Prediction for 19 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 12:00 to 13:30 (Avoid - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 19 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 12:00 to 13:30 (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) It is time to sit down and sort out the details of your personal finances. Do not be tempted to put off this task; it will be immensely helpful to know exactly where you stand. The possibility of being given more responsibility at work is not as exciting as promotion, but there are new skills to be learned and perhaps the potential to boost your income. You should be in fairly good physical condition if you have been sticking to an exercise program; keep up the good work. Comments from friends or colleagues on your trim appearance should certainly be encouraging. Security in a relationship depends on allowing your mate or partner some freedom even if you do not desire the same. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) You may have placed too much trust in a colleague who is actually less reliable than you supposed. Now you could be left to clear up their mistakes. Do not hesitate to let them know exactly how let down you feel. The results of a course of study may not produce the raise or other benefits which you hoped to achieve. You may have let your expectations get too high this time, but do not let this keep you from trying other lines of self-development. Loved ones may intrude on your leisure time with demands for assistance which strike you as unreasonable. There are limits to putting others first, so assert yourself for once. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Singles who are looking for romance should not be disappointed. Someone you have been slightly in awe of may actually see you as an equal, and a desirable one at that. Long-distance travel should be extremely enjoyable. A business trip may be financially more successful than expected. Make sure you get all due credit for your part in the proceedings. Tests of your knowledge may rouse you to heights of achievement that you have rarely managed. Now that you know just what you can do, there is no excuse to settle for anything less. Try not to overindulge in rich foods tonight or you may suffer for it when you try to sleep. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) It can be harder than usual to get routine tasks accomplished when other people are constantly interrupting and asking you for advice. In the end you may need to point out that they would benefit from working things out for themselves sometimes instead of running straight to you. Do not become discouraged if loved ones are somewhat critical of creative work you feel is especially good. Their opinion is not necessarily objective; you probably know in your heart what the true value is. A new acquaintance may have a powerful physical attraction. Before you get involved, however, consider what the cost might be in terms of current relationships. Leo (July 21 to August 21) A projected trip may have to be canceled due to local transportation problems. This is bound to be frustrating, especially if you have spent a lot of time preparing. However, the work you have done will doubtless be useful in a different context at a different time. Taking a more active part in group activities can lead to pleasant new social contacts. There are bound to be some clubs meeting locally that would interest you. Those looking for work may be able to get some assistance from a former employer. At the very least, an appreciative reference will stand you in good stead. Be proud of a recent romantic conquest but do not brag about it. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) The best way to approach other people is in a conciliatory mode. Listen to what they have to say, and use your judgment. Setting yourself up in opposition to them will get you nowhere. Chores could keep you from more personal pursuits until there is hardly enough time left to make it worthwhile starting. It is all too easy to relegate creative self-development to second place, but in fact it should be central to your life. Give your frayed nerves a tonic with a massage or leisurely bath to smooth out the tension in your muscles. Do not be too quick to judge someone you just met; appearances can be very deceptive. Just keep an open mind. Libra (September 23 to October 22) You are apt to be all fingers and thumbs, which is not at all typical. If you feel rather flustered, it is probably for a romantic reason; there is nothing to be ashamed about that. A job prospect that seemed almost too good to be true is likely to turn out to be disappointing. Perhaps you should set your sights slightly lower and be more realistic about what you can do. A long journey could involve you in all kinds of complications. It would be unwise to take on commissions for other people because your hands will be full. If you decide to go out to a restaurant tonight, eat and drink in moderation. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) In your heart you know that you are doing yourself no favour by challenging superiors whose position makes them all but invincible. Even if you feel you have a valid complaint, there are better ways of making them. Now more than ever it is vital to keep promises to friends, who are probably relying on you more than you think. All may not be quiet on the home front. A close family member wants to involve you in a quarrel which is really none of your business. If you succumb to pressure, it will be almost impossible not to take sides. Some time alone would be deeply refreshing this evening. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) If you need to act quickly to beat the opposition, get a move on. Thinking on the spur of the moment should be easier than usual, and you should also be able to pull something out of a hat. Communications between superiors and colleagues are allowing all kinds of small problems to be sorted out. You may find yourself acting as spokesperson, in which case you are bound to get credit for your tactful approach. This is a good time to purchase electrical equipment for your home. Problems are unlikely; all the same, be sure to keep receipts and guarantees in a safe place. Try not to overdo physically as your reserves of energy are lower than usual. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) If you have unrealistic views about your own talents, sooner or later someone is bound to point out the truth. By all means feel confident in your abilities, but do not lay claim to a level of skill that you do not yet possess. A business prospect in which you have invested quite a lot of time may not appeal to an associate. All you can do is try to persuade them; in the end the decision must be theirs. Loved ones may have reached the limit of their tolerance when it comes to letting you rule the roost. Even though you are certain that you know best, they have a point of view that must be accommodated. Give in occasionally to prove you can do so. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) At the moment it might seem that you cannot do anything right. Because superiors are unlikely to be totally satisfied with your best efforts, it can be quite a struggle for you to resist giving up. However, hang in for as long as you can. Youngsters can be very disruptive of your daily routine, not responsive to discipline that usually is effective. You may need to find another way of appealing to their reason or demanding their obedience. A thoughtless word could hurt a loved one much more than you think. Sometimes casual remarks hit a tender spot. If this is the case, a swift and sincere apology can do a lot to mend matters. Do not jump into a new relationship just because you are feeling lonely or angry. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) There are times when it is tempting to lose sight of reality in favour of chasing a dream. As a person you are normally too hard-headed to do so, but now there is a real danger of squandering your energy on a wild goose chase. Extra responsibilities at work may keep you on the job for longer hours than usual, sparking off resentment if loved ones feel neglected. Just try to explain to them that there is no alternative for a while, but some little gifts to assure them of your continued affection wouldnt go amiss either. An argument among family members could cause a long-term rift unless someone acts quickly to restore the peace.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:04:36 +0000

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