Posting to front page with comments up to today..... Mykel - TopicsExpress


Posting to front page with comments up to today..... Mykel HawkeJoseph Teti Dual Survivor July 4 at 7:23pm · i went to DS FB page today only because i was told teti was attacking me today. so, here is my full reply. not sure how long it will stay and dont really care. enjoy the read if youve the time and inclination. THE POST: Hello, Everyone. This is MYKEL HAWKE. Not a fake profile and not hiding behind a fake name. Up until now, I have remained off the DS FB page out of professional courtesy to the Network. I have spoken with 3 C- level Executives there and asked them to contain their misbehaving talent, but they seem unable to do so. I was told that teti was on this page in typical fashion speaking ill of me. I am not bothered with anything he says, as he has been called out for making many false claims and he has yet to disprove anything other than spouting off anger and hate, from which, the lack of answer, is enough to prove his own discredit. That aside, I thought perhaps he would be professional enough to limit his self expressions to his own page, which would be his right, but clearly, I was incorrect to have thought that much about him. I also wrongly thought that perhaps, since he was hired by me to be the bodyguard for my Nanny and Son in my own home, that he would at least show the Security Industry Professional courtesy of not releasing my personal and private info which could cause harm to me and my family which he was trusted to protect. It would almost seem as if he was intentionally inviting harm to me, my wife and our son. Either way, I was obviously mistaken, and it seems it was expecting too much integrity from one whom has amply demonstrated a willingness to mislead and misspeak their bonafides, that they would not attack another public person on a network page and publicly violate standard private security practices. All that being said, that is the one and only reason I came to this page, today, this 4th of July, to address such a gross violation of all things good and decent. That said, perhaps it is time for teti and I to have a special open forum discussion, right here on the very public network page about their show and actually have teti answer all the questions right here and now for everyone to see and judge the truth of all matters regarding his military record claims? Be sure to grab your screen shots, as he will no doubt make false statements, get hot headed, make mistakes and then retract or delete them and then claim he never said them. You see, I know the man very well. As his former Commander and Employer and much more, I know things. Also, I am legitimate in all my claims. I am a real Retired Officer, Special Forces Team Commander, Senior Sergeant and 4 time Special Forces Qualified Soldier. I have served almost 25 yrs and did spend 12 yrs on active duty. I did answer the call at 9/11. I did serve in combat in the uniformed military. I was also a real contractor, awarded by the Government for work in war zones. There is nothing false in my statements. I have not claimed any hero status, only honorable service. So, what is there to beat on me about other than the fact that I have said the teti has been making false claims? Why does he spend so much time making awful and ugly counter accusations without any merit or foundation and under so many false profiles instead of simply doing the honorable thing of showing his records? That is the very first question anyone sincerely seeking the truth should ask. WHERE IS HIS NGB-22 FROM THE GUARD AND HIS DD-214S FROM THE MARINES AND ARMY? WITHOUT THOSE, EVERYTHING HE SAYS SHOULD BE SUSPECT AND HIS CORE BACKGROUND SHOULD REMAIN DUBIOUS. No amount of hostile and aggressive rhetoric replaces the simple PROOF OF TRUTH. My records are posted publicly to demonstrate how it is done and show that it can be done. There is no such thing as a classified DD-214 or NGB-22. So, that is the start point for any debate, show your records teti. Period. You have now been called out. I wrote you and your attorney 18 months ago and pleaded with you to leave me and my family alone because I knew so much about you that was not good for our country or community. But you have persisted in your attacks against me and mine overtly and surreptitiously. And today, this day of INDEPENDENCE is as good a day as any to make a DECLARATION that you are full of falsehoods. I do, on another note, beseech you, to please, pretty please, bring me to court. I have so much goodness that awaits you there. So, shall we settle this here in the eyes of the public, or in court, where it will still be public and count even more? Or will you just learn to hold your tongue and leave an honest man alone. Live in your lies, profit off your dupes and continue to embarrass the Recon and Green Beret community with your farcical public behavior. I did not spend a legitimate 20 years as a 4 time Green Beret because I am unwilling to stand up to threats, intimidation and harassment, no matter what. I do not fault the network for being duped by intentional misrepresentation of records they could not have discerned fact from fiction- but I can, I do, and I will. So, will you acquiesce and leave me in peace, or will you insist on your tirades and attacks? So, stop now, reply here, or sue me. And no matter which course of action you choose, pack a lunch, or two. I have alot to show you. I stand up for truth and justice- nothing more and nothing less. We both know what your falsehoods led to, and we have 3 less men in this world as a result of lies. One of whom, was a real hero and combat veteran. I will never hide from doing the right thing. The only thing remaining now is for you to stop attacking an honest man and his family or start proving him to be false by showing your true records. Anything less is an intentional deceit. It is the holiday weekend, so we neednt worry about the network policing up and deleting everyone to cover and clean up for