Prayer list 01/20/15 ******>do you believe in prayer , THIS IS - TopicsExpress


Prayer list 01/20/15 ******>do you believe in prayer , THIS IS A PRAYER CHAIN , a chain is comprised of multiple links , one link is just that a link but when links are joined together they become a chain , hence prayer chain , to make a prayer chain you simply copy this link and paste it on your pages then its a prayer chain if you dont it stops with you 1Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing. PRAYERS FOR LITTLE ONES **>JEREMIAH SPAIN , SHARED BY GRANDMOTHER , NATASHA Hi Don Can you please post a prayer request for unexplainable miraculous healing Jeremiah Spain born 1/15/15 being admitted today for testing due to elevated heart rate and low body temperature. Prayers of deepening faith unwavering trust comfort and peace for his parents Rasheeda and Xavier! God bless you and thank you! This is my grandson, daughter and son in law ^^He was admitted for 48 hours for testing to be completed once we have results I will certainly share the praise report with youGod bless my dear brother **>FAITH Faith 8 years old has been diagnosed with Non Hoskins Lymphoma and shes@St Judes and has already had surgery and they are getting ready to check to see if it is her bone marrow and they said if it is there is nothing that they can do for her. The family goes to church and they have raised her in church. Shes a friend great niece. Please ask our prayer warriors to be in much needed prayer ^^ 01/20 Faith is very sick and the medicine has caused her to have blisters in her mouth and her immune system is very low. So they have told them they just her mother and grandmother is all that can be in the hospital with her. They will not even let her uncle and Aunt come to see her at this time shared by Sandra one of our faithful prayer warriors >REESE (BWP) brave warrior princess, fighting Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. ^^ 01/15 A big happy dance!!!!! Counts were good!!! They didnt drop! Doc couldnt believe it !!!!! Back on full protocol! 2 years in remission. Have I said it lately? Thank you so much for all the prayers. God is **>BABY CHARLEY Charley was diagnosed with brain cancer Pilocytic Astrrocytoma and an extremely rare neurological disorder Diencephalic Syndrome that is caused the tumors ^^ UPDATE 01/20 PLEASE PRAY SHE HAD CHEMO NUMBER 35 YESTERDAY >ASHLEY 12/9 keep Ashley in your prayers **> 10/06 JOSHUA JOHN WALDROP, 5 years old he has liver and lung cancer and things look bad , he needs a liver asap , lift up the family and medical staff up also,This page is for Prayers for Joshua John! This sweet 4 year old cowboy has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Hepatoblastoma Liver Cancer & Needs your prayers! ^^10/19 Surgery is done Praise God All is well 5 lesions are removed!Left Lung is Cancer free Now time to heal **>MICHAEL SLOAN continued prayers for Michaels healing and for the famiily ^^ 01/19 Michael tried walking in the walker again today (with and without the strap between his legs holding him up), walked without the walker and worked on sitting and rolling over. I love the picture of him laying on his stomach because thats him taking a break after walking in the walker and he was tired. >JAXSON LALE 6 years old has leukemia update by mom ^^ please lift Jaxon up daily even when ther is no update he is still sick and a fighter >NELLA has type 1. SMA is a terminal genetic neuromuscular 8 months old ^^01/20 prayers needed even if there is no update , praying daily for a miracle >BABY REAGAN has type 1. SMA is a terminal genetic neuromuscular disease >BAYLEE post from her moma ^^ 01/13 Having tubes put in her ears , Baylee is out of surgery!! Everything went wonderful! Thanks for all of your prayers !! ^^ 01/13Good morning everyone ! God is good all the time & all the time God is good ! Im sorry that I havent updated in a while ! With the holidays and all of Baylees appts it has been so hectic . I do have a praise report MISS BAYLEE HAS BEEN SEIZURE FREE FOR EXACTLY 6 weeks today   >MAKINNA HESS POSTED by her mom ^^ Miss makinnas appointments went well today! She had X-rays first thing this morning then seen ID drs everything looked great! Transplant team appointment went good go back in two months! And then finally we seen peds surgery for a possible hernia! She will have to have an upper GI done when we come back! Makinna rocked it out today with her new glasses and everyone loved em!   