Prayer list 10/01/2014 ******>do you believe in prayer , THIS - TopicsExpress


Prayer list 10/01/2014 ******>do you believe in prayer , THIS IS A PRAYER CHAIN , a chain is comprised of multiple links , one link is just that a link but when links are joined together they become a chain , hence prayer chain , to make a prayer chain you simply copy this link and paste it on your pages then its a prayer chain if you dont it stops with you ... 1Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing. PRAYERS FOR LITTLE ONES **>MICHAEL SLOAN continued prayers for Michaels healing and for the famiily ^^Michael was a champ at therapy today. He did great on the treadmill, then took a ride on a bike and also worked on his reaching we on a ball. He did really well holding his head up for 10+ seconds at a time (which is awesome). Every day this kid does something that amazes me >MICAH BUCHANAN had a liver transplant and problems with blood clots afterwards , please continue in prayer for Micah and his family , **>ISAAC 5 months old infant awaiting a donor heart has never left the hospital lets lift this whole family up ^^ 10/01 SURGERY TODAY After meeting with the doctors to discuss Isaacs surgery today, we have a mixed UPDATE BELOW with some very heavy news for Isaac day tomorrow. If you are praying for Isaac, NOW is the time to pray as you never have before. Mom and dad finally finished talking with all doctors involved. The procedure went well today because he didnt fully get what was planned. The doctors gained a lot of information from todays procedure but Isaac did NOT end up with a stent afterall. The duct was bigger than they thought and the stent would not have stayed put. They also found out there is more blood flow to his lungs than they thought. Tomorrows plan will now be to wheel down the hall again for an open chest surgery to surgically put a stent in and band his pulmonary arteries to control the amount of blood to his lungs. Looks like Isaac will get a zipper TOMORROW. This will buy us some more time while we wait for the perfect heart. The benefits could be losing the breathing tube eventually and starting real feeds again. The risks are the actual surgery of course as well as how much time this will buy us. >JAXSON LALE 6 years old has leukemia update by mom ^^ please pray daily for Jaxson and his family even when there is no report there is always a need **>NATALIE ROGERS (Brandon and Rebekah Rogers infant daughter). ^^ 9/22 saw a post where she has developed taste buds and is eating just a bit **>FINLEY She has sma type 1, just like Nella. We need your prayers. Finley stopped breathing early this morning. I performed CPR while awaiting the ambulance. It was decided she needed to be airlifted to ICU at Calgary Childrens Hospital. She has a collapsed lung. However she lost stability on the way to her flight and they turned around to bring her back to our local emergency room. Please pray. As parents we need strength and courage. Pray that Finley can be comfortable and at peace. **>NELLA EVANGELINE has type 1. SMA is a terminal genetic neuromuscular 8 months old ^^ 10/01 Thank you for your prayers for Nella, and specifically for the transition to her big girl bed! She is doing great, and we all seem to be getting a little more sleep!! If you could, please say a prayer for Nella. She has started sounding a little congested today. Her lungs are clear, and everything else is normal, but we always worry. Cold and flu season has started early, and a few of Nellas friends with sma are fighting hard for their lives because of simple colds. Please keep them in your prayers as well. Thank you for praying for Nella. Our family is so grateful for every prayer you say for our Nella. >BABY REAGAN has type 1. SMA is a terminal genetic neuromuscular disease Please pray daily if there is no post I promise there is a need **>BAYLEE post from her moma ^^ 10/01 Baylee has been doing so much better since her steroid infusions ! She will now show us her fingers and toes when we ask where they are ! Shes also starting to speak more ! She starts another round of steroids this week and shell be tapered off of them very slowly over the next 4 months !! Thank you for your prayers ! >JOHN BLAIR 6 years old has leukemia and it progressed from stage 2 to acute stage 3 > JOEY ADAMS 10 yr old He is the son of Dr. Joe and Heidi Adams. He has a seizure disorder and just went through a craniotomy, brain mapping and then a partial resection at the Childrens Hospital in Ohio. He is doing good and they are on