Power Evangelism! Rarely was church growth and Evangelism - TopicsExpress


Power Evangelism! Rarely was church growth and Evangelism attributed to preaching alone in the book of Acts. God also bore witness to the gospel by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. (Heb. 2:4, ESV) There is a great need in the church today for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated outside of the church. This is why I love Power Evangelism. It is the Gospel in action and makes people curious about Jesus. Like Paul declared “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (I Cor 2:4) People realize through a encounter with his presence and power that God is real. The reason I believe having a encounter with Jesus in presenting the gospel is so effective is because its the glory of his presence that transforms and just a intellectual agreement to the gospel. I believe Power evangelism produces christians that are strong and full of faith not just weak in commitment or lukewarm. Some church growth statistics show those converted through a supernatural encounter with Gods love and power are more likely to continue in their salvation than those who receive a gospel with no power. The power of God has a lasting effect. Over the years I have always seen a greater demonstration of Gods power and healing outside the church and for the lost. If you want to reach the lost get outside the walls of the Church. Evangelism is at its best when everyday Christians take the risk to share their story… as well as His.”-John Wimber We thank God for all expressions of Evangelism, but there is a great need for mass and Power Evangelism. God is raising up and releasing a new grace for those called to a international crusade platform and to see city wide revival like Philip. (Acts 8:4-8) Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city. We need Word and Power men, woman and churches that will preach and teach the Word of God with authority, anointed by the Holy Spirit that demonstrate and validate the Gospel and message preached. Power Evangelism in the street is what we need like the early church! And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs. (Mark 16:20, ESV) The gospel in power is best presented through the broken hearted spirit, soul and mind of someone that has grace on their lips. To truly preach the Kingdom gospel is to also to announce and demonstrate Our God Reigns Power Evangelism is the proclamation of the Kingdom with signs and the presence of God manifest among us. Jesus preached the Kingdom and demonstrated its reality with evidence that the Kingdom had come. Signs should validate our evangelism too. We need confidence in the Gospel as the power of God. The preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing needs to lead people to the King and his Kingdom! IN THE STREETS Most times we cannot operate in the gifts of the spirit in the market place because we turn off the gift and we do not press in for the word outside the four walls of the church. We need a increased prophetic awareness and need to start asking God for words when we are in unusual places, especially marketplace. Prophetic evangelism is a great expression of power evangelism and it is when we are led by the Spirit of God and hear the voice of God; that’s Spirit-led evangelism. It’s waiting on the presence of God, asking where He wants us to go and then when we get there, asking God exactly who He wants us to minister to. I believe that if we’d take the time to ask where and who (every time we say, “God, I want to win somebody to Jesus today”), that we would be effective in evangelism. Prophetic Evangelism reveals the heart and mind of God. It is a true power encounter that reveals his will, love and nature to the unbeliever. Winning souls and preaching the gospel go hand in hand with receiving signs and wonders. When God sees true evangelism, He comes with confirming signs and wonders. In power Evangelism the fruit of all our preaching and ministry needs to produce saving effects and fruit if we are truly preaching in the power of the Spirit! NEW BREED God is raising up a whole new breed of Power Evangelists who along side of churches and teams will serve and see the kingdom of God expand. The anointing of harvest is for gathering. The Lord is releasing the grace to Harvest the Harvesters. There is a gathering of a next Generation of Elishas who will walk in a double portion of what we have, if we will release it. It is time to gather the harvesters that will harvest millions. It is a fresh season of anointing for discipleship and multiplication. There is a great need for those actively engaged in the ministry of training, equipping and releasing. I remember one of my Spiritual Fathers in the prophetic saying The amount of the harvest will be according to how many harvesters are out in the field! - Bob Jones. I am also greatly inspired to remember the greater ministry is what we impart to others. I realized at a certain point in ministry I could either get a tent and have a great ministry or empower, equip & release the Body of Christ to do it themselves I chose the latter as it was the Jesus model.”-John Wimber True Evangelism is the proclamation of the Gospel with a demonstration of God’s love, reign and rule of the Kingdom on earth. If the gospel is the Good News of the Kingdom, Then good works are the signs of the Kingdom. We need the Word and Works of Jesus! Todd Bentley Fresh Fire USA
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:20:30 +0000

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