Prayer Request 03/05/14 Peggy Lawrence - TopicsExpress


Prayer Request 03/05/14 Peggy Lawrence Whalen INFORMATION:**Disclaimer: at bottom of page! If you need anyone added Ill be glad to add them. Please pray for all listed on this prayer list. The prayer warriors that use this list are very powerful in their prayer life and I know from experience what powerful prayer can do for you. May God bless each one that uses this list for the good of Gods people.Please understand I put in this post exactly what I am asked to put in or what is posted on Facebook already. I do not Makeup my own posts. ATTENTION******I have taken all those with cancer an placed them in a list unless they have a treatment upcoming that I know about or a problem going on you will find them listed before the shut ins. Please check there each day for new additions. Thank You. BE SURE TO READ SPECIAL NEEDS! DEATHS Please pray for the friends, current family and daughters of Jim Gardner who passed away on Monday after a long struggle with Alzheimers Dementia. No services will be held. Please be in prayer for the family and friends of Joey Smallwood, youngest son of Eunice Smallwood, who passed away this morning. I ask for prayers for the family and friends of Brittany Butler who lost her life to herion. Pray for the Butler, Monhollen, and Lovelace families,but please remember Brittanys little girl especially. Please Pray for the friends and family of Uncle Randy , Kristy Jenkins Bosses Uncle Randy who passed away today It is with great sadness I ask for your prayers for the family and friends of Beverly Edmondson who went home to be with her Lord after a battle with Cancer. Cancer may feel it won the battle but I feel Beverly won for she is in Heaven smiling and pain free tonight. Pray for those of us she left behind , she doesnt need prayers anymore.Visitation McDaniel Funeral Home Dry Ridge 3/5/14 5-9 PM Funeral 3/6/14 at 1PM. Pray for the family and friends of Hubert Lusby. He passed away this morning at Grant Manor Please pray for the family and friends of Herman Ferguson who went home to be with the Lord arrangements are set with McDaniels Funeral Homes. The lady, Babs, that had the open heart surgery went home to be with Jesus this morning. She was Evvys husbands aunt. Be in prayer for this family. Please be in prayer for the family and friends of Billy Simpson who passed away. Billy Simpson was the father of Tommy Simpson. Please keep the family and friends of Patti Stamper in your prayers. She lost her battle with COPD as God called her home 2/28/14. Please continue to keep the families of all those that have recently passed in your prayers. Help their loved ones through the coming days with your prayers. PRAISE FOR POSITIVE ANSWERED PRAYERS: Please be in prayer for Tristen Wilson who is now moved into a family home close to Atlanta Childrens Hospital to finish his rehabilitatation from a rotted tree falling on him and his 3 year old sister. Tristen suffered head trauma and a broken back and has a long road back to the 6 year old he should be.Theres a lot of painful therapy to endure. Please ask God the help Tristen to PUSH and we should too because PUSH stands for PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS! Praise God Cale seems to be much better today. She actually said the words I love you Mom. What a wonderful sound. Please keep praying for advancement. Praise God Brooklyn Howell is home now. She has a lot of hurdles ahead of her as do her family,but she is now home let the work begin. PRAYERS: Pray for our great country and its citizens.Pray for the people of the Ukraine. Please pray for all those out there with this virus that is causing the gastric problems. It is really nasty and leaves people feeling very weak. Wash your hands frequently and well, it helps prevent the spread of germs. Please remember all those who have sick fur babies. The love of a pet is loving a family member and the loss of a pet is the loss of a family member and the pain is almost as bad. Please pray for those who have the flu, yes its still around and it hits like a ton of bricks out of nowhere without any warning.Wash your hands frequently and well, it helps prevent the spread of germs. Prayer request from Trio. Howard and Marilyn Ransdell have a granddaughter, her husband and their 3 children are missionaries in the Ukraine. They are near the Black sea and in danger. They are fleeing to the