URGENT PRAYER NEEDED **>I HAVE A MAJOR PAYER REQUEST FOR MY VERY DEAR FRIENDS AND BROTHER AND SISTER IN CHRIST ART AND LINDA GIBSON, THERE SON HAS BEEN MISSING SINCE , 1/05 , its been all over the news apparently and where I dont watch the news I had missed it, PLEASE LIFT THEM UP and prayers and hopes for the best for Art Gibson Jr. and his girl friend that is also missing **>SANDRA COLLINS Please add me to the prayer list. Im having so much pain with my hip and back and leg right now that I am not able to sleep. I went back to the doctor today and that was not any help. I know that God can heal my body. **>MICHAEL PAIGE IS HAVING BYPASS SURGERY TODAY **>PEGGY FINN A friend and sister in Christ is having a seven to eight hour brain surgery. She wants to thank everyone in advance. shared by Gale Perring Graham **>DAVID BUSHONG had a siezure and had to be rushed to the hospital ^^ last word that i received is that they are doing testing on him trying to find out what caused the seizure **> McNAMARA FAMILY URGENT PRAYERS NEED FOR THE McNamara FAMILY , this was shared with me by son and husband ALAN FOLLOW UP ON ISSAC W MCNAMARA THEY JUST GAVE HIM 6 TO 8 MONTHS HOPE HE CAN BEAT THIS HE ALSO PREACHES AND IS A MAN OF GOD 1/18 KEEP MY DAD [I.W.] IN YOUR PRAYERS THEY PUT HIM IN THE HOSPITAL LAST NIGHT HIS BODY IS FULL OF INFECTION GOD BLESS 1/19 MARY McNAMARA MARY IS STARTING TO GET WEAK FROM THE RADIATION SHE HAS IT THURSDAY THEN GOES ON TO SURGERY AFTER THAT HAVE TO REPAIR A HERNIA AND TAKE HER GALLBLADDER OUT 1/19 MARY HAS RADIATION TODAY AND ALAN HAS A DOCTORS APPOINTMENT >LANETTE MAPES A friend of mines mother in law is currently in ICU. Im not sure what the situation is exactly, but please lift up Lanette Mapes in prayer. The family is asking for all the prayers they can get. Thanks everyone! Evan Holm >BONNIE CARLSON GOD knows >TAMMY B some times things are just to sensitive to share **>CAREN she is out of the hospital had two stints put in >MARY COBB 01/09 Mary is still in a medicated coma her Icp has been good for about 36 hours Monday we have another scan and try to slow some of the coma meds down please just keep praying >TONY PIPPIN as he continues to deal with back issues and facing another surgery >JOEY ALLEY Prayers please, for our brother n law.. Joey Alley!!!! He had surgery on DEC 16th for stomach cancer, sense then hes had mild surgery for several drain tubes.. His wife just called early morn hes having major surgery again.. Going to reopen his stomach back open to see where the infection is coming from.. He is now septic, has phenomena, and very weak.. Thank you in advance, SHARED by EL MCAMIS ^^ 01/15 Joey is still a very sick man, he really needs prayers >DEBBIE HARBACK had back surgery to have a stimulator put in her back to help with back pain , for those of us that live with back pain daily we know where this sister is ^^ 01/10 Debbie is doing well has some pain but thankful for the improvement >SHIELA RICHARDS hospitalized with health issues ^^ Sheila is home from the hospital. She was at the doctors office when I called her yesterday. She continues to feel terrible, therefore we will continue to pray for her. >ROBIN WHEELOCK I wasnt going to put this on FB but tonights events forced my hand. I was told by the doctor that my treatments arent as effective on keeping the GBS contained and that at the rate its going, within a year I would be on life support or would die!! She is researching to try to find another option, but to no avail thus far. I live in constant pain. I rebuke that in Jesus name and still believe in miracles!! But I also want to spend as much time as God allows whether it be a year or 10 years with those who love me and want to pray life over me! Stress is the worst thing I can endure at this point!! The last thing I need is pity or someone around that doesnt love me!! God is in control and its not over till He says its over!! I want each one of you to know how very much I love you!! I have met some awesome people here on FB ^^ UPDATE 01/13 I have so much much calmness....and been talking to God a lot lately but especially today!! Feeling so much love that I feel more like me than ever!!! God is so awesome and His love is abundant!! Thank You Father for Your blessing today!! My faith and my trust is in You and You alone! Hallelujah!!!!! Feel so full that my cup runneth over!!!!! ^^01/15 Got part of my test results a few minutes ago! The results confirmed what I all ready knew. Im not bipolar and have no brain damage from my illness!! My reactions may be a result of your actions, but not because Im damaged mentally!! My IQ test scored very high!