Posted by Victoria Jackson on July 23, 2013 at 10:12 pm amy Amy - TopicsExpress


Posted by Victoria Jackson on July 23, 2013 at 10:12 pm amy Amy Poehler is helping Obama sell Obamacare? Really? Amy, really? His train wreck of a socialized medicine bill? The bill that is forcing employers to lessen employee hours? The bill that is keeping our economy stagnant? The bill that rations healthcare and lessens quality? The bill that would give a government panel the power to decide who gets a kidney? The bill that will greatly increase our deficit? The bill that no one has read?! Story here. You would think Amy is smarter than that. I briefly met SNL cast members Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers when I stopped by the Saturday Night Live studio last winter to hand deliver Lorne Michaels my new book, “Is My Bow Too Big?“. Lorne, the producer of SNL, is in my book. He gave me the greatest job I ever had. Although he was intimidating, like the guy in “The Prince” by Machiavelli, he was kind to me, and supportive of my comedy career. I felt a cold chill from Amy and Seth. I think it’s the fact that their politics are soooo left and mine soooo right. I doubt they have actually read the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare). If they had, they would never support it. I think it’s the cliche weakness many show biz types have – the desperate need to be popular. Probably the reason they got into show biz in the first place. They think Obama is popular and they should kiss up to him to remain a member of the elite. It’s just like high school. The problem is, the winds change, and if they have no foundation in their soul, they’ll have to shift when the wind shifts, thus revealing their phony convictions. Dave Perkins explains, “Obamacare is bad because it is a government takeover of a part of American lives which should not be subject to the arbitrary force, the inefficiency and the corruption of big government. When government makes a decision about your health care, It will inevitably consider things other than your care. Budget matters will influence government to deny or restrict your care simply because some constituent group is calling for more funding; electoral matters will result in care being distributed more among the groups that support the government, therefore less to you if you do not. Government’s motivations cannot be pure, and it cannot be depended upon to look out for your interests. Some say “neither do the private companies”, and that may be true, but if you are mistreated by a private company you have two options; take them to court, and take your business elsewhere. What will you do when government mistreats you in the immensely important, even life or death, matters of your health care? Government is also the court, and you cannot find justice in that circumstance. Government will also be the ONLY provider, so you won’t be able to take your business elsewhere. Obamacare will cause higher prices, lower quality, and less availability, because it will be a monopoly and a sole decision-maker. It will not have competitive forces acting to keep the prices down; government will simply charge more, and take more from YOU, as soon as it finds itself with a tight budget. And because that much money being moved around is a gigantic invitation to corruption, the tight budget will occur on the first day. Government is the least efficient and most corrupt way of getting ANYTHING done. That may not be important when you’re talking about picking up your trash once a week. But when it’s life and death, you want a better way. Government is not the way. And once they get control of this, they have control of YOU, forever. Look at England. Elections there are now primarily about who to put in charge of the gigantic NHS, and which party will nominally make small improvements or reduce large errors and inefficiencies in the health care system. England is a giant health care system with a country attached to it. That is what this government wants here.” The first thing Hitler did when he took over? Socialized medicine. Does Amy really care about the poor, who can’t afford health care? The poor have free health care now! Does she hate capitalism like Michael Moore? Does Amy Poehler realize that the only reason she has a career and is in the 1% is because of capitalism and the policies that are the opposite of Obama’s policies? The Hill reports, “Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett led the meeting. Obama “stopped by” the meeting to make a personal appeal, according to the official.” Amy, do you know Valerie Jarrett’s background? Her grandfather was a card carrying member of The Communist Party. (See Paul Kengor’s book, The Communist.) Jarrett is the enemy of freedom. You’re fighting for the wrong team, Amy. Read more: victoriajackson/9368/really-amy-poehler-really#ixzz2ZwZqynEv
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 07:03:11 +0000

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