were verbally and physically attacked for showing support to our players during those torrid times. The words Chamchas of East Bengal club officials and Cut money takers from the players was associated with EBRP. Strangely, the following year, when we won the Federation Cup in 2009, each and everyone of those abusers became silent. Everything was going fine until 2011. It was in the month of July 2011 when I came to know of the fact that there were some individuals who were continuously feeding wrong information about EBRP to the club officials. Initially I did not give that much importance. If someone has felt like that, they can, it’s a democratic country after all. But then, when I came to know the names of those 2-3 individuals, I was shocked. I couldnt believe. Things started to change from that day. 1st August 2011. It was the birthday of our beloved club. I was taking photographs in the club tent. Someone from within the club came and protested. Hey! You cant take photos over here, Get Out!. There were many press photographers alongside me who too were taking photographs. Everyone was stunned. I was asked to produce my card which I showed by taking out the IFA photographers card. But still I was asked to step out of the field. When I questioned as on whose order I was being asked to leave? I was shown to an individual. It was then when I fell from the sky. It was shocking. Dont your club even know you? asked some of the photographers. I stayed quite as I couldnt answer. Press photographers told We take photographs as its our profession. But you do that from Passion. Still they are asking you to leave the field? I literally did not have an answer to that question. But, I know one thing. I will never forget and forgive that particular individual on whose orders I was asked to stop taking the photographs. After these two deadly shocks the final shock came on 13 August 2011. On that particular day, the identity of EBRP was maligned by a group of people. Those group of people formed a fans club of their own and stated that EBRP has started a business by using the name of the club. Club er naam e byabsa korche EBRP. It was that particular man, for whom I was asked to leave the field on the birthday of my beloved club. It was the same man who was responsible for alleging us to be a money making organisation in the name of our club. After everything we did, after all the journey, those words just punched through our heart and we couldn’t hold back our tears. Suddenly, everything changed. It seemed the entire world for the people of EBRP changed. We were treated as Mohun Bagan supporters in the club premises. It was like we were some sort of outcasts who were hated by that particular organization, for which we had sacrificed a lot. Although we shredded a few tears, we never accepted defeat. Like Bangaals and the tradition of East Bengal club, we accepted this as our new challenge. Nothing changes from our side. We continued to show our support for the club and the players as we did before. Before coming to a conclusion, there is a small personal incident of mine which I feel I have to share with everyone reading this. In 2012 September, me and my wife were diagnosed with Dengue. Both of us were admitted in the hospital and as things were going, it was not good for both of us. Our platelets were decreasing at an alarming rate and to restore those 3 units of blood for me and 2 units for my wife was required daily. From where were we supposed to get that much amount of blood? My father is a doctor in the hospital I was admitted but even he was unable to come up with a solution. It was then when I called Aniruddha Ghosh. He just said, Chinta Korish na, amra achi toh. It was on that day when my wife Monalia understood my love and passion for EBRP. I think that is the day which will always remain as a myth in our lives. If the entire team of EBRP did not jump in our cause that day, then I dont think there would have been a today for both of us....From that day, Monalia Sen has never ever said anything against EBRP. A day will come when I will say this to my son, and I hope that he will respect the EBRP members in the same way I and my wife do. Suddenly, why am I writing so many things today? After all the storm and thunder EBRP has been through, my mother club, EAST BENGAL has officially recognized our work. The honorable Secretary (Shri Kalyan Majumder), Assistant Secretary (Dr. Santi Ranjan Dasgupta) and honorable Football Secretary (Shri Santosh Bhattacharya) of East Bengal club along with the club principal sponsor, Kingfisher is extremely happy with the work EBRP has done till now. It has been proved that all those allegations put against us were lies and all of them were made out of plain jealousy and hatred rather than any solid reasons. We are grateful that our mother club has realized our intent and for that reason we will always be grateful towards the management of the club. The entire team of Real POWER wants to thank them from our heart for the trust they have shown to us and we believe that we will keep the trust alive and work harder to ensure that East Bengal club supporters can be proud of the name Real POWER and that each and everyone can understand our motto and vision in supporting the club. From today, 17th March 2014 will remain a date when EBRP was given an identity by its own mother for which Real POWER has always fought and will always keep on fighting.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:30:00 +0000

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