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! God is awesome!! **>SHIRLEY JUANITA GRUB She began radiation treatments this week but became very ill last night and is now in ICU. Ct Scan shows bleeding in her brain. We covet your prayers. Please pray for mercy and peace ^^ 01/20 REMEMBER THIS FAMILY JUANITA IS HOME WIT HOSPICE **>MARTHA ROSS a very dear and special lady she 90 years old has an aortic anurysom , it could rupture at anytime, GOD IS IN CONTROL ^^ 01/20 STILL HANGING IN THERE WITH JESUS > GAIL major unspoken prayer request >HANNAH MUELERS SON IN LAW AND DAUGHTER My son in law is in a Hospital since some days ( the second time in three month ) and he is in deep Depression and deathpanic.. they give him a lot of medicin wich makes him tiered and dizzy. we Need a touch from Heaven for him.. This sickness is in his life since many years and I am very concerned.. he gave his life to Jesus thre e years back.. but he never had a real counsseling.. Please can you sent this prayerrequest.. and put it into your words? ^^ 01/10 the doctors have adjusted his medications and they are hopeful for him to go home today >ROBERT CARTER , shared by Tucson Joe ,Don, keep robert carter in prayer, I met him when i moved here, young pastor , since meeting him he was diagnosed with lung cancer, not doing good at all. he is only 44 >RITA ALLEN 01/08 I just got off the phone with James the port that they put in her neck is only functioning about 20% , they had a meeting with her doctor yesterday and he told them they were really out of options other than increasing the time she is on dialysis , and or that starting to do the dialysis in her groin , Rita has told them that they are not going to go there that she is ready to go and be with the LORD >NORMA LEONARDS ^^ 01/15 we visited her tonite and she seemed to be doing so much beter , she was able to keep her food down tonite for the first time , they are giving her solid food for the first time in 4 months >PASTOR NOAH STOUT I recieved a report this morning that his cancer is back >The family of ERIC SMITH he has been missing for several months ,please remember his family , his moms name is Drema please lift her up >SANDY HUNT >RYAN McCracken he is home now , using a walker still has a good ways to go , keep praying his greatest need is salvation >ANGEL McDaniels Angel was on our list with cancer over a year ago and now tests show a tumor on her brain >GARY WHITAKER is at Vanderbilt awaiting a suitable liver and transplant >DAVID VINSON JR David is doing alright, he just sleeps alot and isnt able to get out of the bed much, but he sends everyone his love! We are so grateful for all your prayers. We Love you all and if anyone would like to send him any cards to uplift him his address is P.O. Box 1544 Calera, Alabama 35040 he loves receiving cards of encouragement. Thanks and God Bless you all! >TANNER continue to pray for GOD to move in his recovery ^^UPDATE I got a report that he has been moved to the Shepherd center   PRAYER REQUEST FROM BIKERS DOWN LIFTED UP WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA >great place for an empty spot PRAYER REQUEST FROM BIKER DOWN LIFTED UP TENNESSEE >great place for an empty spot> PRAYER REQUEST FROM ARMOR OF GOD PRAYER PAGE >Please, Continue Payers for Grump BP... He has suffered two heart attacks and has swelling in his legs. Lift our Brother up in prayer. > Lori Brunson She has a broken heel and a sprain ! PRAYERS FOR MINISTRIES OPPORTUNITIES >MERCIFUL HEARTS ORPHANAGE >Evangelist Mushtaq Masih Evangelist to Pakistan, prayers of protection and support for his ministry >BIKER DOWN LIFTED UP TENNESSE , please be in prayer for Robert Jordan and Don Brown as we follow the leading of GOD to bring this ministry to the riding community of our state **>GLOBAL MISSIONARY EMBASSY CHURCH UGANDA Pastor Eric Mugabo   PRAISE WITH A GRATEFUL HEART   PRAYER REQUESTS FOR OUR FRIENDS WITH LEUKEMIA   >JOHN BLAIR 6 years old has leukemia and it progressed from stage 2 to acute stage 3 >JAXSON LALE infant >CURTIS PUCKET >BERNIE a patient at Duke bone marrow transplant did not take has to go through process again >HOWDY SMITH recently had bone marrow transplant >Mr. GRAHAM >.MR. WATSON test on kidneys >TOM HEATH 8 days post transplant >GRAHAM McBRIDE 3 days post transplant >DENNIS TAYLOR having bone marrow transplant >JOHN BLAIR 6 years old has leukemia and it progressed from stage 2 to acute stage 3 >KEN GODWIN at Duke for bone marrow transplant >VICKY received her transplant >BRUCE TURNER cancer free prayers that it stays in remission >TAMMY HUMAN at Duke 24 days post bone marrow transplant UPDATE doing beter as the sores in her mouth and throat are beginning to heal CANCER FIGHTERS   >GENNY HUSKY WINSER New chemo round starts today. Hoping and praying side effects are better controlled this time >LAVADA MULLINS 10/15 battling cancer starts chemo treatments today. Shared by Tony Kilgore >JODY recently diagnosed with breast cancer > DREAMA SKEEN who has been battling cancer. Please pray for knowledge for her doctors and healing for