their way home. I would just like everyone to keep him and the rest of their family (4 other little boys and one on the way!) In their prayers as they go through the unknown in the next few weeks and month. >MAKINNA HESS POSTED by her mom ^^ 9/22 UVA thinks it was just a virus running its course and if the belly pains come back then they will set her up a GI appointment! Her Echo and EKg looked awesome! And no rejection! But today we had a family reunion and my nerves got shot today and we thought Makinna was gonna have to have stitches! She fell today and her teeth went straight thru the inside of her lip! It was gashed about half an inch long! It was awful but luckily we had a nurse there! And its already healing! Prayers for Makinna its swelling some but not too bad! URGENT PRAYER NEEDED **>BUSTER MARTIN is just not doing good at this point cant seem to keep food down **> KIMMY PRAYER WARRIORS::::::::::::::PLEASE LIFT MY DAUGHTER ( KIMMY ) UP IN PRAYER...SHE HAS BEEN HAVING PROBLEMS WITH HER BP..SHE GOT TO FEELING REAL BAD AND WENT TO THE ER..DID AN EKG, BLOOD WORK AND SOME OTHER STUFF..HER HEART RATE IS TO FAST..HER BP WILL GO HIGH AND THEN DROP..THEY ARE KEEPING HER UNTIL THEY FIND OUT WHATS GOING ON WITH HER HEART..WILL B DOING MORE TESTING IN MORNING...I KNOW GOD HAS GOT THIS.. WILL GIVE UPDATE WHEN I KNOW MORE..THANK U AND GOD BLESS.. >GEORGE PEACE rode from Mississippi to Michigan for a class reunion and they think he has had a stroke on the last leg of the trip!! He couldnt keep his bike in the right lane! >BRENDA LOUISE BELCHER extremely bad headaches >SLINKY McRib brought him to hospital last night because it looked like he may have had a heart attack (had 3 out 4 symptoms). They kept him overnight & they didn’t get much sleep because of several blood tests. Heart is OK, no heart attack, now looking at them doing ultra sounds of liver and kidney… Keep them both in prayer. In Jesus’ name Slinky is healed! shared by Dano Janowski >JIM HUDSON Alright Prayer Warriors, We need your help!! Please pray for Jim Hudson (A Crossroads Newnan F.A.I.T.H. RIDER). Jim was in a motorcycle accident this morning! What we know now is he has a broken shoulder (theyre looking at surgery) and a broken hand. Other Injuries appear to be his arm, and leg (not sure which side) no news on internal injuries just yet. This happened about 11:30 in Atlanta. Hes at Grady and is still in the ER. A prayer team from Crossroads F.A.I.T.H. Riders will be going to the hospital tonight and will give updates as soon as possible. posted by Kenny Brown > 9/29 TYLER HESTER HE WAS IN A CAR WRECK WEDNESDAY & IS FIGHTING INFECTION AND INJURY ALSO REMEMBER HIS MOM JENN MCCONISKIE AS DOCTORS HAVE TOLD HER IT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD FOR TYLER shared by jimmy phipps >DOTTIE JORDAN this is Roberts mom , she fell and fractured her hip , she has been moved to a rehab facility for continued care >TAMMY DINGUS she was in a motorcycle crash on 421 on Saturday 8\23 she has some serious orthopedic injuries her knee is completley blown out of the leg and all legiments in left wrist are torn , no internal injuries that i have been told of >EARL LEONARDS MOM she is doing beter keep on praying >CHARLES THOMAS CMA (Choo Choo Wheels of Worship Chattanooga) was hit last night by an elderly impaired driver. Charles has a broken right ankle and a badly swollen left knee. (New motorcycle is most likely totaled) >ROBERT LEACH had a motorcycle accident a couple of weeks ago and is still at JCMC in a medically induced coma. We have been to see him several times but he has been out of his room for procedures. Sharon talked to his wife Tina today and Robert is not doing well. She asked that we would not stop praying. Also, if anyone could go by and visit, it would be much appreciated. ^^ 9/22 Robert is still in the hospital I will have a beter update in the morning , please continue to pray for him and his wife >GIBBY Around 2pm this afternoon Gibby of Knoxville chptr of the His Laboring Few Tennessee was in a gasoline explosion burning both legs and left arm, and beard! ^^ 9/20 Its been awhile since my last update on Gibby. His skin is healing slowly. His feet still have edema and hurt because of that. His arm and legs also hurt and not sure how long it takes for it to stop hurting. It has been a very difficult experience and it is hard to see why it happened. What purpose or lesson we are suppose to learn from it? Prayers are greatly appreciated because all the things Gibby went thru in his life, it is hard to