north. Please pray for safety for David and Annette Dryden and their 3 children. Please pray for Judy Mullins who is having an angiogram tomorrow. She had open heart surgery recently but has been experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath. Please pray that no surgery is necessary. Please pray for Randy Lower who has been diagnosed with Lung and Kidney Cancer and is now taking Chemo. Please pray for Debbie Cruey. Please continue to pray for Gloria Hankins. Her condition has worsened.Please pray that God will intervene and grant a miracle healing so she can do all the wonderful summer things she has planned. Please send her an ecard. Go online at St. Elizabeth Medical Center and click on create a card. Or mail her a physical card to St E Ft Thomas Room 3408 , 80 North Grand Ave, Ft Thomas, KY. Please pray for Anita Barrett as she is having surgery today. Please pray for Grayson who is at Childrens in Cincinnati having his appendix removed. Please pray for Marion Lusby who has been diagnosed with cancer. Please keep Debbie Padgetts Uncle Lawrence Wren in your prayers, had to send him back to St E Edgewood hospital today, his Co2 level was too high and he became incoherent. Please pray for Bill Collier who is now in the care of hospice. Please keep Gary Bingamens family in your prayers as decisions must be made. Pray for Debbie.Please pray for Gary Bingaman. hes still in the hospital. Update on Dad:from Debbie Bingaman Peters: Simply not good. The details could go on and on. He motioned for the nurse to shhhhh today. Mom was in the room. all I can do now is cherish the time I have left with him. Pray for Shannon Ashers step brother. He was working yesterday and a tree fell on him. He broke his neck and has a punctured lung. Pray for Brenda Roll who is having difficulty breathing. Keep Darlene ONeil Talley in your prayers as she continues her treatments for a brain cancer. Please keep Nancy Austin in your prayers as she lost her sister to injuries suffered in an auto accident. Pam Hester passed away Sunday at UC from injuries sustained in an earlier accident. Remember Dora Lou Tiller and Brian Hester also. Please pray for all of those who worked the incident involving Brittany Butler. This death has had a big impact on many around the county from the people who dispatched the police and ambulance, the people who worked on the ambulance, friends and neighbors of each family to parents of friends of Brittany to some who didnt even know her,but hate her ion and the havoc it wreaks on the lives it touches. Please pray for my friend Jennifer Bowen who is still sick with the flu or virus. Pray this is a virus that only lasts 24hours.She feels a little better today but not much. Pray for a friend of Gail Dooleys who is in need of prayer. God knows all about it. Please pray for Ruth Bowman shes in the hospital in Indianapolis. Please lift her up and pray for healing. Lets continue to pray for Shella Deans Mom. Please pray especially for Ty Taylor.Guess who can feel the therapist touch his legs? Guess who can tell the therapist what leg and above or below the knee? If you guessed Ty Man Taylor youd be correct! Praising god once again for yet another sign that hes got this! Thank you lord! And thanks everyone for the prayers! We love you all! Please pray for Rhonda Barnes,She has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 breast and brain cancer.She has been moved to hospice.She is Keisha Whiteker-Delaneys aunt. Please be in prayer for Mundy May who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Please be in prayer for Dalton Naranjo (Nephew of Kevin Naranjo) who was diagnosed with leukemia last Wednesday evening.Also pray for his parents and family as they deal with the news and plan for the months ahead.Dalton is currently at U.K. Children’s Hospital undergoing oral chemo therapy. He is expected to be a patient at U.K Children’s for at least the next 5-7 days.You can send cards to: Kentucky Children’s Hospital, Dalton Naranjo RM# 488,800 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40536 Please keep Jean Bowen in your prayers as she heals from colon surgery for cancer. Please pray for Brayden as Tracie emailed:We just got back from St Jude. They are going to enter him in a study. It looks like chemo at this point. We do not have a start date yet. We go back in 3 months for more test and to discuss further treatment. Keep the rest of us in your prayers as well. We need strength and direction.Please pray for all of the children and the families that are at St Jude. It was heart breaking.