Posts: 3582 According to popular right wing narrative, its - TopicsExpress


Posts: 3582 According to popular right wing narrative, its capitalists on the right vs socialists on the left. No, thats not it. I dont loathe capitalists. I admire a JP Morgan. He was a practical genius for unsnarling business messes others had made. What has to be the all time best example of that is the cocked up mess that otherwise brilliant inventor Thomas Edison made out of what started as Edison Electric and later became General Electric. Amazingly, Edison had the whole electrical distribution system within his grasp. Edison had invented one half of it, the electric light bulb. The guy with the other half, the AC induction motor and the AC transformer, Nicola Tesla, was working for Edison. How fantastically amazingly lucky can a guy get? Edison, though, brilliant most of the time, was too stupid to grasp what he had and was dismissive of AC. And so Tesla stormed out of there, AC inventions in hand and went to Westinghouse. JP Morgan moved Heaven and Earth to wrangle the inventions from their pig headed owners and brought them together into General Electric - minus Thomas Edison. Were lucky to have brilliant capitalists. At the same time though, as Edison demonstrated so well, no man is brilliant all the time on every subject. And, over time, seems to me, we have evolved what is a pretty good system, capitalism with a bit of oversight. And so whats wrong with with what works? Theres my beef with todays right wingers. They arent conservatives. Conservatives value what works. Todays right wingers are radicals. Theyve drunk the Koch Brothers Kool aid of demolish regulatory oversight. Been there, done that. See the Great Depression. See the Dust Bowl. See the melt down of 08. See global warming. Regulatory oversight does need reforming, yes. Thats what conservatism could and should be about. Step 1: Recognize that no genuine reform of any kind can take place within our Congress until we reform the job description of a Congressional legislator from fund raiser back to legislator.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:07:40 +0000

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