Prayer for the Nation of Zimbabwe!!!!! Collen Mupatsi - TopicsExpress


Prayer for the Nation of Zimbabwe!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. Almighty God, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask You that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable endeavor, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitude brought here out of many nations and tongues. Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom in Your Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Your law we may show forth Your praise among the nations on earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in You to fail. Amen. Prayer for Civil Authority!!!!! Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe, look with mercy on those who rule over us. Grant to our President and his administration the grace to know and do your will. Let them serve all their subjects in truth and righteousness. Inspire our Lagislators with the courage to make laws for the good of all rather than the few. Give our Judges your Spirit of wisdom and understanding that they may discern the truth and impartially administer the law. And let all the people pitch in to make our way of government continue to work. Amen. Prayer for Wise Governance!!!!! Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. We give thanks for the democracy alive in our country and for the freedom to worship You. Help the elected government and all in positions of power and authority to govern wisely and for the common good of all. Amen. Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Prayer for Our President of Zimbabwe!!!!! Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. I lift up our president to You. I know that our leaders heart is in Your Hand, so I ask You to guide the head of our nation in the way You would have him go. Lord, I pray that You would surround our president with wise counsel--men and women of moral integrity who place Your agenda and the good of this great nation above their own and whose motives are for that which is right. I pray that You would give our leader discernment, understanding, and knowledge so that our country may know stability internally and abroad. I give You thanks for our president according to Your Word, and thank You for working in and through his leadership so that we might lead peaceable lives in godliness and honesty. Amen. Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 For our Zimbabwean Legislators!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. I come to You in the mighty name of Jesus, thanking You and praising You for our great nation. I thank You for the plan You gave to our forefathers by which to govern our nation and for the division of powers so that our destiny does not rest in the hands of one person. In praying for those in authority, I therefore lift up our House of Assembly and Senate to You. I pray that by Your Holy Spirit, our legislative bodies would make laws that are just. Father, I ask You to give them wisdom to make decisions that would strengthen and prosper our nation. I desire that they would make right decisions concerning the politics, the social welfare, and the economics of our country. I pray that they will be motivated by Your Hand and not their own personal concerns. Amen. PRAYER AGAINST SANCTIONS IMPOSED ON ZIMBABWE!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. O Lord, I humbly pray that You direct the leaders of this great nation now in time of these sanctions. Grant them wisdom and understanding, and help them to respond quickly and effectively to this situation. Direct them that they may do what is right in Your sight. May they follow Your Divine Will to lead our nation on the paths of peace and safety. Unite all response agencies in an organized and harmonious fashion to bring quick and effective resolve to the demands of this crisis. Empower us as Zimbabwean citizens to do our own part, financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to support all who have been affected by these sanctions. O Lord, I pray that You encourage and strengthen our nation. Surround us with Your Love and Mercy! Lest our enemies exalt themselves above your truth and love which has become our refuge. Bring peace and comfort to all those who are suffering as a result of these sanctions. In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name. Amen. Prayer for a Better Zimbabwean Economy!!!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. O God, I pray in the Name of Your Son, Jesus, for our countrys economy. I know that even more than a strong military, a strong economy helps keep a nation powerful. Father, I ask that You would raise up people of skill and wisdom who will affect our financial future. Give them inspired ideas and a voice with the powers that be. Cause Lagislators to vote aright in these matters. Give them foresight so that provision might be made for our nations future, not just its present. Father, as the people continue to finance the spread of Your Word and help the poor all over the world, I pray that You would continue to prosper us more and more so that we may continue to assist others less fortunate, in this country and across the globe. Amen. Praying for Zimbabwe’s Supreme Court Justices!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. O Lord, I bring our Supreme Court Justices before You. Knowing that they are appointed by man, I pray that You will influence the selection of each new replacement. Guide them to choose people who will judge morally in every matter brought before them. As our Justices make their decisions, I pray that their decrees are in accord with Your Will, not that of man. Help them set a standard of justice and balance for the judicial office at large, not only on a national level, but for every adjudicator in our nation. Amen. Praying for Good Zimbabwe’s Foreign Relations!