(This is not Marylees grandson) Pray for Bill Glass and that his back problems heal soon. Pray for Keeton Franz who has a sinus infection. This is hard on babies. Pray for David Dees as he has a hole in his heart but is at home now. Pray for Sharon French as she left this morning for a mission trip to Haiti. Pray for safe travels and safety for their group while they are in Haiti. Please pray for Frances Bowles (Julies mom) as she had knee replacement surgery today. Pray for Mrs. Lutz at St E Ft Thomas Pray for Kinsley (Joyces great-granddaughter) who is a couple months old and had surgery today for double hernia. Please pray for Colleens daughter in law, Jennifer, who is pregnant and has complications. Doctors are not sure if the baby will survive. Be in much prayer for Jennifer and the baby. Nothing is impossible with God.Please pray for Please pray for Colleens sister, Arleen, She has pneumonia, pleurisy, and a tumor in her lung and they have her on oxygen now. She is in ICU in Lexington. Pray for Donna Williams who had an accident and has broken her foot. Please keep David Steeles Uncle Bill Miller in your prayer as he snow home!! He has along way to go yet!!!! Pray for everyone who is having a battle with drug addiction. Please pray for Larry (Della Kempers brother). He is in ICU. Continue to pray for Jerry King who was in an accident yesterday. Please pray for Rita Adams is now at home. Doctors say MRI showed cyst on spine but there is blood in spinal fluid they are not sure how it got there. She is in terrible pain and Drs. say this could take as long as weeks to go away. Please pray for pain relief for Rita and send her a card.She lives on Roselawn Drive, Williamstown, KY 41097. Pray for Eden Jackson for healing. Continue to pray for Roy Miller who is in therapy after shoulder surgery. Please keep 3 precious girls in your prayers that are very dear to my heart. God knows the reason. Please say a prayer for Sandi Neace who is now home but still very sick and on lots of medication for her asthma.On a good note she got her teeth!It has been discovered she has a very enlarged heart. Please pray for Mabel Doolin who is extremely sick this week from her chemo treatment. Please pray that all of her treatment s will not affect her this way. Pray for Jake who had brain surgery and was told they got it all. He is back at Childrens. Continue to pray for Theresa Smith concerning her heart condition, blood pressure and personal changes she is going through. Pray for her daughter, Cheyenne, as she is going through changes also. Pray for Bobby and Amber Lunsford for God to give them strength and blessings in their lives. Please pray for Carol Jean Rogers who is currently at Gateway rehabilitation facility for her broken hip. Please pray for Deborah Ruth Henry who has had the stomach bug now for 3 weeks and also has pneumonia again- has been to ER and to the doctors and is heavily medicated but cannot seem to shake this. Please remember Margaret Poor in prayer. She has some health and she needs our prayers. Please continue to pray for Beuford Neal who is now home but still having respiratory problems and very weak.Our sweet Beuf has been diagnosed with cancer,but nothings going to change. We are going to go on like we have before. Hes staying right where he is(at home)so he can aggrivate our art class women and we can pick on him. He is weak and its a lot for one person to handle on their own so Hospice has been invited in on his care. May God bless them. Please continue to pray for my friend Nancy Flanagan who is now at home but is sick with bronchitis. She still has a lot of follow ups to do from her hospital stay. Please continue to pray for Tammy Mann who is now in a back brace after her back surgery. This is Wilma Phillips daughter. Please pray for my great niece Kaylee Marie Early as her wedding day approaches. I ask that you pray for good things to come for Kaylee and Bryan and their married life be long and happy. Please pray for Sherry Willoughby who has an infection in her leg and is now home but is improving please keep the prayer coming. Please pray for Coach Carl Wenderoth. He had a heart attack He is currently at home. He has several doctors appointment scheduled. Please pray also for Niki as she is the