Prayer Closet It has taken me a long to figure out the best way - TopicsExpress


Prayer Closet It has taken me a long to figure out the best way to talk to the All mighty , I’m a slow learner, but persistent, four years ago I went through the dark night of my soul the only thing JOB had on me was the sores. I look back now and know that the Devil who comes only to kill, steal, and destroy was behind chaos and I had to reap what I had sewn. I also know this God so loved me he knew I had to the pit before he could even think of using me. So I had to study to find out how to come near to God. I read pretty much all books I could get my hands on prayer as prayer is our most powerful weapon against the forces of evil. Pray and study is how we come to know God. So here is what I learned and what works for me perhaps it might help you. One, Find a prayer closet which is code for a place that you can be comfortable and not be interrupted, I am blessed God gave me a creek with a view of Pikes Peak. That creek is now my cathedral. (See Below) I have a simple three step process that helps me come to be in the presence of God. Step one. I repent and ask God to forgive for not meeting the mark and I FORGIVE everybody that I might have a grievance with I also God to cleanse me in the Blood of Christ and to Upgrade my Armor as I try not to take it off. Step two. I take time to thank the almighty for all the blessing I have in my life and to thank him for the grace Christ has poured out on me and thank him for the sacrifice. Step three. I come boldly into the throne room and study, listen and make supplication and send some warfare back to the enemy that afflicted me so acutely just four years ago. I can testify that I have had prayers answered in record time. I try and spend at least an hour a day most times I spend two, when I can’t because of circumstances I can tell you my day is off and I don’t feel right, I find inner peace and can feel the power of God as I go about the trials of the day. With all the craziness in the world it is well worth the time to try and carve out time away for the busyness of our life. Matthew 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:34:45 +0000

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