Prayer Requests: October 22, 2013 Please pray for M.V.: - TopicsExpress


Prayer Requests: October 22, 2013 Please pray for M.V.: “Hi, the Dr.’s have diagnosed me with an inoperable brain tumor. But I believe in the power of prayer and I know God has plans for me and the rest of my life. I would love your prayers, there is strength in numbers thank you.” Please pray for D.Z.: “R. got a clean bill of health for her spinal fluid. No cancer she still has cancer in her blood she is 17yrs.Old & fighting for her life. Thank you for all the prayers so far. Please pray for remission for R.” Please pray for T.P.: “Please pray for my strength. My faith is being tested daily and I don’t know how much more I can take. I feel so lost and I don’t know what to do. Everything is slowly slipping away and I feel like I’m drowning.” Please pray for P.S.: “My brother is facing a health problem right now please God help him amen.” Please pray for L.S.: “Please pray for J.M.’s mom V. J. is 19 and her mom has cancer again. Lord please be with V. and her family. She only has a few days left.” Please pray for J.K.: “Please continue to pray for our three year old foster son. He will be four in January and has been in the system since 10 months. We have had him over two years. No bonding with biological mom but strong bonding with us. He was part of a package deal with older sibling who has now moved to another state with his dad, two different dads. Our child’s counselor wrote a letter strongly recommending only supervised visits however DFS chose to begin unsupervised visits twice a week anyway. Our attorney today was told that the mom’s counselor says she is ok so they are moving forward no matter what, knowing there are major issues with the child. Pray Gods best and Gods will and Gods intervention for permanence here if he desires. Pray God in his wisdom work this out for the best for all concerned. We need a miracle from the defender of the Fatherless. God parted the red sea, closed the lion’s mouth and overcame death through the Lord Jesus Christ. Plus he has visits tomorrow and Wednesday.”
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:31:26 +0000

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