caregiver. Continue to pray for Jerry & Brenda Luttrell and for Bill & Betty Kemper. PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED.... Dear friends I ask you this morning to take time out of your day to lift my loving friend, her child and family in prayer. For strength, knowledge, complete healing and peace of mind. Please say prayers throughout your day. Thank you so much!!!! Update on Kim Floyd - the masses are benigh leisions - the doc will do an MRI in 3 months to re-check them - and they were not related to the accident - she is still very sore and still swollen - walking a little better but mentally and emotionally it has taken a tole on her - please keep her in your prayers. Please pray for Donnie Cannon. Her life changed drastically 3 years ago this month. Please pray that people will follow Gods example and forget and let her move on with her life. Please pray for Loretta Toole and her family as they plan for her future. Please pray for Cameron Varner who had surgery to repair 2 completely torn ligaments in his ankle. Pray for pain control and swift healing. Please remember in prayer Betty Marshall, mother of Michelle Atha, who suffered a broken femur is now in Gateway Rehab Please remember in prayer Austin Bailey, son of Glen Bailey and Grandson of Sam and Kay, who broke his leg and is at home in a cast. He is a third grader and his address is 778 Beaver Rd, Walton, KY 41094, Drop him a note. Prayers needed for John Courtney, he fell on ice and shattered his hip. Please pray for he and his wife who are both disabled at this time and are being evicted from their apartment because of their kids.Praise God the judge ordered them not to be evicted for 30 more days which gives them 30 days to find a place to move. Please pray for Family and Friends of Tonya Spradlin she has cancer. They have called in hospice she is at St E. Fort Thomas. She has a big family and they need all your prayers. She is ready to go . Please be in prayer for Carol Harrison, wife of Bro. Bruce Harrison who is the pastor at Stewartsville. She is being taken from St. E. Grant Co. ER to UK because she suffered a fall in her back yard and shattered her knee and will have to have surgery. Please pray for Phyllis Adkins injuries. We have just found out that she also has a fracture in her spine and her upper arm is also broken. She does have complete movement in her hands and feet. They are going to keep her in the ICU for the time being. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Please pray for Doug Beckham who suffered a stroke and had a wreck which left a lot of complications. These complications will last a lifetime. Please pray for Paul Brueckner who has an aneurysm. Pray for a man named Mike who has been placed in hospice and for his sister, Connie, who works with Mona. Prayers please for Steve who suffered an abdominal Aortic Aneurysm while away from home. Very serious and very scary! Please continue to pray for Earl Hampton and his family as they leave Grant Co to answer Gods call to go to Eastern Ky to the ministry of Red Bird Mission. Earl was the pastor of the Vineyard Please continue prayers for Wilma Phillips is still at St E Edgewood. Pray for Charlie too. She is improving slowly. She has had some actual food and has been sitting up some.Please send her a card Wilma has been in the hospital since the first part of August and it will likely be another month before she will get home. She is currently in St E Edgewood.JOIN ME IN PRAYING TO GET WILMA BACK HOME! Please be in prayer for Sandy Vought, wife of Ron Vought a former deacon of our church. She is now recuperating at home from abdominal surgery. Cards can be mailed to their home address. 142 Slowick Rd, Berwick, PA 18603-5138 Please continue to Pray for Matt Wessell . Matt Wessell was finally released from St. E. yesterday afternoon. He has been transferred to Mountain Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Western Hills for rehab to build up his strength and his ability to ambulate. Address is Mountain Crest, Room 126, 2586 Lafeuille Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45211. Please pray for Joe Chamberlain who is having some health issues. Also remember Barb. Debbie Brewer could use our prayers as she takes treatments for Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma. It is rare but if you are going to have breast cancer this is one of the better ones.At least with this