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. O my Jesus, I pray for the international relations of my nation, because our global influence has allowed us into other countries to spread Your Holy Word in the past. I pray that those You raise up would give favor and offer safety to the missionaries in their respective nations. Raise up wise men and women to fill our diplomatic corps, persons of skill, morals, and understanding in foreign affairs and in the affairs of state. Grant safety to our embassy personnel in every foreign land so they will be able to maintain good relations in their posts, and so that even our enemies will be at peace with them. I ask that Your Hand would be with our diplomats to such a degree that even the most fanatical of our enemies would fear attacking our embassies and their personnel. Rather, Lord, let our enemies begin to see Zimbabwe as an ensign of peace to the world and realize that living in peace is preferable to living in fear and bondage. Send Your Holy Spirit to alert our personnel of any potential attacks, and give them the power to quell them before they happen. Keep them always in the safety of Your Arms. Amen. Praying for Morality in Zimbabwe!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. O Heavenly Father, I know that the spirit of worldliness can creep into the Body of Christ very subtly, and before we know it, we can so easily be led astray. I pray You send Your Holy Spirit upon us, so that a moral, Godily voice can be heard and heeded by our leaders and the media. Cause us Lord Jesus, as your Children, to become the standard bearers to such a degree that we can profoundly affect the morality of this nation. Turn our peoples hearts to You. Open our eyes that we may see the error of our ways. Gather all humanity together so that we form a united front against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Disarm the evildoers, leaving them powerless and not in control of our great nation. Inspire our media--television, newscasters, reporters, filmmakers, and celebrities--to promote a truly moral social justice and morally righteous entertainment and fashion. Be our strength when we are tempted to succumb to worldy things and ways. Help us to lead our lives all for the greater honor and glory of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Praying for Hamonious Racial Diversity in Zimbabwe!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. Dear Father, I realize that racial enmity came as a result of the Fall. Truly, we do not even know the ethnicity of Adam, except that he was Your creation, a child of God. It is from his seed that all humanity proceeded. I pray that there would be such a move of Your Spirit in our nation that our oneness is Jesus Christ would positively influence relations between races. I desire that this begin in the Body of Christ and spread throughout every community in our country. May it affect every ethnic group and cross every racial barrier. I pray that when we look at those from another culture, we wont see them as people of another color, but that we will see them through the eyes of love as You see them--as people created in Your own image. Remind us all of the Golden Rule. Let us embrace one another as members of the one Body of Christ Jesus. Amen. Prayer for Zimbabwe’s Protection!!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. Most High God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, asking for divine protection for the people of this country. I pray for the safety of every man, woman, and child. Keep us from harms way and provide protection from plans of destruction that our enemies have plotted. Stop their plans before they are evoked. Give wisdom, understanding and discernment to those who provide us protection. Help us to be watchful and alert to signs of wrongdoing. Please provide insight to national and local authorities on ways to guard, defend, and insure the safety of all Zimbabwean citizens both home and abroad. Helps us to unite with government leaders and law enforcement personnel in making this country a safe place to live, work, and play. Allow Zimbabweans to enjoy our freedom without fear. Amen. Prayer of Protecting Zimbabwe from Terrorism!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. Father, I pray You prevent the destructive forces of terrorism directed against our nation. Provide protection from evil attacks and stop the aggressors that attempt to bring destruction to our nation and its people. May Your Hand of protection keep us safe. I stand against the spirit of fear that accompanies the cowardice acts of terrorism. Allow our fear to turn to trust in You. May knowledge of terrorist planned attacks be revealed to those who provide our national and international security. Help those in power to act swiftly to avert all danger, protecting Zimbabwean lives and property. Lord, provide strength, courage, and wisdom to our protectors. Give wisdom and insight to our government and everyone involved in the elimination of terrorism. Provide instruction in the development of effective and efficient anti-terrorist strategies that will give us an advantage against our aggressors, allowing this country to remain safe and secure. I also pray that You enter the hearts of the investigators of terrorism, so they recognize the evil of their ways, and repent and denounce their cowardice acts of destruction against humanity. Without repentance, may they reap the consequences of their actions through Your Divine Justice. May the fear of our retaliation be greater than their hatred of democracy. Guide us in efforts to seek out and erradicate these merchants of death. Reveal to us the names of those responsible and in allegiance with terrorist organizations. Enable our military to become swift, powerful, and accurate in any action of retaliation. Help them keep the innocent safe as they stop these evil people. Lord, help us to understand lifestyle changes that might be necessary to ensure our protection. Grant patience and tolerance to us in adapting to the safety precautions and measure that we might experience. Enable us to realize that the cost of inconvenience is a small price to pay for the safety of our families. Amen. Prayer for Zimbabwe!!!! Collen Mupatsi -0773282482 Blessed Be Your Name, Heavenly Father, & Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are glorious in power and fearful in Praises. God of our Fathers, Shepherd of Thy people, Lord of free mens souls, bless Thou our nation with a valiant, Godly spirit, with a vision to see, with the courage to try, with the power to achieve, that, marching behind Thee, Thy people shall not perish. God, bless our Zimbabwe! Hear our prayer for our united peoples, grant guidance to our leaders, protection to our sons, and teach each of us Thy way of life in good will and peace. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:28:35 +0000

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