Praying For Gospel Ministers: Ps 31:23..........Father, I thank - TopicsExpress


Praying For Gospel Ministers: Ps 31:23..........Father, I thank You that our pastors are faithful, Ps 31:23..........and that You preserve them. Prov 28:20........That they abound with blessings, Gal 6:9.............and do not grow weary in well doing. Phil 1:6.............That You who began a good work in them will perfect it. Eph 2:10...........They are Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus, Heb 13:21.........and equipped in every good thing to do Your will. Heb 13:21..........Work in them that which is well-pleasing in Your sight. 2Cor 9:8............Let all grace abound toward them, having sufficiency in all things, 2Cor 9:8...........and an abundance for every good work. 2Cor 9:6...........Because they have sowed bountifully, they will reap bountifully, 1Cor 3:6...........and whether they plant or water, Father, You give the increase. 2Cor 2:14..........I pray that they continually triumph in Christ, 2Cor 2:14..........diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. Deut 28:2..........That all blessings come upon them and overtake them, Deut 28:2..........because they obey the voice of their God. Ps 32:8.............Instruct them and teach them in the way they should go; 1Cor 2:10..........reveal the deeper things of God to them by Your Spirit. 2Tim 2:21..........Let them be vessels of honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, 2Tim 2:21..........prepared for every good work. 1Pet 5:2...........Shepherding the flock willingly, eagerly, and being an example to them. 1Cor 2:4...........Their speech and preaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and power. 2Tim 4:2...........And they are instant in season and out of season to preach the Word. Josh 1:3............Every place the soles of their feet tread upon has been given to them. Deut 31:6..........They are strong and of good courage for You, Lord, go with them. Ps 27:14...........They wait on You, and You strengthen them in their heart. Titus 1:5............Help them set in order things that are lacking, Titus 1:5............and appoint elders in every city. 2Cor 10:4...........I tear down the strongholds over the pulpit. Ex 17:11............I lift up our pastors and cover them Heb 12:24..........with the blood of Jesus. Deut 28.............Sickness and disease shall in no way come near them, Gal 3:13............for they are redeemed from the curse of the law. Isa 54:17...........I say that no weapon formed against them will prosper, Isa 54:17...........and every tongue rising against them shall be shown to be in the wrong. Cor 12:11..........Father, let the gifts and anointings on their lives come forth. Luke 1:45..........Birth the things that You have spoken to them in their hearts, Acts they continually give themselves to prayer Acts 6:4............and the ministry of the Word.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:08:49 +0000

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