Dreama as she will be traveling to Cancer Centers of America.. >DENISE >MARTHA GIBSON >SHERILL taking radiation and chemo >BUDDY WRIGHT melanoma cancer >HUNTER WATKINS fighting cancer needs a miralcle >BRADY WILLIAMS in operatable cancer >MELISSA KITCHENS stage 4 lung cancer >JASON McKINNEY >MARTHA CLARK >>RODNEY SMITH quote from him If I may ask a favor of you, would you pray for me? I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. I start treatments of chemo on the eighth of January. As a Christian every prayers counts. Take care and God Bless >NICK WATSON and PEARL his wife ,he is a member of the Dover chapter, and has been fighting cancer for quite some time now. He is currently receiving chemo that is pretty hard on his body. Talked to his wife, Pearl this morning, Nick is very weak and sick from these treatments. Please take a few moments to lift Nick to our Father, and pray for healing from THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. >JAY has cancer and is need of salvation >MARLENA SNOWDEN she had her last chemo last week and is now facing surgery in the coming days >SAMANTHA ARRINGTON found out yesterday SHE has Neurofibromatosis type 2 cancer she is just 21 & she has lost feelings in both legs & her left hand >MONICA LADEAU stage 3 cervical cancer also husband Eric >GAIL she was previously had cancer and now it has returned also prayers for her husband Clay as he walks beside her through this battle >ROXIE JOCHEM jerrys wife, has Ovarian Cancer for the fourth time and there are also family problems they are dealing with. They need lots of prayer support. >DIANE been told there is nothing more they can do given 6 months to live >EVA KETRON melanoma >TAMMY ARNOLD lung cancer >MISSY DAVIDSON brain tumor >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >GAIL cancer has pop up again >LEE PEMMONS diagnosed with stage 4 cancer >MARK WICKER He was diagnosed in March with a cancerous brain tumor. Surgery, chemo or radiation are not options. We are a family of believers, who are simply trusting God. He has already used this journey to open doors for us to share our faith with others. this was shared by wife Rhonda >PONTIAC LOWRY >ROSIE DANIELS >KATHY NEAL >DON HATCHER is improving, continued prayers for healing and strengthening >GREG Suzannes boss there is an update in urgent prayers needed >NOAH STOUT PRAYERS FOR ONES WITH UPCOMING SURGERY **>MICHAIE PAIGE will be having a triple bypass on Tuesday 1/20 PRAYERS FOR SALVATION FOR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES >> TOM shared by Zeb and Tia Please Im asking prayers for a atheist named TOM whom really needs Jesus to save his soul from HELL >RYAN McCRACKEN > CLYDE >JOHNATHAN AND MARK BLEVINS >DETON LEE >ROGER DALE >CHRIS >BRANDY BROYLES >TIM MILLER >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >LIST OF LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS OF Jimmy and Peggy Phipps >ADAM >DELORES WALLACES GRANDSON >ROBERT WATKINS >LOWERY >Tony Kilgores parents >DENNIS >COLTEN salvation and drug addiction >DONNY >RYAN COOPER PRAYERS REQUESTS Gal_6:2 Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law >JANETTE WARREN Please keep me in your Prayers. flying home from Australia Tuesday. >SARAH BROWN as she recovers from back surgery mom is finally shaking this virus >MELISSA ACCERA turn back or to GOD >ANGEL BROWN turn back or to GOD >REBA KING a dear saint has got this old crud that is going around >MILLIE a dear saint of GOD has the crud > JAMES TRIVETTE , he is now dealing with thyroid problems and recovering from a lot of back surgery >SHIRLEY MEDFORD HUDSON she had knee replacement and is going to the wonderful place I work JCNH for rehab >CHRIS MEDFORD is still at Fort Sanders waiting for a surgery >SARAH BROWN she home recovering from back surgery >FRANKIE MOORE I got to talk with frankie still needs our prayers for completer recovery wheter the doctors think its possible or no , ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, he got him a new bike and has already rolled up about 800 miles , it was a blessing to hear him say brother Don I am riding again >JERRY BURGIN continued prayers he has had some major issues pop up >MIKE JOHNSTON the daily struggles with Parkinsons >MARY , DAKOTA, and BRAYDEN >ANGEL BROWN >CHARLES ROBERTS > GET INVOLVED lets get all praying that can pray, copy and paste the prayer list post on your page make a prayer chain >IF YOU HAVE A REQUEST SEND TO MY INBOX WITH NAME AND SPECIFICS AND WHETHER ITS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE EITHER HERE ON FACEBOOK OR TO MY EMAIL dbrown4403@yahoo
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 14:48:47 +0000

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