Posted by Marcia: CHRISTIAN ENDORSES YOGA AT WOMENS CONFERENCE This was passed on to me by a Christian who used to do Yoga and gave it up. She was very disturbed by this. Jill Parr, wife of the man who has the audiobible website, had a conference called Breathe for Christian women. The title comes directly from her experience with Yoga and as you can see below, the image on all 4 parts features a woman doing an asana. Here are some excerpts from the YouTube videos of the conference: Starting at about 5:44 in part 1: I fell in love with the practice of Yoga.......I practiced 5 days a week at the gym and one day on my own. It didnt really make sense to me everything that she said, but I stayed. I can tell you that it makes sense to me now....Here is what the instructor said: Yoga is a personal journey....Keep your eyes on your own mat/ Find compassion for yourself. Let your breath be your guide. Lets begin our practice; lets begin with our breath. Parr demonstrates a Yoga pose on stage (Sun salutation on honor of the sun god). Audience claps. She also demonstrates some Pranayama, which she just calls the breathing. (Prana means the divine breath of the universe. As Ive pointed out many times, the so-called breathing in Yoga is not for physical purposes (though they say it is), but for spiritual ones. She also demonstrates the corpse pose. Then she quotes words from her Yoga instructor that had an impact on her: Bring to yourself a sense of gratitude for coming on the mat to do something good for yourself. Receive the benefits of your practice. She later repeats some of these words and ideas. COMMENT: It seems clear to me from what Parr said of her that this instructor is New Age. https://youtube/watch?v=6bCiord9JSg
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:40:33 +0000

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