see God in it. >BUSTER MARTIN last report buster is getting treatments here in Bristol and going back to Duke on Mondays >The family of ERIC SMITH he has been missing for several months ,please remember his family , his moms name is Drema please lift her up >SANDY HUNT >RYAN McCracken he is home now , using a walker still has a good ways to go , keep praying his greatest need is salvation >JANE NICHOLS GOD knows , >ANGEL McDaniels Angel was on our list with cancer over a year ago and now tests show a tumor on her brain >GARY WHITAKER is at Vanderbilt awaiting a suitable liver and transplant >DAVID VINSON JR >TANNER continue to pray for GOD to move in his recovery ^^UPDATE I got a report that he has been moved to the Shepherd center PRAYER REQUEST FROM BIKERS DOWN LIFTED UP **>Please pray for Chris in Texas having major surgery today to correct massive leg injuries after being struck by a cager. Just one of many surgeries to come over next 6 months or so. Lord we ask for complete healing and complete recovery we ask for the doctors to clearly see as through your eyes exactly the moves to make. We ask peace and strength for Chris and his family Lord and that you be Glorified in that is done and said. In your Wonderful and Loving name we pray........ **>Please lift up Brent Michael in prayer this evening. Brent was hit by a cage late Sunday night and is in need for continued prayer for the long road of healing ahead. He has a lot of surgeries that need to take place before having a normal life. Pray for him and family. Right now they are not passing his room number out. He is at Fairfax hospital, VA. We will update as we can. Reported by Moo >Dino(A.K.A. Dozer) was in a motorcycle accident on his way home in Stanfield N.C. July 17th,2014.He was airlifted to CMC main in Charlotte. There it was found he broke 2 vertabrae in his back. He has not been able to work since the accident, and is expected to be out of work for up to 6 months. Dino has a wife and 2 children and needs help with his day to day expenses. >URGENT PRAYER PETITION FOR A BROTHER NAMED PETE,HES IN OCONNOR HOSPITAL IN SERIOUS CONDITION FOR THE WORSE. PLEASE JOIN WITH US FROM CROSS MC AS WE LIFT THIS BROTHER PETE UP,AND STRENGTH FOR HIS WIFE AND FAMILY. THANK YOU ON BEHALF OF OUTLAW PASTOR MARTIN CROSS MC >To all my prayer warrior friends on FB. PLEASE pray for Our Germany Lion of Judah president in germany. he was injured in a motorcycle accident in germany yesterday. thank you all submitted by Eddie Coll >MICHELLE COX Update from Biker Down about Michelle Cox. She is still undergoing surgerys to repair her left leg. A previous flap over damaged area did not take. She will be undergoing surgery to apply a second flap. Doctors are cautiously optimistic for the next flap. If this is not successful amputation may be next. We have been in contact with her and her strength in God is helping her through. She has been in Vanderbilt for about 4 weeks now and there is talk of a benefit run being done to support her financially Biker Down will continue to visit and update. Prayers are requested for upcoming procedure. Pete and Ellen Blinn PRAYERS FOR MINISTRIES OPPORTUNITIES >Evangelist Mushtaq Masih Evangelist to Pakistan, prayers of protection and support for his ministry >BIKER DOWN LIFTED UP TENNESSE , please be in prayer for Robert Jordan and Don Brown as we follow the leading of GOD to bring this ministry to the riding community of our state PRAISE WITH A GRATEFUL HEART 1Th 5:18a In every thing give thanks **> JOSH AND FELICIA WILEY , thankyou LORD for the safe delivery of EZEKIAL >PRAYER REQUESTS FOR OUR FRIENDS WITH LEUKEMIA >JAXSON LALE infant >CURTIS PUCKET >BERNIE a patient at Duke bone marrow transplant did not take has to go through process again >HOWDY SMITH recently had bone marrow transplant >Mr. GRAHAM >.MR. WATSON test on kidneys >TOM HEATH 8 days post transplant >GRAHAM McBRIDE 3 days post transplant >DENNIS TAYLOR having bone marrow transplant >JOHN BLAIR 6 years old has leukemia and it progressed from stage 2 to acute stage 3 >KEN GODWIN at Duke for bone marrow transplant >VICKY received her transplant **>BRUCE TURNER cancer free prayers that it stays in remission >TAMMY HUMAN at Duke 24 days post bone marrow transplant UPDATE doing beter as the sores in her mouth and throat are beginning to heal >BUSTER MARTIN >JULIUS MILLER that leukemia stays in remission >TERRY FLOYD his shingles have began to dry up , if all goes well they will begin bone marrow transplant on 5/20 >PEGGY WITSEL CANCER FIGHTERS >JODY recently