type of cancer with the surgery and treatments she has a chance of seeing her grandchildren grow up. Please say lots of prayers for her. Please pray for Debbie Mulfords dear sweet cousin Leona who was in a really bad wreck.I understand that her legs are very badly injured!Leona, she had surgery today reconstruction on both feet and right knee! More to come later, please continue to pray for her! Please pray for Leeza McComas, wife of Sam McComas, they just opened up the Jonesville Resturant, She has breast cancer, will be going to have a MRI next week. will know more later. Please pray for Emily who has a brain tumor.She is the Girl Scout determined to win the top seller prized even though she cant get out to sell the cookies. Please keep Shasta Burwinkel in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for Debbie Daviss aunt who is in the hospital with broken pelvis and shoulder bone. She is in her 80s. Please pray for Norma Holt who lost her arm in a work accident on 11/7.She is going back to the hosp to have more of her arm taken off up past her elbow Tuesday Please keep her in your prayers. The burns on her legs are very painful. Please say a prayer for a young lady, Nicole Barnett, who is awaiting a double lung transplant at UK Lexington. If this does not happen, she has a short time to live. Pray for God’s will to be done. Please pray for Joni Pelfrey who is suffering from Kidney Failure . Please pray as she awaits a kidney transplant. May God guide her through this process. Please pray for Buddy Carey. A 40 ft utility pole rolled over Buddys leg and broke both bones in the lower part. He had pins and screws put in today 1/10/14 and hopes to go home from UK Med Center tomorrow. Please pray for Chuck Dills family whose family beloved pet has been diagnosed with cancer.Pray for Homer. Please say a prayer for Wilma Greene who seems to have given up on life. She is Beanna Bixlers Mother and she is terribly depressed. Cards would brighten up her life immensely.She is a patient at Grant Manor. Please send her a card or stop in and see her if you can brighten her existance in some way. He has prayed for so many. Now, the son of Rev. Billy Graham is asking for prayers for his dad. Pray God will once again become an active force in our government and that He will not remain shutout of things anymore.(Pardon the pun)Please come back to Our Land. Keep Pam Ashcraft in your prayers as she continues her treatment for Cancer.She is now taking radiation I believe. Please shower her with cards at : 101 Williamsburg Square, Williamstown, KY 41097 Please keep Judy Osborne in your prayers. She has 3 nodules on her thyroid that doctors are watching for changes or growth. Plus she has a nodule in her left lung and scar tissue that doctors are also going to keep an eye on for changes. Pray for Randy Harper. He has peripherial artery disease which is blockages in his legs and feet also in the aorta. He is the son of Judy Harper. Pray for Linda Goodman who has broken her leg . Pray for healing.Pray as Linda begins the task of building up strength in her leg and body to walk again. Please pray that PT will get Linda walking soon.She walked 50 foot the other day praise God! She is now taking aqua therapy. Please pray for Tripp Halstaad, the boy who was hit in the head by a large tree limb at age 2 in Winder, GA. in 2012. His life has been a rollercoaster of good and bad days, hes brain injured and suffering spells of some sort and doctors are running tests on him to see if they can find out what is going on. Pray also for his parents Bill and Stacy who so want their little boy to come at least part of the way back to them. Im convinced prayer is the answer, God is good, please Pray Pray Pray for Tripp. Please pray for Tammy Smith, retired Simon Kenton Art teacher.Shes now in the Long Term Acute Care unit at St. Elizabeth in Ft. Thomas. Her husband explained that there is infection in her brain and has been for quite a while. She has had limited improvement from antibiotic therapy,she has had 2 strokes and is very malnourished. They will be doing frequent MRIs to monitor her and if there continues to be no improvement,they will be stopping treatment. He didnt give a time frame for this.Please pray for the entire family. Please pray for Carla Kings cousins 14 year old son who has just received a diagnosis of having 4 inoperable brain tumors. Pray Pray Pray! Please pray for Lisa Schawes