Power corrupts. We must demilitarize the state on various levels. - TopicsExpress


Power corrupts. We must demilitarize the state on various levels. Police get paid overtime to terrorize protestors. Medical professionals profit with obscene amounts of money to develop techniques that torture people. Law enforcement uses military gear like LRAD and tear gas on people who are demanding accountability. At every turn, contractors and law enforcement are getting paid and profiting. And its coming from us, tax payers. This is not just a conversation about racism, its a conversation about neoliberal capitalism and the ways in which profits drive policy around how human beings are treated, policed, incarcerated, and tortured. The torture that the CIA carried out was even more extreme than what it portrayed to congressional overseers and the George W Bush administration, the committee found. It went beyond techniques already made public through a decade of leaks and lawsuits, which had revealed that agency interrogators subjected detainees to quasi-drowning, staged mock executions, and revved power drills near their heads... The committee found that at least five detainees were subjected to “rectal rehydration”, in some cases leading to anal fissures and rectal prolapse...At least 17 were tortured without the approval from CIA headquarters that ex-director George Tenet assured the Justice Department would occur. And at least 26 of the CIA’s estimated 119 detainees, the committee found, were “wrongfully held”...Contractor psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen played a critical role in establishing the torture program in 2002. A company they formed to contract their services to the CIA was worth more than $180m, and by the time of the contract’s 2009 cancellation, they had received $81m in payouts.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:24:23 +0000

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