Practical ways to communicate better in relationships and - TopicsExpress


Practical ways to communicate better in relationships and marriage Life is about communication. The day communication ceases, life practically ceases. When a new baby is born into this world, the baby shows signs of life by communicating. The baby makes sounds. The rush of air that the new baby experiences for the first time makes him cry out for the first time as well. It is so serious that when a baby makes no sound, they try to make the baby let out a sound. It is the sign of life. When the baby begins to grow up, he or she makes little sounds and the parents are so excited, because it is a sign that the baby is growing. The sounds may not be more than da, da, da or ma, ma, ma, but the parent would grin from ear to ear! The truth is that communication is powerful. When God made man, He would come around in the cool of the day to communicate and fellowship with him. Even the creator, sought to communicate with the creature! Divinity is about communication. Humanity is about communication. The graveyard is a silent place. Now wonder, the devil wants your attention and listening ear as well. He wants to communicate as well. Do you know the forces you listen to are the forces that will eventually influence you? That is why I have a problem with people that listen to secular music all the time, with depraved lyrics and vulgar languages, and you say it doesn’t affect you? Well, it affects you, it is gradual, but at the end, you may not like the ‘you’ that you are transforming into. Life is about communication. Ask every couple in this world. There wa s some form of communication before they got married. Nobody gets married in silence. There were vows to be taken. A man does not propose by looking, you propose by talking. The man woos the lady, the lady is tripped and she gladly abandons her father’s name. At the end of the day, it is not the most handsome man that gets the lady first; it is the one that is skillful in communicating with a lady. Problem begins in marriage, when the man stops communicating. The toasting and all the love lines ought to continue. If those love words or poems got her in the first place, then they will also sustain her! Here are few practical things to know about communication. 1. Talk to each other at least once, daily. Twice is good. Thrice is better. If you cannot talk by virtue of your job, send SMS. Who else would you be thinking about if not your spouse? I don’t understand couples that only communicate when they want to have Jeru trips! That is why your wife is not cooperating! Jeru trip for her starts with communication in the morning and throughout the day! As singles in courtship, talk at least once a day. I really don’t understand scenarios where you say you are in courtship and yet you have not spoken in three months! Wake up; there may not be any courtship! 2. As married couples; settle all quarrels and issues daily before going to bed. The reason is if you allow hurts to graduate into strife or bitterness, it will destroy communication and the devil will take advantage of that. As singles, go and buy good books on communication if you find yourselves to be quarreling always on phone. It is not a good idea when your courtship memories are all about quarrels and unnecessary qualms. 3. Spend time with you spouse and have an “us” time together regularly. You have to do that especially if both of you have busy jobs. You have to make time out of no time, so that somebody at work would not start taking your place. As singles, it is defective when you say you can’t call because of work. It will not get better in marriage. As a lady, if he keeps saying he is busy all the time, something needs to be addressed. I don’t believe somebody can be so busy that he or she can’t talk for five minutes in a day! Out 1,140 minutes in day, it is okay to give a minimum of five minutes to your loved one no matter how busy you are. Do you know what you have done when you have not spoken to him or her in a week? 10,080 minutes are gone with none to your loved one! What if you have not communicated in one month? Over 43,000 minutes are gone into oblivion without investing any in your loved one! 4. Communication begins when there is order in your life. This order comes into your life when you start to communicate with God regularly! Spend time daily with God in His presence talking to Him. He will talk back to you and guide you into making wise decisions. To all those waiting on God for children, to all experiencing delays in marriage, God has recently put a burden in my heart for you, immediately after we had Mega-Conference. We will be doing something in that direction as soon as I am clear with God. I know in my spirit, that God wants to do something for you! I have been burdened so much in recent days, and the burden is stirring up great compassion, and you know compassion will always demand the anointing! I know in my Spirit God wants to answer the travail of your hearts. To those of you that were present at Mega Conference or participated, I know God has started something in your life. In coming days, we would be doing what God would have us do in that regard! In 2015, you will carry your baby in your arms. In 2015, that marriage will become a reality! Believe it, because I am not writing to motivate you, I am writing what I see, and what God will do in your life! He will wipe the tears off your face and make you dance! God bless you!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:11:33 +0000

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