uncle, Bedford Gross, who has been fighting cancer since 2005. It has spread throughout his body; its in his spine, lungs, etc; he doesnt say much, but I believe hes nearing the end of his battle. Please be praying diligently for him to accept Christ and be Baptized as soon as possible! Please pray for Treva Young, Lisa Schawes Mom, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. weve known for years, but she JUST agreed to go to the doctor and seems to be declining rapidly.Shes worse than theyve known and need more prayers now that their father is ill. Ask God to guide them through this tenuous path they must walk. Please pray for Another beloved uncle of Lisa Schawe , Woody Willet, who has been diagnosed with melanoma as well as a heart valve issue. Hes 82 years old but certainly doesnt act it, and he needs to accept Christ! And while you are at it PRAY FOR LISA SCHAWE TOO. Pray for Ed T. as he has been admitted to the hospital due to a massive heart attack and is now suffering kidney failure and his lungs are shutting down. Please pray for his salvation as well. Please keep Betty Taylor in your prayers as hospice is now involved. She does however recognize some people and say a few words,but has a bad infection in her leg. Please keep Sven Lebo who is 9 years old battling with Leukemia in your prayers.he is currently at home Please keep this family in your prayers as times are hard for them physically emotionally financially and every way. Please join me in praying for Andrew Clark. This young man needs to know that even though hes done things wrong people still care what happens to him and are praying God will lead him into the light.He is at the Greatful Life Rehabilitaion Center currently. Pray with me that he will be successful in completing the program there and becoming a successful young man with a new chance at life..He really appreciates notes of encouragement and cards:Vincent Andrew Clark, Grateful Life Center, 300-306 Pleasure Isle Dr. ,Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017 Please pray for Michelle Bohman who has been diagnosed with Sjögrens syndrome which is a chronic progressive autoimmune disorder and Fibromyalgia.She has been having severe pain 2/2/14. Please pray for Ray Day. 4207 Wingrove Dr. Arlington,TX 76015 CARDS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED Please keep Lillian Brown in your prayers Also keep Donna in your prayers..Give praise to God for a great day! She got to see her brother and it made her have a happy day! Please be in prayer for Ray Brewer. Ray is very weak from his battle with Cancer. UPDATE: Rays kidneys are failing and his heart is enlarged, doctors have said there is nothing more they can do for him.. Please be in prayer for Ray! Pray for Rebekah Bradshaw Gregory, who was a spectator at the Boston Marathon,. She still has a very long way to go,but she is not walking this path alone any longer. She has a fiancee and they are supporting each other along with God supporting them both. After her 9 month trial period her leg is still not working and she is facing amputation. She has accepted this graciously and will use it as a way of sharing Gods grace in her life. Updates to follow as I have them Please continue to pray for this courageous young woman. Please remember Tim Tolle oldest son of Sherry and Donald. He has diabetes and has struggled for 17 years now and we ask you pray believing for total healing In his body. Thank you so much!!!!Tim was also in a wreck on the ice. Please pray for Raymond Swathwood he has a very rare cancer called C.T.C.L. there are so few with this type of cancer that treatment is very hard and the one that they have been doing is now beginning to fail. This is very painful as it involves the blood, skin, bone marrow, and lymp nodes. He has been on chemo for a year Please pray for Nancy Taylor (friends of Gene & Irene Willoughby) who had a hemorrhage on the brain and was receiving treatment at UC. She went home and now something else has happened to her, they are not sure what. She is undergoing more tests. They do not know what the outcome is going to be. They live at 2145 Golds Valley Road, Dry Ridge, KY 41035. Please pray for Maurice & Glenna Webster. Kindly remember them daily in your prayers if you would both are suffer failing health.Glenna Webster had a stroke. They live @ 205 S.W. First Street, Webster, Florida 33597. Pray for David Napier at UC