diagnosed with breast cancer > DREAMA SKEEN who has been battling cancer. Please pray for knowledge for her doctors and healing for Dreama as she will be traveling to Cancer Centers of America.. >DENISE >MARTHA GIBSON >MARLENA SNOWDEN she came through surgery and is doing well continued prayers of healing >SHERILL taking radiation and chemo >BUDDY WRIGHT melanoma cancer >HUNTER WATKINS fighting cancer needs a miralcle >LYNN BEECH >BRADY WILLIAMS in operatable cancer >MELISSA KITCHENS stage 4 lung cancer >JASON McKINNEY >MARTHA CLARK >>RODNEY SMITH quote from him If I may ask a favor of you, would you pray for me? I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. I start treatments of chemo on the eighth of January. As a Christian every prayers counts. Take care and God Bless >NICK WATSON and PEARL his wife ,he is a member of the Dover chapter, and has been fighting cancer for quite some time now. He is currently receiving chemo that is pretty hard on his body. Talked to his wife, Pearl this morning, Nick is very weak and sick from these treatments. Please take a few moments to lift Nick to our Father, and pray for healing from THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. >JAY has cancer and is need of salvation >MARLENA SNOWDEN she had her last chemo last week and is now facing surgery in the coming days >SAMANTHA ARRINGTON found out yesterday SHE has Neurofibromatosis type 2 cancer she is just 21 & she has lost feelings in both legs & her left hand >MONICA LADEAU stage 3 cervical cancer also husband Eric >GAIL she was previously had cancer and now it has returned also prayers for her husband Clay as he walks beside her through this battle >ROXIE JOCHEM jerrys wife, has Ovarian Cancer for the fourth time and there are also family problems they are dealing with. They need lots of prayer support. >DIANE been told there is nothing more they can do given 6 months to live >EVA KETRON melanoma >TAMMY ARNOLD lung cancer >MISSY DAVIDSON brain tumor >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >GAIL cancer has pop up again >LEE PEMMONS diagnosed with stage 4 cancer >MARK WICKER He was diagnosed in March with a cancerous brain tumor. Surgery, chemo or radiation are not options. We are a family of believers, who are simply trusting God. He has already used this journey to open doors for us to share our faith with others. this was shared by wife Rhonda >PONTIAC LOWRY >ROSIE DANIELS >KATHY NEAL >DON HATCHER is improving, continued prayers for healing and strengthening >GREG >NOAH STOUT PRAYERS FOR ONES WITH UPCOMING SURGERY PRAYERS FOR SALVATION FOR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES >RYAN McCRACKEN > CLYDE >JOHNATHAN AND MARK BLEVINS >DETON LEE >ROGER DALE >CHRIS >BRANDY BROYLES >TIM MILLER >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >LIST OF LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS OF Jimmy and Peggy Phipps >ADAM >DELORES WALLACES GRANDSON >ROBERT WATKINS >LOWERY >Tony Kilgores parents >DENNIS >COLTEN salvation and drug addiction >DONNY >RYAN COOPER PRAYERS REQUESTS Gal_6:2 Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law **>BOBBY BRANCH he has another one of those wounds on his ankle again **>ALEX BRANCH injured in a football game past weekend , praise no surgery required and it will heal on its on >BRENDA SPENCER 9/28 will not get to go home today as she has developed some complications. Rudy discouraged any visitors today, so we will just pray for her from all across the state >FREDDIE AND WOMAN GOD knows please pray for Freddie got some specific medical issues and some tests coming up mid July >FRANKIE MOORE continues to improve able to walk with can for short periods of time still tires out easily, please continue to lift him up in your prayers for strength >JERRY BURGIN continued prayers he has had some major issues pop up >MIKE JOHNSTON the daily struggles with Parkinsons >MARY , DAKOTA, and BRAYDEN >ANGEL BROWN >CHARLES ROBERTS >BALINDA LAMBERTH please pray as she has been diagnosed with chronic health issues and the possibility of lupus >RITA AND JAMES ALLEN , rita with dialysis > GET INVOLVED lets get all praying that can pray, copy and paste the prayer list post on your page make a prayer chain >IF YOU HAVE A REQUEST SEND TO MY INBOX WITH NAME AND SPECIFICS AND WHETHER ITS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE EITHER HERE ON FACEBOOK OR TO MY EMAIL dbrown4403@yahoo
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 14:01:28 +0000

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