you. If youre concerned they might delete your worthy efforts, you can always post on your own page for posterity? Or you can go over to the page calling you out, and not created by me, which of course, everyone on here that speaks against you is clearly me. But we both know, you always accuse others of what you actually are doing yourself and many have seen through the fake profiles and conversations with yourself singing your own praise, complimenting yourself and of course, making atrociously disparaging remarks against anyone whom might even hint that they dont idolize and worship you. Yes, you are known. So leave me be or bring it on. Public or court. Truth is all that matters. UnlikeUnlike · Top Comments Joseph Teti Dual Survivor and 68 others like this. Daniella Ira God bless you Mykel for keeping up the fight for truth and integrity. Every time I read posts like these I just keep hoping that judgement day will come. I wish I could do more than that, but I try to do my part and tell others someone aint exactly who he says he is. The proof is in the pudding. Unlike · Reply · 10 · July 4 at 7:45pm Joseph Teti Dual Survivor replied · 4 Replies Nathan Schrahl I swear as soon as Teti starts to give info on dual I feel like im getting slower till Matt comes back then joe is dick to him usually all he mentions you have to hydrate which is very important but it seems like thats all he knows and he always questi...See More Unlike · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 12:48pm Joseph Teti Dual Survivor replied · 3 Replies · 2 hrs Mark Novy Come on Teti, step up or shut up. Mykel was kind enough not to truly bash you here. I on the other hand will not be as kind for I think you are a fool and a liar. Did not know you were his contracted bodyguard and on top of all your other lies you give...See More Unlike · Reply · 8 · Yesterday at 11:50am · Edited 4 Replies · 2 hrs Bart ThelastMountainman Rushing Teti, as a Marine veteran myself, I say show the records and prove him wrong - if you can. I think Hawkes telling it like it is, personally, but if Im wrong, if hes wrong - show us. As a Marine, Ill be the first one to leap to your defense, should ...See More Unlike · Reply · 7 · Yesterday at 11:29am 4 Replies · 5 mins Frédéric Combe Mykel. You said it and you write it the best Way it could be done. You are a man with Honor !!! Too bad some others are not as honorous as you are. You did what had to be done, on Time and with respect, Just like you made your military career. This is why you have my full respect. Thanks for all you do. Unlike · Reply · 6 · Yesterday at 10:39am Ivy Pelletier well said Mykel. the truth will come out Unlike · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 12:16pm · Edited Heidi Stankavish It seems he is a coward Mykel Hawke. You will stand up for what is right as well as defending your loved ones and Mr Teti will find it more and more difficult to defend his lies. Keep taking the high road as always Mykel because well all be smiling with you when the path he has chosen will crumbles beneath his feet!! Unlike · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 11:37am Tibor Spoon Thank you for your years of honorable service Mykel. We back and support you, and are glad that you are holding the network and its performers accountable. It is criminal that JT misrepresents himself and it is getting just as bad that a network is supporting. Unlike · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 11:30am Mykel Hawke remember, they have to support him, 3 men got dead making a show for him based on the experience they thought he had. they can not admit they failed to properly vet him and then lose all their investments, ad sales revenues and pay more for negligence ...See More Unlike · 7 · Yesterday at 9:22pm Lynda Severson Mykel, I believe you to be an honorable, honest, kind and noble as well. As for teti, he should think of these words written by our God, you shall know the truth and it will set you free. I am certain that his behavior and viscous attacks, he appears ...See More Unlike · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 10:57am James Sunderland Teti is a fake, period!!! Unlike · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 1:55pm Sara Meloling My boys are avid watchers of duel survival (also Man Woman Wild) and often pretend play Joe and Cody/Matt. It makes me sad that they look up to him so much and pretend to be him. You and your wife need to come back to survivalism shows, not only did I love watching you two, but my boys would have a real tv hero to look up too. Unlike · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 11:17am 2 Replies Stephen Greene You have my support Mykel. Though you hardly need it for you are in the right. Unlike · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 11:12pm James Wharton You ARE a Hero, Mykel! Thank YOU for you TRUE and Continued Service to your country and community. God Bless You And Yours! Unlike · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 10:22pm Larry McCullen All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing... We all have a moral and ethical obligation to not turn our backs on or a blind eye to those doing wrong. None of us choose most of the shit we have to deal with, we simply deal wi...See More Unlike · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 9:53pm Larry McCullen Myke, Hound this wind bag until the only job he will find is as a door to door rubber dogshit salesman ! Unlike · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 1:55pm Mykel Hawke thanks, i never wanted this burden. all i did was trust and help him. now, i am paying for it and so is my family. but, i know this has been given to me to bear for a reason, so, i pray, i trust and i have faith that truth and justice will prevail. thanks for the support yall. truly, humbly. Unlike · 6 · Yesterday at 9:25pm
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 03:25:46 +0000

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