Medical Center, nephew of Edith Nickell. He is on life support so pray for him and his family. Please pray for June Beach who is going to have a total knee replacement. This is my buddy Junie from Walmart and the only bright spot about going to Walmart. Please pray for her and when you see her wish her good luck. The date has been postponed until after her sons wedding in April 5. She has to have several tests and get ready for the wedding then recovery from knee replacemnt surgery is not I repeat not a picnic so she will wait until after the wedding Please pray for my friend Tanda as she is experiencing problems with her sugar. Truman Pelfrey, is suffering from dementia Please kindly send him a get well card as well as pray for him and our family. His address is: Truman Pelfrey, Eastgate Care Spring, Room 169-1, 4400 Glen Este-Withamsville Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45245. Pray for Lindy who was injured in skiing accident. Please pray diligently for this young woman she has a baby she wants to hold and love on and with hard work and determination and Gods grace maybe she will. Please pray for a lady named Heather and her family. Her husband had a major car accident a few years back and has a brain injury. He was just diagnosed with AML (Leukemia). The prognosis is 40% survival. Please say a prayer for LaVonda Race. She is in early stages of dementia and has good days and bad. Pray for her family also. Please pray for Darl and Linda Shipp.They are 2 very special people in my life. Also pray for Missy,Morgan,Tood and Jeff as well as their families. Mike has been gone a while,but we all still miss him terribly. Please pray for Monica Lungenbell, Rob Porters sister, to send a card address is:1540 Burminham, Forsyth, MO 65653 Please pray for Norma & Zemmer Hammond as they are going through terrible times in their family. May God guide them through all of this. I spoke with this sweet lady and your prayers are truly appreciated. Pray for Denny Lowe. He has been diagnosed with Gillian-barresyndrome which attacks the nervous system. Banks Ready HE WAS IN A REAL BAD CAR ACCIDENT A FEW MONTHS GO AND WENT INTO REHAB IN TENN . HE HAS BRAIN ISSUES AND SEVERAL BROKEN BONES. Im still praying for you, Malakai Work, wherever you are!God willing we will see you again.Until then I pray for your safety and well being. Please pray for old friends that touch your heart and mind may God hold them close and keep them safe until you meet again. CANCER: Please pray for the following people( names listed as I have bee given them) who in an ongoing battle with cancer of some kind. They may be taking chemo or radiation. If they have complications I will update you at the beginning of the list otherwise they will remain on this listing until I am asked to remove them or they are heal or pass. Pam Linda Jones, Mary Ann Walthers niece. Barbara Chamberlain Garry Conrad Dale Garman Josiah, a 2 year old boy Karin Marksbury Sharon Marksberry Jim Linn Roberta who lives in West Virginia Dave Carnoham Marie Jones Tiffany Rice Spratt Karen McWilliams Ted Insko Steve Pettit Chris Kruger, son of Brenda Wilson Paula Jackson Steve Cooper,son in-law of Florence Lanter,husband of Carla Teresa Daugherty Jamie Storer James Tucker Rosie Goldstein Caroline Wood Grace Black 13600 Quail Hallow Lane, Midothian, VA 23112. Laura Goers Sandy True wife of Bobby True Bill Collier Tammy Covey Harry Cheesman Grace Singler,3086 West Tower Ave.,Cincinnati, OH 45238 Jackie Rogers Debbie Deweyne Nantz Bonnie Harper J.J. Jones Anthony Pettit William Allen Stewart Steve Jenkins Bea Iseral Gene Rowland Brittany Depew Howard Spahr Penny Louis Beuford Neal Lung & Rib Mabel Doolin sick from chemo treatment Sherry Isaacs, Pam Ashcraft101Williamsburg Square,Williamstown,KY41097 Deborah Brewer.Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma. Bev Edmondson Darlene ONeil Talley still having treatments for Brain Cancer Leeza McComas Emily Blevins Ira Wells treatments for prostrate cancer. Nick Sawchuck Shasta Burwinkel Jean Bowen colon cancer Dalton Naranjo leukemia Rhonda Barnes stage4 Breast& Brain Mundy May Randy Lower Kidney & Lung Cancer taking chemo Marion Lusby multiple sites SHUT INS: Helen Ammerman-Jennie Farwell-Mary Lena Estridge-Kathy Juett Richardson-Katherine Hammond-Terry Fryman-Connie Wright-Nell Lawrence-Debbie Taylor-Inez Valentine-Virginia Gilpen-Willena Whaley-Holton Smith-Gena Davis-Betsy Greenley111 Rogers Park Drive Apartment 8, Cynthiana, Ky 41031Frances Stanley-June Griffin-Noah Combs NURSING HOME: Grant Manor address: 201 Kimberly Dr., Williamstown, KY 41097 Arlene Ecklar Grant Manor-Wilma Greene Grant Manor- Betty Taylor-Grant Manor-Shirley Taylor Grant Manor- Anna Eldridge Grant Manor-Dona Taylor Baptist Convalesent Center Newport, Ky Juanita Hedges Jewel Knights- Bill Rich Jewel Knights- Geisela Smith- Jewel Knights Eibeck Lane, Williamstown, Ky 41097-Rosella Scroggins Robertson Health Care, Rt # 2 US HWY 62, Mt Olivet , Ky 41064-Alice Schwartz (mother of Bill Schwartz)St Elizabeth Medical Center Bishop Hughes Pavillion ), Donna Taylor, Harborside Rehabilitation Facility,7300 Woodspoint Drive, Florence, KY 41042.Norma Sharpe, Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Dr., Erlanger, KY 41018, Jerry Luttrell, Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018..Dave Shuler , Bridgeport Care& Rehabilitation Center 7300 Woodspoint Drive, Room 109, Florence, Ky 41042 Rondell Kinman,Florence Park, 6975 Burlington Pike Florence, KY 41042 ...Tommy & Brenda Roland,Owenton Center, Genesis Healthcare, 905 Hwy 127 North, Owenton, KY 40359-9302-Carol Jean Rogers, Gateway Rehab Hospital, Merchants Drive, Florence, KY 41042-Betty Marshall, Gateway Rehab Hospital, Merchants Dr., Florence, KY 41042 SERVICE MEN & WOMEN: AFGHANISTAN Adam Jenkins Josef Cummins Greg Adams Chuck Riley-Behran, Afghanistan GUAM PV2 Barry Baxter HAWAII Tyler Black KOREA SFC Sanders, Stephen B., PV2 McComas, Jacob ,Cody Goers, Marine STATESIDE Sgt Velosky, Joshua ,Kyle Taylor-Key West, FL,1 LT David C Hale ,Mike Parker,SSF Shelton, Rodney Louis Veneziano-Kansas,PVT. Josh Crupper -New York ,Collins, Christopher-KY,PFC JON Rourk-OH Dillon Pelfrey ,SSG Josh Henry- Arkansas ,Dirk McComas- KY,ONeal Steven A ,Ricky Barton, CA CPL Perkins, Jordan K Middle East /Sea GSM 1 Conrad, Kyle Djibouti, Africa SSG Kenneth J Wininger SPECIAL NEEDS: We need to continue to pray for some young men who are struggling with drug addiction. Pray they get the desire within themselves to want to get help. Pray for the parents as they go through this ordeal with their sons. Ruth MacAdams Riley I would like to have our troups prayed for as they are always being sent into harms way! I would also like to pray for our students, they are challenged daily by their peers and want them to stay strong in their beliefs and their faith! Please say a prayer for Richie Farmer who made several mistakes during his role as leader of the Ky Department of Agriculture and now will be serving a prison term of 27 months. Pray he will learn from this sentence and God will heal his life. Pray for his 3 young children and his family as they endure this with him. JUST A THOUGHT: The angel of the LORD found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, the spring on the way to Shur. And he said, Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going? Genesis 16:7–8 ESV Hagar ran away. After becoming pregnant in an arranged marriage, she was now put out of her home and wandering alone in the wilderness. Right when she needed security the most, it was taken away from her by the ones closest to her. The ones she trusted. God found Hagar and convinced her to return because He had plans for her and her unborn child that she could not yet understand. Hagar had put her trust in the wrong place. Man let her down, but God lifted her back up. Today, be careful what you put your faith in. Only the Lord is infallible and all of the human race has it’s flaws. The Lord is unshakable and stands the test of time. God wants you to know that ...this week express your devotion for God through dancing.Many are ways to God. Let the energy created by your body moving in rhythm become your homage to God.. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to GodTaken from a post by MaryLee Willoby Start your day with a prayer, it will make your day go smoother! Disclaimer: When I am given the names of these people to pray for I do not question the validity of the information I post it as given because I think everyone no matter who they are can use prayer. I do ask that if you are able to update me at anytime on someone listed you would be so kind to do so. Your requests and updates are what fuel this out reach.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:06:57 +0000

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